Pride, ban, homophobic PlayStation
Now I feeling very bad, I was ban because I said what I am it's like what I'm it's very very bad and can't be exists on PlayStation, apparently it's same on dead by daylight, why you make this charm? It's maybe cool in head but not in real, I'm feeling like I never wanted to be alive
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Do you need to talk to someone, even if it's only to vent?
I'm not the best option, but I am here if you'd like to talk.
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This is hopefully a troll. If not, the charm is a way to celebrate LGBTQ. And if you do not like it then you should just not get it. Also, I may have misread your post.
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I have no idea what you tried to say...
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I read it as if they mean they were banned for using the charm
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Also, you should be able to sue PlayStation for discrimination ( I think I'm not sure)
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I feel bad with the new charm, I was banned because someone said I follow him because he as this charm but not I said I'm gay and after he said ew and I report me to PlayStation PlayStation ban me and now I feeling bad because it's like PlayStation don't like gay person :'(
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to clear up the grammar or at least trying to he was banned because he said he was gay and somebody reported him for saying that so now he is banned
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This is what I'm gonna do
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Don’t feed the troll
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When you were banned, what was the reason PlayStation gave you?
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I'm not a troll, It's what I feeling, my parents put me out of the house because I'm gay and now a feeling same thing
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Uhhhh, that last line's got me pretty worried, mate.
I'm here, if you need to talk.
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This is hilarious on all accounts if any of it was true. The idea Playstation, a multi billion company goes around banning people for their sexual orientation is just the hilarious.
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That is tough
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the height of comedy (this is sarcasm)
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It really is. Like it's just so bad it's funny.
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you and I have very different definitions of humor.
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hey, we are here for you if you need to talk.
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Oh? So it's not hilarious that the main idea in their post is 100% impossible to actually happen because it's illegal? I guess you're just immune to laughing at trolls.
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Thank you. But now a feeling to bad for speak with someone without crying
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I don't believe a word of it.
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bingo. plus being reported can get you banned. that's kind of the point of having a report system
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i tell the truth i feel i feel bad for being what i am now i got kicked out of my parents now i do the same just for orientation, you cannot just said you are gay it's horrible, I'm feeling bad
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Wouldnt be that surprising that playstation would ban you for saying your gay or whatever along those lines. Ive been banned for less.
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Sony wouldn't ban someone for saying they're gay. This persons trolling.
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I highly doubt that they banned you for being gay. You probably said something else against the rules. For example, if you swear at ALL, you'll get banned.
Anyways, don't #########. It's not worth it.
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Yes just for said gay trans lesbians or other they can ban you for me it's very rude, I feeling bad for that too, you cannot be lgbtq with PlayStation
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I saw on your other post it was Playstation not BHVR that banned you. Have you contacted Playstation support about the ban?
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I literally got banned once for saying "why did you ######### on hook". When its literally a part of the game. Now i gotta use demonitized or offed i guess or some other word i can come up with. Sonys automated system never unimpresses me. Could be though im just sayin wouldnt be surprsing.
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I don't say anything bad word, I know that we can be banned for bad words,
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I don't know what country you're in so I can't reccomend services but please, call someone. I suffer through pretty bad depression and... those thoughts. I don't know exactly what it's like but I can empathise.
Please, talk to someone. Even if you feel like you're going to cry or break down just... speak to someone. Possibly get help. If not a professional service, then a friend. I'd say family but reading previous comments it doesn't seem like you're on the best terms.
Don't do it. It isn't worth it.
Stay strong.
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I always said it was PlayStation not dbd But dbd should remove the charm
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Thank you
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no they should not
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Then sue Sony. That's an easy lawsuit right there. Just make sure to keep a record of the messages.
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I'm looking for lower
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I looking for a lawyer
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Not sure how PlayStation supposedly banning you for being gay correlates to the pride charm being removed?
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If the charm is still here it's ok but playstation hurt me too much i can't let this go i feel bad
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As we advised on your previous thread, this is between you and Playstation as they are responsible for the chat on their platform. We do not discuss bans on the forum.