Does anyone one really think breakable walls are a good addiction to the game

piggygooik Member Posts: 576

i really hate breakable walls. tbh i thought they would be a neat addition to dbd but the thing is they could have been good but they are so poorly executed. Now they are just another thing the killer has to worry about.

another annoying thing is that with the map reworks, all they are doing is just sticking them anywhere they can. For example the loop on Groaning storehouse. it was a good loop even without the breakable but they just stuck a breakable wall just to make the killer's job harder. it just annoys me since they could have been a good addition but like I said they are so poorly executed.


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    i kinda do, it depends on the map, leaving some walls up can help you alot as killer, breaking some can do the same, so i think it gives me more control on how the game plays out as killer

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    They are a good idea executed poorly:

    They were originally suggested to the devs by the community as a way for the killer to mold the map to their favor with things like short cuts, but with the downside of survivors also being able to use them.

    However every single breakable wall that's currently in the game favors the survivors despite it being a mechanic only the killer can interact with:

    Most short cuts are never opened due to favoring the survivors too much making breaking them actively detrimental. These walls are also known as "Noob Traps" as they actively punish people who don't know to avoid breaking them.

    As other pointed out most of them are just pre dropped god pallets you are forced to waste time breaking.

    So what was exposed to be a fun mechanic to make killer more interesting to drive people to play killer; the developers have screwed up so badly its addition only ever hinders the killer and drives more people way from killer

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699


    at first i thought it would be a good addition to the game and could create good strategies for both sides but like most things in dbd its executed poorly

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    I like breakable walls when they are implemented well. Compare them to pallets: both makes an area safe, but when a pallet is gone that area turns in to a deadzone. Breakable walls on the other hand makes the window act like a dropped pallet with limited uses and even after it's broken the area isn't a deadzone.

    Glenvale is the only map that does this good, most newer maps are full of useless walls that barely changes the safety of a loop.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    They could have been great, but currently are just a hindrance to killers. Personally I only find them useful on "the game" and that's without actually using them. Most often I find them in horrible pathing routes which if not broken only make loops even worse.

    From the Survivor perspective it sounds cool to have the killer bust through, but the reality is I can get a decent distance away before I can even see them.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    Other Killers don't want to take 2 seconds to completely obliterate what could've been a really good loop.

    have no issue with breakable walls, but I'm not a person to complain about something just because its in my way.

    Smack Smack, its gone. Time to win.

  • Kharbarg
    Kharbarg Member Posts: 126

    I like them. They are annoying sometimes but is a plus in the game, an aditiion. I think more things to do, to interact is better.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    In a way, I Like Breakable Wall concept; but the execution and gameplay balance with them Is very poor and not really the best time or place be in any way beneficial for the killer at all!

    But, if I were to be Behavior Dev; I would Rework Breakable Walls to be more Buildable Walls, Windows, or even Pallets , in the hands of the Survivors throughout the trials!

    I do like the concept of Breakable Walls can beneficial for the killer to break, if it helps him break strong loops and allows him to catch up with Survivors easier! However.... Behavior is not doing very good job so far, at implement such Walls in the perfect spots in loops or map tile structures that would indeed benefit the killer in any way; in fact there are Breakable Wall placement that are so out of place, that if the killer breaks a specific Wall, they would end up shooting themselves in the foot with a waste of time, and new escape route for Survivors to take advantage of! Plus there are Walls that actually help the killer in corner the Survivors or even make such a strong Building Become less strong and more dangerous!

    But.... if the Devs Rework Breakable Walls and gives Survivors a new item or perk to help with a new mechanic called "Building", they could used these new items and perks, to contribute/construct a new Obstacles at specific areas of the map to for a better defense/effective strong loop! How this will work?!? The Survivors when carrying say "a Hammer" item, goes to a empty Doorway/opening at a wall; or a spot where a pallet could spawn in; it will reveal a transparent aura of a pallet, a wall, or a window option, and allows the Survivors to build it, at the cost of charges/cooldown!

    For example; Bad Survivor drop the Shack Pallet and let the killer breaks it; well, you can rebuild the shack pallet; at the cost of 50 seconds! (New Replaceable Pallet)

    For example: Want to make a strong God window; you can place Sandbag/Bricks in the opening; and create your own vault point, at the cost of 30 seconds! (Breakable Window)

    For example: Want to make a door opening into a Quick Breakable Wall, just spend 10 Seconds!

    Of course the killer can break all of them; expect for the Pre Map Structures with their own windows! And I am sure the killer would be fine with it, considering it will make Survivors decide "Is it worth wasting my Generator Repair time, on investing in building a Wall, window, and a new pallet; so that my chase will be alot easier next time?"

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,038

    Completely pointless either they are in places where you are forced to break it because it would be a good loop with it still up or the breakable wall is in a place where you have zero reason to break it

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I don't like breakable walls as survivor OR killer to be honest. I don't despise them or anything, they just seemed like an unnecessary addition to me.

  • Barlor
    Barlor Member Posts: 45

    Unless you're good nurse majority of those doors are terrible for killer. Only on "The Game" they're pain in the butt for the survivors I think as there are few dead ends.

    Overall yea, as most players already said, idea itself isn't bad, but on most maps those doors just feel forced and unnecessary

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited May 2021

    Breakable walls are not a good addition to the game because they're exactly that: an addition.

    They don't make exisitng loops shorter (except for the shack on 1 map). They add to them, making existing loops longer. Killers have to waste precious time breaking them just to return the loops back to normal lengths.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    AKA kick it or enjoy the infinite that everyone runs to. There is no real control or diversity offered ny breakable walls, only must kick or must leave. Usually at the expense of finishing a chase in your favour.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    Breakable Walls are only really good on Glenvale and Midwich, cause those two maps were designed with breakable walls in mind. I feel like all these older maps they were just slapped on buildings cause they didn't know where else to put them, making them all feel like predropped god pallets that killers have to break.

    I really don't like them and hate that the devs insist on putting them on older maps. Can't think of any older map that got better due to breakable walls, except for Preschool. Also the lack of interactivity on survivors part makes the mechanic kinda 'eh' in my opinion. Breakable walls mostly favor survivors until they're gone and then it favors killers without anything survivors can do about it.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    It would have been better if they made new loops that played around them instead adding them on pre-existing ones.