Imagine camping as Hag

ikr? LoL
*me on hook watching her placing 6th trap and than refusing to leave*
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Well she is a defensive killer.
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Tell me your reaction when you see a god Hag.
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Imagine the killer playing well and making use of their power.
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little misunderstood
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It's unusual if she's already trapped it. If not, they're probably nervous and learning the ropes. Or they've become very angry with that survivor, whoever's fault it may be.
Certainly not an effective use of the Hag's powers though. Unless it's an endgame scenario.
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: /
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With MYC and Rusty Shackles
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I can assure you the camping hag with 6 traps next to the hook wins more times than whatever definition of good hag you have.
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Yeah true this was more of a joke lol it didn't happened really but if it did I would laugh my ass off
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I use make your choice on hag and the second time I hooked someone they all decided to hook bomb me. I was like can you wait until I'm done setting my traps. One of them stepped in like three of them at once and didn't even know where to go because of it.
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As someone who likely played this character before any of you even played DBD, Hag has become an abomination. She has only been buffed for years now whether direct or indirect. Seeing so many Hags still play like she is some F tier killer that needs to proxy camp and tunnel makes me cringe hard as hell.
I actually limit myself when I play her (and don't use Rusty or MYC typically) cause she is easy wins in 95% of the matches. And the thing is, she isn't even that difficult to play or use. People just have to play differently (don't chase like some guard dog) and soon enough you'll snowball.
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I get 4k on hag every match and all I do is hook someone in the basement and trap all around either the shack or main building. People love going for the rescue and you can hit them once before they go down the basement stairs and then again.
Camping hags are OP. Not as good as Trapper though.
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December of 2016, I presume.
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that never happens because almost no one play hag but yes, if a good hag appears most likely you will go to bassement and is gg, not much skill, not much "god" in there sicne is not a hard killer to use but is not fun i can say for sure.
i do consider myself a decent hag aswell, its been a long time since i lost with her and when im close to losing is becasue i never managed to place someone in bassment to immediately win the match.
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Which makes her a terribly designed killer. All she is good for is camping.
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She is most certainly not only good for camping, she can easily apply pressure to the whole team once people starts stepping into her traps. She just happens to be really good at camping as well.
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She is quite good at camping tho. She could sit somewhere waiting for a trap to go off and just teleport over there.
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Oh trust me once you see a god Hag she won't need basement.
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on even god hag, just good or decent
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it kinda reminds me of a xbox user named IcyRaee and then he backlashes at me for having noed and then I got suspended from the xbox for just saying two bad words at him 😥
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I find it a bit ironic the dude with a Nurse profile picture is calling other killers poorly designed.
Also, you have clearly never seen a good Hag if you think all she is good for is camping.
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If you're on the weaker end like okay or mediocre then it's likely that Hag will be running Agitation and Iron Grasp. But Hags who don't need basement will get more creative. MYC, Blood Echo and Sloppy, Agitation and Starstruck.
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I mean, I'm not playing hag myself a lot (which doesn't mean I don't understand her) mostly for fun, and that's my build right now is Ruin, cruel limits, BBQ and knock out (franklin eventually or smht)
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For fun that's fine, but would you like my view from a more competitive standpoint?
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For starters, I don't play Nurse anymore. I still use her profile picture to pay homage. My favorite killer right now is Twins.
Secondly, Nurse is not as poorly designed as people think. You can indirectly nerf her just by making stealth stronger on certain maps (i.e. adding LOS breakers). The other killers are harder to balance because they have to play around tiles and pallets.
As for Hag, yes she is a bore to play against. The only thing you have to learn about Hag is trap placement and corralling survivors towards your traps. You don't chase survivors in the traditional sense. Once you have an area on lockdown, you just camp it. Nothing about that is fun whatsoever.
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Unfortunately, camping seems to be inevitable with Hag players. They usually trap one section of the map and stay there. Nothing about that is fun whatsoever.
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Nurse is definitely the worst designed killer in the game; because she doesn't play Dead By Daylight, she plays "Nurse Rules Let's Kill All The Survivors In Five Minutes". I say that because she completely ignores every form of defense survivors have. Against a good Nurse, you just die. The only reason I don't think she should be nerfed or reworked is because she's the only killer except Spirit who can deal with the top 1%.
Fun is a subjective term. Some people enjoy playing in a defensive manner, and people enjoy playing against it. Just because you don't doesn't mean Hag is a poorly deigned killer.
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If the map has sufficient coverage, you can break LOS while still holding W. Most Nurses won't blink until they have a visual on you. And even then, if there's enough distance between you and the Nurse after the first blink, you can either keep running forward or double back to make the second blink miss.
