Big changes to Moris upcoming!

They will no longer be an offering, instead, they will be implemented into the killer's gameplay. For more info:
So they're almost certainly going to be some variation of "hook all survivors at least once, and have at least X total hook states" or something. But what if it was something more interesting?
How about a "Building Tension" system. The killer has a meter that slowly fills up over the course of the match and when it's full, they get one use of a Mori. Things that might build that meter would be if they're stunned by a palette, blinded by a flashlight, if a survivor struggles free, when a generator pops, if they reach Bloodlust Tier 2/3, and the like. Basically, if they're getting clowned on, they gradually power up until bam: time to even the playing field by booting one of these guys right out of the match, blood-first.
A similar, but slightly different suggestion would be a "toxic" meter. Every time a survivor crouches more than once in a 5 second window, it adds to the meter. Once it's full, the killer's free to Mori to their heart's content. Teabag all you like, you'll get yours in time. Throw in the added boost that survivors who teabag inside the exit gates get a Blood Warden effect that locks them in the match with the killer.
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You have very great offerings. But knowing developers, they will go the easy way.
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You had me until the last part. Tbag is a fancy word for spamming crouch button, not worth making a whole system off of it, you can either be toxic back by nodding or just deal with it.
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It's more that you're being a disrespectful troll to all these great horror icons instead of playing the game. And doing that means you really deserve to get a big, gory execution.
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Still, no. Rest was neat tho. Really help out when a team is absolutely crushing a killer to give a little back and feel less like the survivors have all the power.
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I suspect they will follow the precedent set by Pyramid Head, where certain criteria have to be met. I would prefer if said criteria was unique to each Killer, as that would certainly be cooler. My only other thought is:
I'd like a refund for all the unused Mori Offerings still on my Killers if/when the change takes place and it is no longer an Offering. The Blood We forced me to buy a metric ton of these things, and suddenly making them invalid without compensation would be a pretty harsh blow, particularly given the price of the Ebony Memento Mori.
It would be a very fair and kind gesture to refund us the BP value or at least allow us to swap them out for other items of the matching rarity (or less) in the Blood Web one for one.
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Or change them to be Mega versions of Survivor Pudding or something. +300% BPs.
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It's kind of dumb that ebony mori are even currently worth 7000 BP's. I rarely see them in my matches.
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Yes please,
Then i would actually use them
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They already said that they are going to change keys to get them into the new in-built mori system. Add this to the fact that the survivor will be able to "say no to moris" and it will become clear that killers will be able to mori survivors when keys are brought in a match by survivors. I found it pretty clear i don't see why there is so much speculation or passion behind this matter.
-Survivors get to decide if they will face a mori.
-Keys are going to be bind to the mori system.
It looks simple and clean and pretty neat imho.
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I'd rather a cool killer system not be bound to the will of the survivors. Those guys have too much power in what's supposed to be an asymmetrical game already!
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I think key words used were "mori's end the game for survivors prematurely" so definitely will be hook/hit requisites for performing one.
Excited to see this change actually. Opens up an offering slot and adds a little spice to the game
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With the moris being linked to the keys i only see the keys being used less frequently and free moris. I really don't see that much of a disaster for killers. I do think that moris are not toxic and this change to be pretty much not necessary, but i dig this idea. They want a key? they get a mori. If it will be so, it will be super.