I'm not going to talk about spirit when in an example case so I ask you not to take 100% on this top tier killer.
Iron will <Stridor
it's a fact.
The problem is that even if Survivors put Iron Will (like 100% of Survivors LMAO hands), if Spirit has stridor (like 100% Spirit LMAO hands) the killer just doesn't have a counterplay.
It has already been said several times and I will repeat it, which requires nerfing or buffing one of the two perks.
how about remove both.
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100% < 50%??????????
Also Stridor isn't the problem, Spirit is literally the only killer in the entire game that uses the perk. Removing Stridor wouldn't fix anything.
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Why in the hell would you wanna buff Iron Will, which is one of the strongest perks in the game? Stridor isn’t even that good on most killers and you wanna nerf it?
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Both don’t need to be removed iron will is strong perk in its own rights and stridor is so so and only really strong on spirit. Both perks counter each other by half its then up to the survivor to play smart. Crouching actually reduces the noise you make and with iron will is a very strong counter to stridor. Trick the spirit with your movements.
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Nerf the one perk that counters iron will? I already can't see survivors in fatigue, now I shouldn't be able to hear them on top of that?
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These complaints are pretty justified. Iron Will is arguably the only perk that actually has any effect against Spirit. As a result of this, Spirit players have started using Stridor in order to negate her only form of counter, despite it being minimal already.
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Stridor doesn't need nerfed, it needs reworked. It's practically useless on every killer except Spirit, and it negates Spirit's only form of "counter". It should be made useful for other killers and made less useful for Spirit.
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Let me guess. You used iron will and you were going against a killer with stridor who killed you? Just stop venting and take the loss. You'll have a million chances to win. This forum isnt about sharing your complaints because you lost. Thats reddit's job.
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It's not a question about balance, it's just a plain bug. Iron Will makes (should make) your noise volume 0, and then it gets processed by Stridor, and that 0 gets multiplied by 1.5. And for some magic reason the literal zero multiplied by something does not equal zero. It just makes no sense. It shows that Stridor has this "undocumented behavior", because it adds volume to zero instead of just multiplying it by a coefficient. It should be fixed, "nerfed" is just the wrong word.
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Percentages in this game are additive rather than multiplicative. It isn't a bug.
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Dude, the issue is Spirit, not those perks. Stridor on any other killer is pretty below-average.
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1.5 x 0 is still 0
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Even removing Stridor will not make Spirit less busted. Spirit as a whole need a whole rework.
Ironwill vs Stridor on other killer is a win. 25% slot for a really weak perk.
When old Lucky break had 180sec but IronWill is pernament, I felt it isnt right when IW is much stronger but there is no limit.
I would make injured survivor moan as normal. But if they're not running, the volume is slowly turned down from 100 to 0 in 5sec. Running will increased the volume back.
Ironwill will be good if you're not on contact with Killer, but doesnt really help in chase.
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Why can you use a crutch perk (Iron Will) and the killer can't (stridor)?
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Have you heard of Spirit?
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Since when Iron Will is only good against Spirit? Do you even play Killer? Iron Will is strong against all the killers.
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what does that have to do with perks being meta.
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Yes, I do play killer. However Iron Will is the ONLY perk that gives survivors any sort of hope in chase against a Spirit. With Stridor negating Iron Will's effect, it makes Spirit uncounterable in every sense of the word. Because of this, either Spirit or Stridor need changed, and seeing as Stridor is pretty bad on all killers other than Spirit, it would probably benefit from a rework.
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Iron Will is the only form of counter against Spirit, Stridor basically negates Iron Will's effect, making Spirit an uncounterable killer. Stridor would benefit from a rework that makes it more useful on other killers and not as strong on Spirit.
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Now here's the take of the century.
Nerf Iron Will, Stridor and Spirit.
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Actually, Iron Will negates Spirit Power 100% without Stridor. There's no breathing, no grunts of pains. If the survivors doesn't even move, how do you expect the Spirit to find him? Guessing too?
To be honest, Iron Will needs more rework than Stridor.