Nurse doesn't just get a hit every time. Survivors can use tactics to make themselves a slippery target.
As for Hag, I suppose it can be fun play Hag. But a lot of the survivors I've met do not like Hag either. All it takes is one match against a Hag in solo queue to make a player despise her.
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Rusty shackles makes her better to play against tbh, because at least your camera isn't being yanked around everytime you trigger a trap and messing up your movement because very well-designed and interactive killer.
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It'll feel better but overall it'll make it easier to win for Hag.
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For anyone wondering Rusty Shackles are as devastating as everyone says.
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Twins? I’d pick 100 Hags over playing against one Twins any day of the week. 🤢
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Imagine adding another pointless camping post
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Unlike Hag, the Twins can go on the offensive. Victor has some of the highest chase potential in the game.
Actually chasing survivors is much more fun than hoping your traps get triggered.
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My reaction is they are going to sweat with their Ruin undying and slug the whole game and place 69420 traps around the whole map
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Yeah being slugged for 4 minutes every Twins game before being camped by Victor is definitely not boring or the sign of a poorly designed killer at all. LOL
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Using Victor to camp is a waste of his chase potential. Unless you're guarding one of your slugged survivors to do some chasing with Charlotte.
Also, slugging has plenty of counters. The anti-slug perks in this game are quite strong.
Plus, there's this thing called "staying split up", which works really well too.
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I’m not really talking about counterplay here, every killer has their counters. It just made me laugh that you said playing against Hag was boring but that you play the Twins. The Twins are honestly the definition of boring to play against.
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When I read the title to the thread, I really thought you wanted me to imagine Hag sitting at a campfire roasting marshmallows or playing a guitar.
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Depends how you play them. I've actually had some pretty fun matches against Twins (unlike Hag).
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Ruin + Undying is balanced it only takes two totems to break it. And any Hex perk is a gamble on Hag they're either on the other side of the map and nothing you can do end up with two perks or she does spawn next to at least one or two of them and she can protect them easily. And any Hag who goes across the map to guard those two totems is putting themselves at a huge disadvantage. So what about slugging? Should we punish Oni because it's best for him to slug since it means wasting his power. Same with Hag why pick up a survivor and risk your set up ruined? When you can more effectively apply pressure. While keeping you web intact. And no good Hag is gonna put there traps around the whole map you'll beat a Hag who does that.
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Ruin Undying is balanced on some maps on others its unbelievable
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Fair you're either getting Ormond and Autohaven where they're cleansed in a few seconds. Or Lerys and Midwich and they last the whole game
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u will if survivors are decent enough, if they are the solo chill survivors you will face most time of course you wont, but you would of beat them with an average killer aswell because most survivors have no clue about how to play against hag. im not impressed when i see random duds running to the unhook, is just a sad story that repeats itself consistently even in rank 1 wich is worse.
but still dont get me wrong what is a good hag? a hag who place traps around a 3 gen and nearby, and spam Ctrl to instantly TP, INMESE AMOUNT OF SKILL THERE dude! oh yes get outplayed.
you dont need bassement but you do the same instead of using bassement and playing around it you play around a 3 gen web and chase only in your web wich is if u are smart around the gens you want to protect . hag is an easy killer to play as, in fact u dont even play survivors do it for you, is one of the easiest killers in the game but most people are terribler with her for whatever reason, in fact was my first main, the first killer i made it to rank 1 back in 2018 when i started due how easy it is to play her even for a begginer and stomp survivors, but there is no skill or "god" hag, a good hag is a hag that played a couple of matches or just seen a youtube video explaining about how to use your traps with efficiency, choke points and sinergy perks, there is no much more.
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Had a game vs hag the other day that lasted near 40 minutes because she had a great 3 gen from the start and trapped the entire area around them and never left. Her ruin was also in the same area.
One of the most dumbest matches I've ever been in. She wouldn't commit to chases so we just got hit and healed endlessly.
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Ten trap basement leave chase survivor into basement easy kills as there camera goes screwy
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how did that ended?
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A Hag who is able to set up a web and keep it up Hag still won't need basement. And you can't spam the teleport button constantly otherwise you click the button right before someone triggers you trap and you won't be able to teleport at the right moment. And please don't treat Hag like she's on the level of Spirit in terms of easynes. Is Oni easy because someone looked up a video on how to use his power most efficently? Yes a good Hag will know how to keep their web together and look for checkpoints but when against very good survivors you'll find out if a Hag is good or not.
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I recall going against a single hag that I'd call "god hag"
She didn't place a single trap in front or in proximity of hooks, yet it was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had. Still props to that player for being so good, that trap placements were really on point