Censoring the chat doesn't stop toxicity

The chat censorship in the 2016 survival horror video game "Dead by Daylight" often abbreviated as "DbD" is quite indisputably similar to the dystopian social science fiction book "Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel" often called "1984" written by English writer George Orwell (Pen name of Eric Arthur Blair). Much like the book the chat censorship is a totalitarian, mass surveillance, and repressive regimentation of persons and behaviours within the community of Dead by Daylight. The "Developers" of Dead by Daylight are to the letter a representation of "Big Brother" and the chat censorship is the "Thought Police" that persecute individuality and independent thinking.
The chat censorship in the 2016 survival horror video game "Dead by Daylight" often abbreviated as "DbD" is quite indisputably similar to the dystopian social science fiction book "Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel" often called "1984" written by English writer George Orwell (Pen name of Eric Arthur Blair). Much like the book the chat censorship is a totalitarian, mass surveillance, and repressive regimentation of persons and behaviours within the community of Dead by Daylight. The "Developers" of Dead by Daylight are to the letter a representation of "Big Brother" and the chat censorship is the "Thought Police" that persecute individuality and independent thinking.
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They want us all to be simple creatures like M1 Holders, holding M1 all day.. This is known as their "Thought Control".
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Nah, 1984 wasn't my favourite season on AHS. Although, Twisty (from Freak Show) could make a pretty iconic killer. But then, we do already have Clown...
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How exactly is it even remotely close to “thought policing”? The censorship is deeply flawed, yes, but they’ve admitted as much. You can still say that you hate Spirit, you can still call someone a baboon, you can even insult the devs themselves in the chat as long as you don’t use profanity.
This is ridiculous, tbh.
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What is that?
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What, is this a copypasta now?
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bruh, have you read 1984?
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Obviously not if they made this comment.
######### was depressing
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It is censoring when i write "I am Freddy main"
Worst chat filter ever
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I read the book and then watched the movie, it's kind of insane how little development of the characters is made compared to the book.
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I never watched the movie.
Speaking of classic books, ever read All Quiet On the Western Front? The 30s movie adaptation was actually really good.
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most people who say a Censorship system is like 1984 usually have never read a word of it
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I actually haven't, no, I've only recently gotten myself into reading after watching The Equalizer and him talking about 100 books you should read before you die or something and figured I'd give 1984 a crack.
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I did part of my dissertation on it :)
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Ive never read the book "1984", but I believe the chat censorship is a brilliant representation of the ideas presented by Orwell in the book.
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i think they are group of people that are trolling or something
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Not even close mate.
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Post edited by bdzr on0 -
simple Solution: rebind your key and voila, no M1 holding anymore!
F the system! We are the revolution!
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Lol the fact you were able to open this discussion completely destroy your "theory" 😂
But I'm pretty sure this is bait, sooo..
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But can you write this topic in end game chat without punishment?? I don’t think so!
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Well by the time you've finished writing it everyone left and the lobby gets closed automatically
No copy-paste in end game chat 🤷♂️
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dont you see it?
That’s obviously thought control.
maybe there would even be a few words censored in there! Outrageous!
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Damn, you must be right, then the next part of the plan is going to be hid..
Hold on, someone's knocking on my do-