Last theory for 5th year

csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

Something has been bugging me about what Coté said in that interview. The one where he was talking about iconic RE characters.

He said something else that i dont hear anyone talking about. He said, " ways to kill and to survive."

Now as far as killing goes, Pyramid Head proves they can add different ways to sacrifice survivors.

That part of his statement isn't the part I am focusing on. The new ways to survive however.....

How would that work? You have the exit gates and the hatch. With all the fuss about keys, would they add a new way to escape?

I really don't think so. The hatch in itself is a point of contention so adding a third escape route would further divide players.

So how else could you survive?

1) Some way to actually kill the killer? A weapon to fight back with? Turning pebble into a hand grenade? Highly doubtful. Any attempt to implement a way for survivors to fight back would change the game in a fundamental way. 5 years of design and balance would be out the window. I mean think about the Clicky clicky bully squads with actual weapons. Hard pass on that one.

2) Different objectives depending on the map. Maybe repair gens on one map but drain gas from gens on other maps to open an exit. Something that wouldn't require huge changes to balance but changes things up a little.

Or what I feel is more possible

3) Secondary game modes. I know. The Dev's have stated that they don't want to split the player base. But what if, they didn't. What if certain maps in the rotation were dedicated to certain game mode? (Think overwatch) So rotten fields is normal game mode, torment creek is something else. (Maybe a timed mode where survivors are downed in 1 hit but have unlimited respawn and the goal is to last out the timer.)

Make it so you can turn off the new game modes in options but the main game is never turned off.

Tl:dr I think that Coté hinted at something that most of us have been ignoring in the RE hype. I could be wrong, probably am, but who knows.