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Well, if you don't see scratch marks, see grass shuffling, or hear footsteps and you're not running Father's Glasses to make it moot point anyway, you can tell that they can't have possibly gone far from there and just exit phase because there's no punishment to not hitting someone directly out of phase.
Iron Will barely slows down good spirits. And they can just run Stridor so even that doesn't matter.
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This might be the worst take I've seen on here, if you know that the survivor has Iron Will and you see that their scratchmarks stop, all you have to do is stop phasing. It is literally that easy. As a Spirit main who has no problems getting 4 Ks at red ranks without having to rely on Stridor, Stridor needs changed.
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You're forgetting Spine Chill, which can be used to determine if the Spirit is faking or not. If her husk is staring right at you and it stops lighting up you know something is up. Maybe not the most reliable everywhere but it has it's use if the Spirit stops looking in your direction while phase walking.
But honestly, no perk or item should counter a killers power, in that case something else needs to change rather than making an already overly powerful perk, Iron Will, even more oppressive.
Side note, isn't Iron Will bugged since it practically makes survivors able to exist without breathing, when it is only supposed to remove grunts of pain?
Might be a better idea to make her emit some of her sounds even while phase walking, though at a reduced volume and maybe a bit distorted since she is phasing in another world. Personally I have also been wondering if the husk should disintegrate/turn to dust over the duration, similar to Sandman in Sam Raimi's Spider man 3, at an exponential rate. Starting slowly at first to give the spirit time to move but also giving survivors a visual queue to react to. A real one, not "glowing" shards which may or may not be real.
Also, we cannot just blindly nerf Spirit since she is one of the two killers that stand a chance against the really good survivors.
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Spirit should be visible within 2 meters from the surv. End of the problem
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Stridor is fine the way it is really. We have more pressing issues to concern ourselves with if we're talking about nerfing x y and z
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There's one small problem with all of this
stridor counters iron will but combined with other perks iron will counters stridor
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i love this idea because it will definitely be broken and will definitely apply to things like anniversary cakes and bloody party streamers
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noit wouldn't because iron will would then have no counters.
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Don't tell me you think that running Iron Will and No Mither counts as countering Stridor
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Oh i was talking off the record.
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Just run Iron Will and No Mither 4Head
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or you could just leave them alone
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are we all just going to ignore off the record? ok
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Both perks are fine as is. Spirit needs some kind of counterplay. Thats it.
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"All you have to do is stop phasing".
Against 4 randoms playins on consle at red ranks, it is literally this easy.
Tell this to the competitive spirits and top spirits worldwide. What a joke.
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How about instead, Spirit can no longer hear injured survivor grunts and just their breathing. Problem solved. Since injured survivors don't use the breathing effects, the spirit now has an easier time with the first hit instead of the second.
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Detection tools should have the advantage even if it's only slightly. The game revolves around the killer being able to find Survivors.
That's not to say Survivor stealth is useless. A majority of killer perks have requirements before activation which leaves plenty of opportunity for counterplay. Being stealthy doesn't mean your being useless to the team, your just less likely to be a liability.
Stridor is just working as intended and most effective once a Survivor is injured. The counter here is maintaining health and utilizing warning ques to place distance between you and the killer.
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how is Iron Will a crutch?
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so just to be clear:
you either want to buff one of the strongest Perks in the game or you wanna nerf one of the worst Perks in the game?
and all of that because there is one out of 21 Killers that can actually use Stridor effectively?
how about no?
if anything, we should be thinking about nerfing Iron Will or buffing Stridor.
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spine chill wont help at all, as the Spirit could just look in your direction as she phases.
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Ah, I see you read the first sentence but not to the end of the first paragraph, where I said exactly this. >.>
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How would you even buff Iron Will?
It's already a 100% reduction in sound ability that's always on without any input from the survivor.
It's already at the top of how strong it can be without just adding more things to it.
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Double post.
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Wow, I just launch a topic, not a drama, be chill dude.
Seriously , I didn't say buff Iron Will and nerf Stridor.
Buff Iron Will OR nerf Stridor
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Why should stridor not counter iron will? Survivors get 16 perks among them, killer only gets 4. It seems fair to me that the killer perks should be stronger.