how can identity V make a better killer than DBD

piggygooik Member Posts: 576
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

If you don't know what identity V it's just mobile dbd before mobile dbd.

By what I mean from the title is that identity is so much more creative with their killers. All the killers in that game have powers that are so unique. Most of the killer powers have so much thought put into them not just range killer after range killer.

Not only are they unique they are strong. The most recent killer that just came out called The Will Brothers are so strong. they got nerfed once but are still used in comp. the thing about Bhvr is that most of the time they make a weak killer maybe a few buffs but then never look at them again (trickster). or they will nerf a killer that doesn't even need a nerf or nerf the wrong part of the power ( twins). this is not meant to bash the devs I'm just saying that they should be more creative with killer abilities and not be so scared of strong killers. Im not even say make killers like I'm just saying general

sorry I forgot to specify the Will brothers are 3 people that can turn into a wheel and can move at high speeds

plus they got traps too btw

Post edited by piggygooik on


  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    your right i would wait longer if we got a much cooler killer

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Like the resident evil chapter they have been developing that chapter for a whole year I bet the reason Twins and trickster was bad was because they put all there attention into Resident evil I hope it’s worth it but I’m keeping expectations low

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    it's really sad that we have to keep our expectations low

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    The thing about Identity V and why I will probably never play it is because of how absurdly strong survivors are

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    That’s with every game everyone thought Cyberpunk and avengers were going to be great but they ended up being the worst games of 2020

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    There are literally only 4 ranged killers out of... 23? They all play in completely different ways and have different strengths.

    But sorry, I guess phase-walking spirit school girl and gigantic man with a triangle on his head who can wallhack and has a completely different sacrifice mechanic isn't unique enough for you.

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    I'm lost what are the different powers? I mean also keep in mind dbd has also been sticking the the generic slasher horror movie vibe and theme. Ofc you'd never see a wheel man in dbd.

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    Lolol he does look cool no lie

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    tying someone to the wheel method of torture/execution anyone?

    i think the dev's bigger issue is all the loud brats in the community here that would not stop spamming everywhere if we'd get killers that can't be looped and juked 'easily' (i mean... you can make a drinking game out of it: check a social media post and count the responses until the first 'nerf/remove this killer' (usually deathslinger, twins or spirit)

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    What's his power though? How does it interact with survivors

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576
    edited May 2021

    He can turn into a wheel go like at billy speeds in dbd terms

    if hits someone with wheel form they get a spike (3 spikes max)

    if he hit someone regularly with one spike in them it does 1.5 damage. if he hits someone with 2 spikes in them that an insta down.

    also, he can denote the spikes( when the spikes are detonated they do 0.5 damage per spike

    lastly, he has traps, it will slow you down when you don't have spikes for 2 sec but if you do have a spike in you it will completely immobilize you for 2 sec

    very complicated

  • Affrax
    Affrax Member Posts: 19

    Yeah I wish DBD will get more creative killers, as much as I like Trickster I will admit that just throwing knives is pretty lackluster.

    for those who aren't aware these are the powers that IDV killers have (but its been a while since I've played so it might have changed since then):

    Hell Ember: can place down a rocky monster that chases survivors for a while and can hurt them (but I believe they move about the same speed as survivors) and a doll with a big head that can alert the killer he can also teleport to this doll (think of Victor but charlotte would be able to teleport to his location)

    Joker: basically hillbilly but doesn't insta-down with his rocket ride I believe

    Ripper: He can throw out a foggy projectile that damages survivors and he also starts to turn invisible throughout the game (I forgot what triggers it)

    Gamekeeper: basically deathslinger

    Soul Weaver: a spider-like killer that throw spider webs at survivors to slow them down and they have the option to spin dying survivors onto a web cocoon instead of placing them on hooks, I believe they die fast while in a cocoon but they can also roll around to move towards a teammate.

    Geisha: can place butterflies that she can dash towards (ignores obstacles) or place them on survivors and dash towards them BUT she can't do it if they stare at them (like having to stare at Ghost Face to bring him out of stealth)

    Feaster: can place tentacles on the ground and can make it attack survivors if he gets near the tentacle while the survivor is near it.

    Photographer: He has an ability that can bring everyone into the Camera/Photo World when survivors are in the photo world their gen progress halved in this world and any damage done here will have half of its damage transferred to the real world when its over. The survivor and the killer can also go to the real/camera world during this time by finding a camera machine and stepping into it's photo.

    Wu Chang: has two guard modes that they can change into that has different lunge/hit properties, they can teleport, and I believe has a shock therapy-like attack similar to Doctor

    Mad Eyes: there are control monitors on the map that the killer can go to and spring up fences through the ground with that damages survivors on hit or block off areas/trap them.

    Dream Witch: the killer is invisible but can control around 3 proxies but only one at a time.

    Axe Boy: trees are scattered around the map and spawn circling fireballs that grant debuffs to survivors and buffs to the killer, survivors can take down trees.

    Evil Reptilian: can do big jump.

    Bloody Mary: has a mirror she can place down up to a certain range. if she or a survivor walks through the mirror their reflection comes out and she can attack the reflection to damage the survivor, use her own reflection to attack live survivors from a distance, or just teleport to her mirror.

    Guard 26: bombs.

    Disciple: I believe she has a cat that can grab onto survivors, think of Victor when he pounces onto survivors.

    Violinist: can throw music notes that can damage survivors and has a madness-like system similar to Doctor in where survivors will have to snap out of his music.

