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PTB vs. Regular Play -- More Fun, Less Sweaty?

This is my first PTB, so I am new to this alternate way of playing. I had assumed that the PTB would be laidback since it's a testing environment and players are getting to know the new map, characters, perks, etc. However, I've been surprised that so many Killers have been playing rather sweaty--on my last match, I faced a Nemesis on the Racoon City map and he facecamped me on my first hook before all gens are done. Mind you, the other Survivors tried to save me, but none of them were running Borrowed Time and I didn't have Decisive Strike.

With that said, is the PTB typically more of a laidback experience than regular ranked play? Or pretty much the same?

Note: This post isn't to say that I think I should be entitled to escape, but rather facecamping or tunneling when we can't even keep the Bloodpoints seems like an interesting choice...


  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    It's because there's no stakes to losing BP/Shards/Items. People aren't tryharding as playing for BP and such is pointless.

    You get the occasional 4 Bnps/commodius box/Prove thyself SWF. But for the most part people actively want to have long, fun matches as/against the new killer.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I think there's no dc penalty either, so you could have just left.

    It's a mix of both, hence the you're not entitled to an easy game argument concerning the ptb.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,479

    Lol for me if I 4k on ptb I tend to get way more saltier survivors because they just expect me to throw the game.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    PTBs in the past were super sweaty. You get to use all your good stuff without actually using them.

    A have your cake and eat it too situation.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Naw we play more chill during PTB, well at least me since I don't care. But you will have a lot of people DC because they get downed, or they wanna play in the new map. Or if you play any other killer than the new on that is released sometimes people will DC. In general it's more chill. Some people do play sweaty, but not compared to the live version. I think it can be less fun after couple of days since the less people will play the PTB after a couple of day depending on the content. Although since it's nemesis I do think this PTB will have more players longer than if it was an original character. Since the trickster and the twins PTB pretty much was popular for 1 day.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,379

    Ir you had asked this years ago, I would have answered that Regular Play is much better than the PTB. Ever since I first played on a PTB back in 2019, I've seen a sheer amount of toxic survivors and killers genuinely ruining people's experiences and playing as sweaty and as scummy as possible, especially because you could use everything you had without wasting them (such as old insta-heals, for example).

    However, this PTB felt so much different then the ones in the past, and I actually had some pretty chill games where I could test everything. Perhaps people's mentality has changed a little bit, or maybe it is because I only played it for 2 days and got lucky. Either way, it was a pleasant experience.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    Depend when i played during the evening yesturday i had 3 group of survivor that use the haddonfield offering.

    In other game it was chill i could test things out.

    The sad thing you got some survivor who try to finish the gen fast its kinda stupid because it take a lot of time before you find a match

  • marciamarciamarcia
    marciamarciamarcia Member Posts: 79

    Indeed. I've had no issue finding a match as a Survivor, but it's taken forever to find a match as Killer. I ended up not waiting.