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DBD Unique Survivor Abilities

mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

I always wonder what it would be like for DBD to give its Survivors their own unique ability. In Rainbow 6 Siege (5v5) every single character you pick (ATTACKER or DEFENDER), has 1 unique ability each. (5 abilities in total)

For example: A Dwight on your team giving you the "Leader" ability. Or a Claudette giving your team the ability to "Self-Care". All statistics can be adjusted to where it would not be overwhelming for one side or the other of course. I think this would be a huge boon to DBD's life in the long run. This would demand lower tier Killers a buff or would let them be even more creative with ALL Killer powers and not just some. Example: Such as adding "Brutal Strength" to a Killer like Trapper as base kit, but no other Killer could use that unique ability. (Killers such as Nurse and Spirit don't need it anyway, so it is an interesting concept to me.

I wonder if it would make this game more appealing to more people. It would eliminate things like annoying Survivor teams of 4 Claudettes and 4 Bills as only 1 person can pick each character similar to Rainbow 6 Siege and let's be honest, it just makes more sense realistically. (Unless the Survivors are time lords I don't see why you can have 4 of the same person on a team. It is kind of silly tbh.) I have always made the comparison in my head between these 2 games as I play both of them very often, but Rainbow 6 siege seems to be way more popular and besides "DBD's HORROR niche" and "RB6S tactical guns blazing motive" I can't help but wonder why?

Is DBD not unique enough? Is it that Survivors are not exciting due to just being "alternate skins" of each other and that is it? Is it that all the map sizes are not universally the same size? I really do HOPE and PRAY that DBD can reach an even bigger player base. I want the best for this game. If something as simple as wanting to pick Dwight because he has a unique effect on the match that no other Survivor has is what it takes then awesome.

Please leave your thoughts below about this idea. I want to hear what everyone thinks! Yes I know these games are 2 different things. RB6S is a 5v5 tactical shooter, while DBD is a 1v4 type game. That hasn't stopped DBD thus far, so let me know what you guys think about the general idea of having a more unique Survivor experience. :)


  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325
    edited May 2021

    That's my point. It does already. xD It is a live game that requires constant tweaking and balancing either way. More constructive feedback would be appreciated instead of just a lazy Yes or No...

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    No we do not need a Survivor meta beyond the current one of camouflaged skins (talking about you blendette). Seeing the exact same Survivor over and over again simply because their ability is 1% better than the rest of them would be horrible.

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325

    I can see both sides of that coin, but I think many killer mains would prefer what I have suggested. Basically because making this change would out right nerf SWF in general and also make weaker killers more tempting to select.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2021

    As a killer i would use only killers with gen regression powers so yeah... No.

    This idea is pretty bad when it comes to matchmaking. Imagine trying to get into a lobby for 30min just because there are Claudettes everywhere e.g Tome challenge

    EDIT And even if you can pick character after joining the lobby imagine how many survivors will leave just because they cant play as their favourite character

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325
    edited May 2021

    Just make Ruin base for all. Done. Easy solutions. Just have to use our brains a little to think of them. People have been begging for a reward for Killer pushing you off of gens anyway. Apparently none of the people that play this game have enough faith in THESE developers to make every Survivor perk enticing enough to where they are ALL HARD TO PICK FROM? Haha just remove all the sought after ones then. Like I said there are easy fixes. But if I had to upset 1,000 people, while gaining 2,000 who like the idea, I assume they see that is a 1,000 person gain still.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2021

    Not only ruin. Pop, surge even corrupted im some way. What about perks like BBQ or STBFL? There is too many negatives with this sorry

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325
    edited May 2021

    Whatever we have to do to make the idea more enticing. Do all of it. Doesn't matter to me. There are just as many positives. The negatives are always easier to point out as people shy away from change is all.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    This is a topic that has been tossed around for a long time on multiple occasions. The simple answer as to why this can never be in the game is because the game is already pretty unbalanced. This would just add on top of it and it would also create a tier list for survivors, so you would only see certain ones.

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325

    I can totally see that. It just sucks that seeing only certain ones is the state of Killer atm. Which is why I threw in the idea of buffing some of the weaker ones in this idea, but who knows.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2021

    What are those statistics from -1000 +2000 any proof or something? There is literally no reason to do this. It will bring only more bugs ect.

    Redo the whole game for what?

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    I dont want it. I want to play ace but i would always choose the best survivor. Then i would need to grind another survivor with all perks and if i want to switch it up or need to bc someone picked my character i need to level atleast 4 survivor.

    And you can add something different to a killer to buff him then a perk. They struggle with balancing killer right now anyway, so it would make it only more complicated.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited May 2021

    I initially preferred the idea of survivors having their own abilities but honestly, I have now come to enjoy (and prefer) the ability of survivors to swap out and "teach" their perks to others. In this way survivor players can choose the character model that they like the most and make them whatever they want them to be.

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325

    I can understand all these points. You "can" nerf SWF, but you'd alienate groups I think. Force it to be 2 people in a grp max and no more. That'd nerf it lol. But I'm merely being a smarty on that one. They'd never do something that ballsy. Would lose too many people.

  • SyndromeOfaDown
    SyndromeOfaDown Member Posts: 13

    ok, and make decisive strike and BT base for all survivors

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    This is exactly why I liked Friday the 13th more. Every counselor had a unique playstyle that could be used to help out the team in all sorts of different ways. In dbd they're all skins, sad but it'll probably never change.

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325
    edited May 2021

    Whatever needs to be done to make it fair. I am all for it.

    I didn't know that. Very interesting. I appreciate all the comments on this topic thus far! Maybe my idea isn't the greatest. I just wish I knew exactly what the game needed to make it better overall. Maybe Survivors having their own abilities would make it too complicated. Not sure if some people were put off by that in Friday the 13th or not as I've never played it. I just want DBD to get better and better and am more than willing to come up with ideas as to how that could happen. Or at least hypothesize ideas.