    Undead: has a dash attack but whats unique to him is that he cannot carry and place survivors on hooks so he must slug survivors and survivors that are slugged die faster. Survivors move at 3 times the speed when crawling, bring themselves back up, and recover fast I believe.

    Sculptor: She can summon marble statues that collide with each other damaging anyone between it. she can summon them vertically or horizontally, and she can throw a sculptor tool on the ground to give herself a bird-eye view of whatever is near it and can summon statues there while she's somewhere else.

    Will Brothers is the newest killer and I have no been playing for the past year so I have no idea what he does.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    It doesn't mean that they work on it only 3 months. There can be multiple teams developing multiple killers in parallel, e.g. two teams and each killer takes 6 months to create.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    The spider guy seems pretty cool. Defo a space in dbd for a web/spider type killer.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    thanks for the whole list of killers really appreciate it

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I think because DBD killers requires lore which also requires to be a normal human being so they can able to create lore for them. We all know most Killer had a sad past which we can feel & understand for them.

    If they use a myth creature as Killer, that can they put on the lore?

    The only few killer that being re-created by Entity thing to have a different lookk are Spirit & Blight. Which we were expected more about the Blight appearance. Though we need more of them.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    ah yes identity v the chair simulator.

    players complain about camping and tunnelling a lot in dbd but in identity v hunters are ranked based on there ability to camp as wins are based on kills and escapes not overall performances.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    Look, more generic dbd bashing, insert x does better. Let’s point and laugh at these people hahahahaha.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    im not even trying to bash them. i just want more interesting powers for killers.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    although that does happen you have to admit the killer power are way more interesting than dbd

  • IlikeMyers
    IlikeMyers Member Posts: 3

    isn't this pinwheel from dark souls?

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    Like what for example? The twins and blight both have come out relatively recently and are two of the strongest and unique killers in the game.

    None of what you said makes sense, it’s just lamenting that dbd isn’t some fantasy version you want. We have a ton on varied powers as is, and while Trickster was underwhelming, that is more the exception not the rule.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited May 2021

    Bhvr should talk more with the community about new ideas.

    The community has shown that they have a ton of ideas for new killers that would have completely new abilities, or at least are so mixed up that you can't compare them anymore to already existing killers.

    I have even a handful by myself.

    However, the ideas are not worth the time to write them down, because bhvr will never take them as an kick-off for one of their own new, next killers.

    The fact how they nerfed and changed killers like the Legion and Freddy shows that they prefer to have killers of the "m1 looping scheme" and that makes it impossible to see real innovations.

    And before now the "we are happy about every killer that fits into the boring m1 looping scheme" crowd shows up; -> the named examples above are named without looking at any form of balance. It is just fact that they were unique once and aren't anymore today.

    Not really at least, considering the fact how important m1 looping is for them today.

    Tl:dr if we learning from the past, then that bhvr turns everything into m1 looping killer (if possible - lucky Nurse here - there they can't without a huge rework) and that every hope of something, that would feel fresh and different to other killers as the Nurse is absolutly not justified.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "as wins are based on kills and escapes"

    As they should be.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    thats why I love the twins so much they are so unique. Blight as much I love to play him all he is just running and bumping into walls

    now tell is that what you thought when you think of the rumored alchemist killer

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    because wins are based on the total amount of kills and escapes 3+k = hunter win, 2K/2E = draw, 3+E = survivor win. the meta in IdV is to hard camp a survivor to death and slug any others that go for the rescue yes some killers do that in dbd but not all of them and usually the killers that do hard camp end up losing because of how the emblem/blood point systems work the meta in dbd is all about the chase and applying map pressure that's why we have such a diverse amount of killers to play against.

    If dbd adopted the IdV win conditions killers like hag and bubba would be the only thing people will ever play against at low ranks whilst high rank would mostly play against camping spirits, nurse, blights and perks like StBfL, NoeD, corrupt intervention and insidious.

    I don't know about you but that dose not sound fun.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited May 2021

    That's because the game doesn't take proper measures to balance around that win condition. If you make the game about kills vs. escapes, you need to make sure that those lame strats don't end up being overly effective. DBD's problem is that it's not balanced around any win condition, forcing people to make up their own. Identity V's problem, from what you describe, is that it HAS a win condition to balance around but simply doesn't.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    They have way too many resources in the game , one tile has like 6 pallets and you can break down walls as a survivor and create infinites with no downside, it stupid how fast the games go as well some of these dbd killers would be in for a rude awakening on there , on a good note they have a map almost identical to crotus prenn with the asylum main building, I play it on pc sometimes if I want something different or don't want to play serious on dbd that way I can troll and be a trash teammate without feeling bad

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    May I ask what identity v killer would be great for dbd?

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    im not saying a killer from identity V should come too dbd I'm saying that BHVR should be more creative with their killer power and not make range killr after range killer

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I know that but I'm just asking a general question for you. I think I would actually like to see an identity v killer into dbd.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,192

    Maybe that "Bloody Mary" character? Her ability to create a mirror imagine amd control it so she's in 2 places at any one time would be fun.

    Maybe that could work for a killer like Sadako from The Ring, by creating a static-version of itself to attack survivors.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843
    edited May 2021

    Because the game is 10 times crazier than dbd. People can jump/glide through the air, throw bombs, use magic, ride a boar, burrow underground, tackle the killer, lasso people to save them, shrink into a tiny person and dig for treasure, send a dog to attack the killer or deliver buffs to teammates. And those are just the survivors

    I wouldn't mind dbd being a bit crazier to be honest

    Also just wanted to randomly add that the reason people camp so much in IdV is because people die much faster and it's not worth it to leave for someone else