The biggest issues with dbd from the perspective of a killer main

CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

I'm going to rank the biggest issues in dbd. 9 being the least important, 1 being the most.

1-The entitlement of the community. Most people, for some reason expect the other side to play the way they want, and when the other side doesn't do that, they get pissed. I feel like this seriously takes away from the fun of the game on both sides. You should only play for your own fun.

2-Matchmaking. This is an obvious one. We've all had at least one match where we were put where we don't belong. Either you're bring put with players far better than you or players far worse than you. This can make games unwinnable, which isn't very fun.

3-Unnecessary nerfs. Too many things get nerfed when they didn't deserve to be nerfed. This makes the meta even more stale, as every other perk is just too weak. This applies to survivors more than killers, but everyone does suffer when this happens.

4-Unnecessary buffs. Some things that don't deserve to get buffed will get buffed anyways. This leads to it being abused to all hell and just making the game miserable for the other side until it gets nerfed again.

5-Stale meta. This makes the game have less variety. For example, when's the last time you saw someone use Aftercare? Or Bloodhound? It leads to you only playing against the same perks every game.

6-Things being too strong at top tier play. This game is more balanced around newer players than experienced ones. This leads to some things being drastically overpowered when used by an experienced player. A good example of this is the Nurse.

7-A large gap in the power level of some killers. This leads to certain killers not being played. This also makes the game have less variety. For example, when's the last time you've seen a Myers? Or a Billy? For me it's been months.

8-Some killers just being straight up boring to play. Another reason for not seeing certain killers is that some killers just aren't fun to play, even if they're powerful. For example, when's the last time you've seen a Plague? Or Twins?(I find Twins fun but most people don't, so I'm putting them as an example.)

9-Map offerings. Some maps will make the game heavily in favor of one side. For example, Haddonfield, or Midwich against Huntress/Nurse.

Maybe I didn't rank them right, but I think that these are the biggest issues with the game currently.


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    I use aftercare from time to time.

    And played 2 or 3 games against plague last night.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Lucky you! I wish I could go against her. But I haven't seen her in months.

    Maybe Aftercare wasn't a good example. How about babysitter or poised?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Aftercare is actually good tbh just underused

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730
  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755
  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    But Aftercare allows you to always know where the killer is at all times once you get it going. It's insane information. I was just commenting that it's never used.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    No one does honestly. I've never seen anyone run them that wasn't going for adept.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    A few points:

    "4-Unnecessary buffs. Some things that don't deserve to get buffed will get buffed anyways. This leads to it being abused to all hell and just making the game miserable for the other side until it gets nerfed again."

    I think that this is how Buffs have to be done. Lucky Break with 90 seconds was a good idea by the Devs, because the Perk actually had the chance to become Meta. However, they chickened out and nerfed it, which just buffed the Perk from ######### to still #########, so nobody runs it.

    They should do more, really bold Buffs and if they turn out too strong, they should nerf them with the next Patch - 1 1/2 months to test out the Buffs should be fine and as long as they are not overdoing it completely, an overbuffed Perk will not kill the game. If the Perk turns out to be too weak, they can do another Buff at a later point. Or, it turns out fine and we have a more diverse Meta.

    "8-Some killers just being straight up boring to play. Another reason for not seeing certain killers is that some killers just aren't fun to play, even if they're powerful. For example, when's the last time you've seen a Plague? Or Twins?(I find Twins fun but most people don't, so I'm putting them as an example.)"

    I like that you included Plague here. She is a strong Killer, but so boring to play.

    "9-Map offerings. Some maps will make the game heavily in favor of one side. For example, Haddonfield, or Midwich against Huntress/Nurse."

    I dont think that Map Offerings are a problem, some Maps are. Like, the problem is not the Strode Key, it is Haddonfield. However, I think it is fine that some Maps are survivor-sided and others are killer-sided, the extend is just too much currently.

    Indoor Maps are another topic, especially Midwich sucks for both sides. But in general, people who like Indoor Maps are the minority.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    That's only because of the rift. His point still stands his examples were just based off his own experience. Anytime a killer is featured in rift they get used more but other than that ya not many plagues.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I try to mix up my perks from time to time. The issue is when i try a non meta build i get destroyed half the time. This makes me put back on my real perks to stand a chance.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    I think that Midwich sucks for every killer that isn't Slinger, Nurse, Huntress, Hag(maybe), and possibly Trickster, but if it's one of those killers it sucks for the survivors. Who it sucks for just depends on who the killer is honestly.

    I think that unnecessary buffs are an issue for things that are already balanced. Not weak things, but things that are perfect where they are.

    About Plague, I think she's honestly a solid A to high B tier killer. But she's one of the most boring to play, which is why there aren't just as many Plagues as there are Spirits.

    Map offerings still do tilt the balance towards one side. Especially for killers. You can't nerf a map just because a certain killer is good on it. That's why I put it on there. Sometimes the map doesn't need changes to be OP in certain situations.

