What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear/think of "Old Dbd"?

For me it's Nurse and Billy being the two most played killers and pretty much the only killers you'd see at red ranks.
Pre nerf Hillbilly and Nurse pre buff Doctor and Wraith. Old Ruin. Insta heals.
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Better maps, better events, better experience, Old Freddy, Old Billy, and the list goes on.
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Hide and seek. If you're caught you're dead.
Nowadays, killers have more and more ways to find survivors, the emblem system promotes chases over stealth, and your teammates will rat you out in an instant if you so much as think about crouching to hide somewhere.
Meanwhile, if you're caught you're injured, and if you're injured you're Superman and able to loop the killer for another 3 gens before being downed.
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Weirdly lit maps.
Pre-buff Doc, Bubba, Wraith.
Billy being an actual strong killer.
Old Freddy.
Blight not existing.
A whole bunch of op perks and items.
And a bunch of P3 Claudette's imitating Occido.
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Ah yes, those creatures.
My first ever game was against some of those Claudette's.
They are why I still despise Claudette's
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Of all things it's actually the moonlight offerings.
Both the Blendette with darker light on dark maps stereotype, and just how wonderful some maps (like Haddonfield) looked with brighter lightning. They were cool and I liked the offerings, but I understand why they were retired.
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2016 DbD when I first started watching DbD content.
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Infinite window loops non hex totem NOED instasaw chainable sprint burst and no bloodlust.
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also old nurse blinking 6 times
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I prefer not to think about old DBD.
I get more riled up than a perfume seller remembering his old pirate life in some 2000 game about monkeys and islands.
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Old maps, Old Ruin,
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Everything before the 4th anniversary for me.
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Sabotage from before patch 3.6 (Chains of Hate chapter)
I didn't play back when hooks were forever broken, but I do remember when you could still bring a hook to 99% and that kind of sabo.
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The horrible pallette vacuum and the times self caring in a corner was a completely normal phenomenon^^
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Pallet vacuums... I still have the nightmares!
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Pallet Vacuum of course.
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Better Maps
Pre-nerf Nurse and Hillbilly
Old Balanced Landing
Old Doctor and Freddy
Old Sabo Mechanic
Old Ruin
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Insta heals, 99 sabo plays, old DS, old BT, pallet vacuums, double pallets, infinites (real ones), insta bind flashlights, nothing good lol except for old billy.
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I always imagine the image of looking down from old bloodlodge at the immense amount of pallets on the map.
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I am reminded of the post I spent 5 hours creating about Old DBD that was deleted from the forums...
I still have to remake it from scratch :/
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Sabo squads with hooks that don't regenerate. Killer is usually Hillbilly with Nurse sprinkled in. Healing is much stronger. Claudette will always play the darkest moonlight offering and you will not see her even if she's out in the open. Killer could Mori you on first down.
Honestly I kind of miss it. Now the game is a lot more sporty but the original game was what drew me in. Didn't have the foresight to do a Legacy outfit grind though.
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They deserve to be hooked and sacrificed to ur lord the entity
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Thinking of my first excursions into killer, seeing people in lockers with all-seeing wraith, always running nurse's on doc bc you could see the aura of people snapping out of it etc
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Hatch standoffs that were pure tests of willpower
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HybridPanda, the excellent YouTuber that he was.
Also that it felt fresh, but not without faults such as insta-gen and the impossiblw to escape bear-trap scenario.
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Infinites. More infinites. 7 blink nurse, flick billy, WRa1Th OP!
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Brand new parts, quadruple window Haddonfield.
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Traps under every hook, better maps, better events, Mori on first knock down, old Sabo, actual infinates, jungle gyms that were fun to run, longer pallet stuns, 6 blink nurse, iron grasp every round
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pallets at l wall t walls
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For me this game was most fun around the curtain call/shattered bloodline era. That's usually what comes to mind for me personally.
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That's actually around the time I first started playing lol. And yes I agree but more towards the Darkness among us chapter for me personally.
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SC being meta and old Ruin.
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Killers not having a lunge.
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old mettle of man
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I believe it's been 2 years since it was Nerfed lol
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Insta heals, insta moris, insta DS, infinites, no bloodlust or entity blockers, fast vaults in any angle possible, perma hook sabo and insta Brand new parts
Some really nasty stuff
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Very broken maps and infinites everywhere
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No cosmetics/auric cells before Curtain Call Chapter, that was a huge update so i think of everything before that. Also old ruin.
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Old h2o Delirious dbd videos.
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Ranked games with what we have currently with built in kindred and small game to bring solo up to swf.
Casual games where aura perks are toned down and players are locked to character specific teachables.
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Shack with two windows, survivor sided, two the best addons to medkit, too good moris, ######### up nurse
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Double pallets, vacuum pallets, old BT, ACTUALLY being facecamped (in case someone didn't know, swivel hooks did not exist so if you were being face camped, you could not be saved) old balanced landing, Billy in all of my games (I miss you)
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Looping a Huntress for what felt like 45 minutes. EGC wasn't a thing, I was new, and the Huntress could not hit me. So on Autohaven, I looped a Huntress for what felt like an hour. Everyone else on my team was dead, and I didn't know hatch was a thing. I didn't do the tutorial, and was learning the game on the fly. Still, it lasted SO DAMN LONG.
I eventually just gave up and let her hook me, since I couldn't leave the loop to find the hatch without getting down, and there was no way for me to win in that scenario that I knew of at the time. I then didn't play the game for years. Hag was new when this happened, and I didn't play again until Pyramid Head was announced.
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The old grab animation that took like 10 seconds instead of being almost instant
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Which was much, MUCH better than our current animations:
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As survivor? You bet I did! And, as killer, I played Old Freddy and most of the time it was easy to catch someone off-guard, so...
But, what I am actually talking about here is the ambience. Old maps had a MUCH better ambience than current maps, not to mention my precious Fog which is now gone.
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Old ruin
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Oh that is cool. Would be a lot easier to flashlight save though
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It being impossible to win as a killer because of the old shack and no gen regression.