We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

I'm Really Tired of Being Bottom Score When the Killer Chases Me All Game

This post is not meant to rant about Tunneling but rather the fact that the 8k category cap still exists for survivor and the fact that there's no category spillover like there is for killer.

There are some games where the killer just decides they're going to tunnel you and run at you all game and I'm really getting annoyed with the fact that when I last a long time my boldness caps out early and I get no further points. While I'm running around I get absolutely zero objective or altruism and survival is pretty much up to my team doing gens during that time to power the gates.

I love getting chased when I play survivor but it's frustrating that in the above scenario I'll maybe get between 10k and 15k blood points because the killer decided they want me and would not let me get any in the other categories.

It'd be so nice if every generator, heal, or unhook done while getting chased gave you some points in their respective categories. Survivor gets so little blood points compared to killer and WGLF is brutal to stack up. 10-15k is enough for like 3 nodes on the blood web which gets you so little on the blood web that it actually feels bad to spend after a game.



  • oliviaa
    oliviaa Member Posts: 104

    i completely agree, survivors who are in the chase mode during the time gens and other things are being completed should get a co-op action bonus or something on top of their chase BPs

    the only drawback i can see by your idea is ppl wandering around and hiding for no reason would be awarded for doing nothing

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Point caps are worthless. When I get maxed out on Objective and can't get an unhook because of people farming or I get chased all match and max out boldness in the first two minutes it makes me wonder why I even bother playing survivor outside of tome challenges.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Yep, being chased and on the hook while gens are done thanks you should also mean you get some % of those BP your team earned doing objective. I think Tru3ta1ent once proposed that and I would like that.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Gaining bloodpoints as a survivor is actually easier than one thinks, even if you get chased most of the game.

    People just often don't realize that the VAST majority of survivor points are not gained from performing individual actions, but rather from performing those actions with someone else. In fact, you can technically cap out your objective score from doing a single generator if you really wanted to - even without Prove Thyself.

    Here's an example, with me completing a single generator at the start of the game as the killer gets his first hook:

    You'll notice two things:

    • I got 5,000 points from repairing a single generator - 75% of which came from co-operative points.
    • Despite what I said earlier, I have Prove Thyself.

    Ignore Prove Thyself for a second, and just appreciate the large number of co-operative points relative to the generator 1,250 generator points which I'm going to otherwise ignore. Steve there joined me on the generator a little late, and I actually should have gotten 4,000 co-operative points. The reason for this is because doing a full generator with someone else gives you 2,000 points per person you're working with, and Prove Thyself just doubles it. If I worked with two other people I would have gotten 4,000 co-operative points without Prove Thyself, and 8,000 with it.

    Similarly, if I worked with all three other survivors (good luck with that) on a single generator I would get 6,000 co-operative points, or 12,000 with Prove Thyself. Talk about overkill.

    The same system works for healing, where you get 400 additional co-operative points healing with someone else (in addition to the 500 base you get for just healing in general - totaling 900 for a single heal with someone else). If I had Prove Thyself that would be 800 co-op points from a single heal, and 1,300 overall with the base points included.


    The point I'm trying to make is that you really don't need much effort to max out the other categories if you try to perform actions co-operatively in your downtime. Even one generator with another person without prove thyself nearly gets you half of the available objective points you could possibly achieve in a match.

    If you're literally being tunneled so hard that you can't do anything else, that does suck. That said, it might be an indicator that you need to up your stealthiness a little at some point in the game or otherwise try to avoid the killers detection by playing safe even if only for a short while.

    If it helps:

    I personally do a totem at the start of the game, let someone get chased, then use Bond to find someone on a generator and complete it with them. If i have Prove Thyself on, I'm basically capped out on the first gen and can do whatever the heck I want after that (such as play with the killer all game). If I don't have Prove Thyself on, I can still do whatever I want but just need to make sure I stop by a gen again later for a bit.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,366

    So a survivor's BP gain is determined by the actions of another player? In a game like this, currency gain shouldn't be affected by cooperative actions seeing as there is no way to guarantee that another survivor will actually cooperate on something with you.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2021

    I'm not going to argue the system is perfect, good, poor, or otherwise. I'm just stating that you can easily max out your categories by working with others.

    I also personally haven't met too many people that run away from me when I want to work with them. That said, I don't usually meet many that go out of their way to work with me either. That's another reason I typically hunt for totems earlier, it lets me know who is where and where to go. Bond definitely helps in this regard too, but it's not necessary either.