    Perks 100% can kill the game. Imagine if the Breakdown bug was intentional. That did break the game.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Empathy sucks. Well, not sucks, but it's use is too limited to be good. I only use it when going for flashlight saves. Alert us decent, but it doesn't stop you from accidentally leading the killer to teammates in a chase.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    I went against both Plague and Twins today. I see Plague every couple days at most.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Because of the rift. Twins are a rarity though no matter what. You might have gone against one, but you probably won't see another for the next couple of months.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have a question about 1. You said people should play for your own fun but there is a problem i noticed with that. If people play for there own fun then doesn't that mean that it's fine to be toxic to other players. I mean people have fun by making the other sides fun unenjoyable right? So if they are playing for there own fun and that is how they have fun then it's fine to be toxic?

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2021

    I see Myers roughly once-twice a day when I play, I wish I didn't see him in months. But some things I also see as problems include:

    • As for #7 I wouldn't even say "top tier" its just "good" level play that things like Nurse and Survivors/gen speeds start to become overbearing for the other side without much they can do about it (in most cases) because of how the game is designed.
    • idk if it would go along with #1 but a big problem in the game is people maining one side and not understanding at all the frustrations of the other while also accumulating a lot of misconceptions/misinformation due to their lack of a viewpoint of how it really is to play against something or how something works and its weaknesses. Then we got the ones who switch to the other side for 3 games and use their rank 20 experience to justify their previous stance. Common example: "lol killer is so easy I played for the first time and won 5 games in a row, nerf killers". Also the animosity the mains of either side usually has for the other is insane.
    • This is more a factor on the survivor side of things, but in terms of perks another issues is perks that should be changed don't leading to players using the same build for eons and never changing it even if another perk gets buffed. For example new Lucky Break is great, but people aren't even going to try it out because they can just use the same old build they've been using for years and be fine or they "can't find room" in their build since they've grown dependent on the perks that have been meta for years.

    Overall the OP has good points. I might not agree with the order and some of the details but the main points are solid imo.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    There's a difference between being an ######### intentionally and playing for your own fun.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    The order was actually the hardest part of this. I couldn't decide where to place them all.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    One of my friends I play with daily runs aftercare, take them out and I still just saw Aftercare yesterday on 3 people. 2 in one match and another in a different.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Yeah, I just don't see it often. Let's switch Aftercare with Poised or Babysitter.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Yeah, whenever I play Plague, I have solid results, she is strong. But I dont really have fun.

    Ok, regarding Buffs, I did not understand you correctly. I meant buffing weak things. Stuff which is already fine does not really need a Buff.

    Regarding your Breakdown-Example: Yes, this would be something which would be too much. But I also wrote about that. This would be something which falls under "overdoing".

    When it comes to Maps, sure, there are some Maps which are very strong for certain Killers, but I think this gets balanced out by Map Offerings being quite rare. You have to do a lot of Bloodwebs to get a Pile of your favorite Map Offerings.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2021

    That's understandable. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on what is more important than what. Your 6 and 7 are my 2 and 3 for example. But as long as we can agree that these are problems that need to be addressed than that's something.

    Its usually the how and what that get dicey. For example aftercare became a hot topic in this thread. imo whether aftercare is good or not, the problem in that case is it's overshadowed by perks that fill the same need but are much more consistent and don't need tokens that you have to compete with your team over. Aftercare might be good if you can get it to work, but this other perk is more reliable and fills the same need. Which isn't bad per se, a perk that's stronger but has conditions is a good idea, but having to compete with your team and it losing all progress for a normal game occurrence is really rough.

  • Zro
    Zro Member Posts: 56

    1-The entitlement of the community. Most people, for some reason expect the other side to play the way they want, and when the other side doesn't do that, they get pissed. I feel like this seriously takes away from the fun of the game on both sides. You should only play for your own fun.

    Maybe the devs should remove the endchat completely. It basically creates even more toxicity because it's mostly used for insults and bashing. It doesn't exist on the console either and players there still have the option to block messages in general so they don't get stalked and insulted. I personally don't care if someone insults me, but I know it annoys a lot of people immensely. Yes, you can block chat, but you want to write a gg sometimes and for that you have to open it again.

    Why not remove the chat and build instead a "thumbs up" button, for each player individually. And if you think that this player played well and was nice, then you click on it and the player can see that he got a thumbs up. So the console player can also show that the match was exciting and fun and it creates a positive environment. The one who has a thumbs up can get a certain amount of blood points, for example 1000 or so, per player. And you can only rate each player once per day, so swf groups can't push each other's blood points up and abuse the system.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    It's RNG, which makes it really unpredictable. For example, I have over 100 of every non bloodpoint offering on Nurse. I didn't spend much time on her to get this either. It's just a matter of luck. That doesn't change how problematic it can be.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    I'd like this, but it should be more like 50k. 1000 is nothing. And it would help with the grind, as well as rewarding playstyle that make the game fun for others. This is a perfect idea.