Any news on cross-progression?

I just wanted to ask if there are any updates on the whole cross-progression situation, as it's been a while since we heard anything...
Nope, nothing new sadly. I guess that means no cross Progression for XBox and PlayStation for the foreseeable future…
and Switch might also get released later than announced.. they said Q2 2021 and they wanted to aim more for April than June, but nothing has been said yet
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I heard from a mod a while back that it was a matter of "if", not "when".
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I really hope it's done one day I wanna move to pc dbd one day but I don't exactly wanna lose 2 years of progress and money spent on the xbox version
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Probably not. My main reason is cause console already gets 2 DLC's for free (Of Flesh and Mud / Spark of Madness). If these two weren't free, cross-progression would have come here faster.
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That's XBox and Playstation, Switch (the only one confirmed to be getting it) gets Of Flesh and Mud / Spark of Madness / Curtain Call / Shattered Bloodline for free along with obviously the 3 dlcs that are always free The Last Breath / Lullaby for the Dark / Left Behind. The reason has nothing to do with dlcs but the companies that run those platforms Sony and Microsoft.
Also (to op) I want to know when crossprogression is coming for Switch. Hopefully we get it by the end of June, although they did say that they were aiming for Q2 hopefully April. Ima wait June out and if it doesn't come then I'm going to go cry in a corner then ask for the next dev Q&A because it's kind of sad that they announced it at the same time as Stadia and Steam, even made it sound like they were coming together, and it's been 6 months since Steam and Stadia got crossprogression and still no concrete (when I say concrete I mean more then just a possibly time estimate) news on when the other known to be getting it platform is going to get it.
I hate to say it to people, but until Nintendo Switch has a release date for crossprogression I'd forget about asking for any other platform because you're not getting it anytime soon (if they even can get the ok for crossprogression). It sucks, but that's more truthful than every few weeks someone asking for it since not even every platform confirmed to be getting it has it.