    I'll add that in my screenshot and original post, I implied that Steve joined the generator late. While this is true, he was actually doing a totem in the back room that I wanted and I only started working on the generator because I anticipated he would join me. If he didn't, I would have left.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,403

    I run away. Doing gens together without prove thyself is a time waste. So i prefer to do a gen alone. So if i do gens i get less points then when i get chased the entire game.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    That isn't how bbq works. If you get 20k and 4 hooks you make 40k. If you get 20k and 2 hooks you get 30k.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    That's the thought process that I actually think is holding a lot of survivors back from improving their bloodpoint scores, with the current system anyway.

    Soloing a generator is actually the lowest form of non-survival category point generation in the game. You get 1,250 points in 80 seconds, which is 15 points per second. It is more efficient in terms of overall survival, but it also has the lowest level of interactivity with any other player in the game - probably explaining its low point value. In contrast, working with a survivor on a generator without Prove Thyself gives 3,250 points in 47 seconds for a total of 69 points per second.

    If you play solely for survival then that's completely fine, do what you like.

    However if you do want more points in your games, you should try to make an effort to do more things together. Yes it's less efficient in terms of generator repairs, but only by 7 seconds (if you only work with one other person). Finishing any individual generator faster also has the benefit of getting both you and your ally out in the field as soon as possible, and makes it harder for a killer to rotate and push you off in time if they're far away initially. This is especially handy vs Ruin users early on, and Tinkerer users in general

    That said, you do become more inefficient as more people gather to do generators. At that point you have a decision to make on whether you think you can afford to endure that penalty for the massive pay-off in points, which I think is kind of fun in itself.

  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34

    Yeah, i had this just now. Killer found me first, chased something around 60-90 seconds, he runned after me thru half of whole map, and lost 2,5 gens on my first hook. Then i was tunneled and dead after something around 3,5 gens done. And i dont mind, he killed me so i guess it is good strategy. :) But i also lost rank, and thats not cool. What more could i do? Clearly there was no one else to save or help, i cannot do gens or anything really. I was dead, because he found me first. Thats it.

    If someone is on hook 3 times in a row, there should be no rank drop and some bonus BP would be also nice.

  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2021

    Yeah, i had this just now. Killer found me first, chased something around 60-90 seconds, he was running after me thru half of whole map, and lost 2,5 gens on my first hook. Then i was tunneled and dead after something around 3,5 gens done. And i dont mind, he killed me so i guess it is good strategy. :) But i also lost rank, and thats not cool. What more could i do? Clearly there was no one else to save or help, i cannot do gens or anything really. I was dead, because he found me first. Thats it.

    If someone is on hook 3 times in a row, there should be no rank drop and some bonus BP would be also nice.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    As a Killer Main - I 100% agree. Farming BP as killer is as easy as it can get, especially with BBQ. Potentially getting 64k BP (I get around 40-45k on avg. in my matches with BBQ) versus 15-20k as survivor is huge.

    Given how much there is to unlock by now in this game the BP gain of survivors is laughable at best.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    This whole thread is just a huge summarization of what's wrong with BP/the emblem system in DBD imo...

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    You shouldn't care about ranks too much in this game. Rankings are a complete joke in DbD and nowhere near representative. Took me literally 40 hours (as a new player) to reach red ranks as Killer. And the matches in red ranks still felt like I was playing against bots half of the time while the other half felt like I was playing against the gods of looping and gen rushing.

  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34

    Well, when you play mostly Survivor and then you die several times on first hook because none of your green friends saved you, exactly at this point you care about playing in higher ranks... :D

  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34

    Well, my friend, when you play mostly survivor with random people and then you die several times on first hook because none of your green friends saved you, exactly at this point you care about playing in higher ranks... :D

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,232

    Survivors get bloodpoint for literally just meeting another survivor. Unlike that, finding a survivor as killer is actually part of his objective to FIND, chase and hook survivors.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,017

    Identity V has a point transfer system and for a game BHVR assisted on, I am baffled on how we haven't gotten the point transfer system yet (When capping out one category, it'll transfer your points into an empty category to encourage maintaining that objective)

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276
    edited May 2021

    If the killer just refuses to leave a survivor, they are ignoring all other survivors, which is what OP already said.

