Almost Every killer needs it zombies.

TheKarn Member Posts: 36

At the point being, many killers feel underpowered. And I noticed one of the biggest things Nemesis brings to the table is the introduction of AI controled minions. Wouldn't it be cool to see each killer, (except for few ones) has its own iteration of this?. Imagine The Legion actually having more members of the group around the map. The Doc having shock induced patients, Killer clowns when you use Clowns. etc.

Would reaffirm "the power role" on the game design, and give some extra objectives to the Survivors to be aware of. And that would balance some of the underperforming killers. Obviously they would need to see how minions would play for each killer. Like the legion minions giving deep wound and alert with killer instinct.


  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    Thats not true entirely, We can see zombies as "The Resident Evil Chapter brought a new mechanic to DBD", like when from Flesh and Mud chapter brought a new mechanic to DBD as well: Hex Perks. Now the Hag has its own uniqueness with or without Hex Perks. As Nemesis Has its own uniqueness with or without the zombies. you feel me?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    No, the killers should stay unique.

    but some kind of AI incorporation into old and new killer powers could be interesting (Doctor hallucinations chasing and swinging at you without damage, Charlotte and Victor actually moving, Legion somehow, new killer with a more potent AI minion than zombies, like a feral dog)

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    Yeah Im not saying making them overkill or just some "Doctor allucinations with extra steps". But I think if the foundation of the AI is already there why not use it? Just imagine The Executioner with Nurses wandering around the map giving you torment if hit.

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2021

    Yeah thats what I meant, Totally! use the foundation of the AI to give killers roaming hazards of some sorts. Im not saying just reskin the zombies and call it a day. With the doc maybe instead of no damage just a little bit of madness if it connects. Of all the examples I could give and The Twins never crossed my mind... lmao

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,183

    I'm all for similar AI in future for some killers, but presently - with perhaps the exception of Pyramid Head and the Silent Hill Nurses, I think adding them (or equivalent) to every killer would lose its appeal.

    If anything, I'd rather future killers have even more variety beyond this use of AI. Maybe one killer has 1 AI animal pet that hunts, or perhaps another has vines that can be attached to anything that lash out with some reach (Poison Ivy killer?).

    But at the moment, Nemesis has a lot of appeal with this unique feature, so I hope it remains rare for killers presently. Besides, a great Spirit killer with a couple of phantasm sidekicks .. I'm not sure that would be welcome.

    However, I do hope for similar zombie-like ideas in future. Just different.

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    Yeah thats what I meant, totally you 100% right! use the foundation of AI to give killers a little bit of that sense of "Masters of the domain". Im not saying just reskin the zombies and call it a day. Yeah like with Doc instead of no damage. like a bit of madness would do, And yes lol. Of all the examples I couldve give and I forgot about The Twins

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited May 2021

    Not sure how people can think this can be tacked onto Doc and Legion without compensation nerfs.

    Twins is already a messy boat, so it could be part of a rework to make them less campy, yet stronger.

  • for some killer i just dont think it would fit and its kinda a nice odd mechanic for nemesis to have to stand out.

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    The Doc ones should not inflict damage, Just Madness. Legion is waaaay underpowered and it fits its Lore and concept so why not use AI to put the band togheter on the map

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Doc's would still be a buff to a Killer who is already pretty well rounded. (and annoying)

    Legion having AI traveling and downing on the map would be a buff to a Killer who is already good at getting everyone injured. Add the other 3 losers into the arena and you got a Killer who injures with little counter play to the first hit that has AI to do the second hit and interrupt mending with no input from the player.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Pyramid head with the nurses would be perfect!!

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    The zombies are cool, it would be a mistake to give them to a bunch of killers. Was hoping that the zombie would be a walking dead chapter killer. Still possible.

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    I understand totally what you saying, and prolly the Doc would use AI just to make his Illusions more alive without damage lets say, soy when you are mad youll see Fake docs running at you from time to time, consolidating the concept of the Doc. And yeah My point when I say that every killer needs its "Zombies" I meant it like Killer who feel underpowered or that the feel of the killer could use the help as some form of AI, not exactly just a reskined zombie that downs people and called it a day. Each minion for each killer should work differently accordingly, and of course if it fits. Nurse of course wouldn't need AI lol

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    Secretly its what this thread is all about. lmao. First we agree to get AI to more killers, then we get Nurses roaming Midwich.🤐

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    they could be standing in differents parts of the map and attacks whoever walks close by and they could avoid ph( due to what he does whit manequins).

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Maybe, but it is still not going to fix the weaker killers.

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    Exactly little changes like that make the difference, the Aura gives info for Nemesis, but lets say The executioner cant see their Auras, that way theres no info and consolidates the concept of Pyramid head since he is not too friendly to other monsters on SH. same goes for spawning a nurse for every cage, concept wise like for every judgment done a manifestation of ones sin appears on the map.

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2021

    Sadly you might be right, but at least one can hope that they'll try, they have the PTB for experimentation so the least thing to wish for is to test it.

  • TheKarn
    TheKarn Member Posts: 36

    yeah, like they just roaming until you drop a pallet or you are injured without iron will or use your flashlight.