    BL Haddonfield infinites don't exist anymore because BL was nerfed, and the OP is applicable to any game where the killer is just really bad and survivor is just looping better than them.

    The OP isn't even complaining about getting chased, which means you didn't even read the post smart guy. The point of the post is that survivors don't get many bloodpoints for being chased for that long even though they effectively carried the team.

    Saying that the survivor shouldn't get more bloodpoints because the killer scoring events are also stupid is akin to saying "I experienced bad thing, so everyone else should too," when both sides could just be changed.

    The OP literally didn't refuse to participate in other categories, they CANNOT because they are being chased. But lemme know if you found a way for survivors to do generators while also being chased!

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    So the solution is that you need to let the killer catch and hook you before the gens are done?

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Agreed why should there be a cap for bp in the first place the reason I rush gens is because I'm not being rewarded for staying longer in a match so gen timing really falls down to give us more bp and we might make it fun for killer too

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    I do understand your frustration. Had the same happen to me yesterday because two green randoms decided to heal in the other corner of the map while I was dying on my second hook. I died before anybody could reach me...

    On the other hand you can just look at it as an opportunity to get better at looping. Green Rank killers are typically pretty bad and easy to loop. So they either have to chase you or let go and chase someone else. Sure, if the decide to tunnel you then you'll die eventually because you'll run out of options but that'll cost him the game and it's pretty rare to encounter killers who absolutely tunnel vision on only one survivor. At least in my experience.

    That'd being said I mostly play killer but I've been getting into playing more survivor as of late because playing killer at red ranks at around 7-10pm sometimes tilts the living f out of me :D

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Don't give the devs more ideas for survivor perks. xD


    "NEW PERK:

    Hardcore Mechanic Expertise

    While being chased, you'll still be able to repair a random generator at 30% speed. Hitting a great skill check while being chased will grant you a speed boost for 0.5/1/1.5 seconds."

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Man, don't give the devs new ideas for stupid survivor perks. :D



    Hardcore Mechanic Expertise

    While being chased by the killer, you'll still be able to repair a random, unfinished, generator at 30% the normal speed. Hitting a great skill check while being chased will grant you a speed boost for 0.5/1/1.5 seconds."

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,971

    "For better or for worse we are approaching (if we aren't there already) a time when SWF outnumber Solo entirely."

    We have been there since 2016. SWF has always outnumbered solo survivors since it's implementation.

    As for skill based matchmaking, I dont think it is what players expect it to be. I think it's going to mainly be around the average skill of an entire survivor team being scaled against the skill of the killer playing a specific killer. Thus, if you never played Nurse, you're more likely to face what's now known as green rank survivors. While if you main Myers, you'll be more likely to face what's now known as red rank survivors. Key word being "likely". What this matchmaking hopefully does, is put illers who enjoy super sweaty games against survivors who enjoy super sweaty games. Because lets be honest, skillful gameplay isnt really what makes matchmaking terrible. What makes matchmaking terrible is that you have survivors who just play for fun are put against killers who will tunnel out the first survivor they see. They put killers who want to play a laid back game against survivors who genrush. Skill isnt the issue in either scenario, intent is.

    Except that killers get bloodpoints for only chasing, AKA "you didnt do anything but chase". So why would killers be rewarded for multiple catagories if they only did 1 thing?

    Survivors still pip if they are being chased for 5 minutes as long as their team does gens, they dont earn BP. Killers can easily black pip if all they do is chase, while also being able to get 30k BP

    So really, why should a survivor only get 8k-13k BP(depending if they get facecamped or not) for doing the exact same thing as the killer? While their teammates get 18k-22k BP while never getting chased.

    This is like Killers only getting BP if they kick gens actively, reducing their average of 30k to 22k because no killer can consistently be kicking gens. Do you want killers to get less BP by evening out the BP logic from survivor to killer, or do you want survivors to get more by evening out the BP logic from killer to survivor?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,173

    The scoring system isn't the only problem here. The other three either didn't pip or barely safety pip during that. The survivor scoring system is too reliant on survivor killer interactions.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    I documented 200 DBD games in 90% of the games killer was top scorer and usually by at least 3,000. So killers make way more bloodpoints. I think the developers want it that way so people who want a hard challenging game play survivor and those who want an easy path to more bloodpoints play killer. Without lots of killer players the lobbies would slow to a crawl.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2021

    In those 90%, did all or most of the survivors die? Were there a lot of DCs and/or suicides? What were their ranks? How did those killers play? What about the 10%?

    Your data is sorely lacking in details that would affect its interpretation, and your conclusion that the devs made killer "easier to play" says a lot about your biased perspective. If you want to look at your data critically and without bias, then you need to gather (and share) a lot more information than average scores.

  • NightmareKiller
    NightmareKiller Member Posts: 181

    You're not being robbed of anything. You're playing easy mode and chilling with M1 simulator and t-bagging the killer. You can just let all your teammates die and escape through a magic door in the ground that has zero requirements to spawn and using it depends on luck and not skill.

    Survivors want 9999k over a gen repair simulator, it's hilarious.

    If you want bloodpoints, play killer. Ah, but of course you won't, you know it's way more difficult so you wanna stick with easy mode and get rewarded for it.

  • NightmareKiller
    NightmareKiller Member Posts: 181
    • Your victim complex is showing

    Lack of self awareness is so trendy amongst survivors.

  • Airless
    Airless Member Posts: 156

    Kinda off topic, but I was the one who brought it up, so fair enough

    Freddy isn't op, just very, very, very simple and boring. That's it. I'm more clowing on you for your points, as they boil down to "You don't deserve more points because I believe you play 'the easy side'". This is a silly argument, as people have always said how the emblem system and survivors BP gain is terrible.

    Also find it funny how I'm now a survivor main, I guess this is my coming out day.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 4,971

    I want to remind everyone, please be civil and respectful with one another on the forums; there is no need to belittle people for their opinions!

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,367

    As a killer main, i agree, survivors should get more BP.

    Ideally the amount of bloodpoints you get should be tied to the emblems. That way if you get chased all game, you still get objective points as a survivor because your team is doing the objective. Additionally, you should also get points for staying hidden from the the killer. If i do gens all game because the killer won't chase me, i also should get more points for that.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,147

    I love playing against the Twins and looping Victor for 5 gens, escaping and only having a little more than 5k for the escape because being chased by Victor rewards 0 points and lose pips because game thinks I wasn't doing anything. Kept killer distracted for whole match with nothing to show for it, it's awesome.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    So, you are acting like Bloodlust isn't a thing and the possibility of losing the killer is easy as snapping your fingers, then? Nice to see years go by, but this community doesn't change a bit. And they dare say League of Legends has the most toxic community, HA! We all know, even if some of us won't openly admit it, that this game isn't built around stealth. There are few things for stealth and they are dedicated to not being FOUND, not to lose the killer easily. Some stuff can work to lose the killer, sure. That is, if he has never played nor seen the game before. If a killer decides he's going to tunnel you, he will, and there is nothing you can do about it. He might not leave you until Bloodlust allows him to down you (and Bloodlust alone, not skill), he might refuse to break pallets to do so, he might leave other survivors because he only wants you. Being chased for the whole duration of a match is only fun if you have a chance to escape thanks to the fact that you predicted the killer's movements well and you looped him well. If he gets Bloodlust because he FAILS to hit you, it eventually becomes stale. Fast. And judging by how you expressed yourself, I know this will sound like incredible news to you, but people that aren't toxic don't just go around "passing the killers to other players".

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    I say uncapped it all and just let people earn what they earn as long as people are having fun. Earn 8-25k not having fun or earn up to like 100k for being willing to drag it out and have some fun with no sweat.

  • Morpheus_7_
    Morpheus_7_ Member Posts: 348

    I agree with you!!! but do you know what tires me the most? keep the killer for the whole game and die on the first hook because the other survivors run away without coming to save me!

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    This happens to me all the time, I tottaly agree

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Happened to me yesterday almost every game.... Ran the killer for 3-4 gens (because rankroulettereset scooped me back to rank 18 for whatever reason) only to discover that 95% of killers in green ranks run NOED and everyone insta leaves resulting with me dying on my first hook. Fun times...

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Maybe actually escape the chase and do something. If the killer is trying that hard and still failing, you could have gotten away and filled those emblems yourself.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Except killers can freely choose to not chase a survivor and do other things, while a survivor has pretty much no way to no longer be chased, so if the killer crushes on you, there's no way to do anything else than being chased.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    How does a survivor break a chase? And what do you mean about a killer can't? You just walk away and do something else.