Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Anyone dreading the grind next chapter?

D3spair Member Posts: 715

With one more Killer/3 Perks and two more Survivors/6 Perks getting in the next chapter. As a guys with comeplete characters on both side, I'm gonna hate the god damn grin. Just based on experience I had my Trickters get 2.5 million BPs just to get Ruin which is badly needed in my games. With Nemesis, Jill and Leon. That takes about 15 million+ to Prestige 3 them if you have all the previous chapters or about an average of 2.5 million BPs just to get all the decent perks on them.

Can you imagine the grind then by the end of the year at this rate? BHVR address the grind for people who's buying your crap!


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,303

    The grind on characters is why I didn't even buy the last 3 chapters with iridescent shards. I have enough shards to get both the killers and the survivors but the grind for them just doesn't feel worth it.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    I was able to get Jill to 40 and Nemesis to 50 using my saved up bloodpoints, rituals, archive challenges both current and previous, and the Shrine of Secrets.

    Obviously not everyone has the time or resources to have 1700~ shards and a multitude of extra challenges done that they didnt need the bloodpoints for.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    This is pretty much the first chapter for me that I'm not dreading the grind, but that's because I haven't liked any new killers since pyramid head, so I have about 3 million BP saved with old and current archive challenges from the past year. Won't be as much of a pain in the ass when I can circumvent the 1 million BP cap and essentially go into the new chapter with 4x that. Gunna P3 Nemmy pretty quick. Probably gunna pick up Jill and Leon but I never prestige survivors because it just feels like way too much work

    That said, the grind on this game is comical. They really need to just make it so you can select which perks you want to buy from the bloodweb for 50k BP or something. Or let you disable a set amount of perks you never want to see (monstrous shrine, looking at you). Shouldn't have to spend 2 million extra BP to get a handful of perks on top of the insane grind of just getting to lvl 50 and prestiging

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    The grind and repetitiveness of this game is absolutely insane. They have added no method to cut it down just a little bit. Honestly grinding doesn't really make people want to play the game more. Some people want the grind sure, but a lot of people don't. The accessibility of this game to new players is pretty much non existent due to the fact that you have to grind for thousands of hours to even remotely come close to unlocking everything.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Now that you mention the grind I going to be a bit of a chore. I have to level up 2 survivors instead of 1 to unlock their teachable then i have to level up the survivors I main more to get the new perks on them and to teir 3. Luckily I'm a survivor main and I don't care about prestiging my characters so I won't have to work as hard to get the killer perks so it's easier but the people who do care about those things are going to have to work really hard.

  • OutbreakJack
    OutbreakJack Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2021

    I've been saving BP through Tomes, events and redeeming redeemable codes for the last 6 months so I'm good. I kind of assumed Resident Evil would be the 5th year and luckily for me the recent chapter had nothing I cared for which made it easy to keep saving. So now I'm chilling on 7 million or so bloodpoints. For now I plan on getting P3 Nemesis and Leon which with my current stockpile should get me pretty far down that path.

    With that said though the grind is insane in this game and they don't even do double BP events anymore for god knows what reason. I feel pretty bad for newer players. I've been playing since the start so I've been able to keep up with the grind pretty easily but for newer players thats an insane mountain to climb.

    Post edited by OutbreakJack on
  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715
  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I stopped buying new characters and try to avoid unlocking new teachable perks for some time now.

    If only I knew that 70% of perks are worthless when I started playing, it would help a lot.

    Good thing they addressed the BP grind on their stream in great detail /s

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Nope, I have decided not to spend anymore money on this game until BHVR solves a lot of bug issues, optimization problems, balancing, and reduces the grind. Since it is a licensed DLC I canโ€™t buy with in game currency, wonโ€™t have to worry about grinding out this one.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Bro, I haven't leveled any survivors past Ashe and I always lose enthusiasm to put points into them when I see all those lvl 1's.

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    That's why I'm using my WGLF & BBQ perk sets right now. Gotta get ready.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    No because it's a paid DLC.

    If I had to grind out 27,000 Iri Shards for 3 new original characters I would be dreading the coming grind, seeing as I just spent a bunch on cosmetics and have very few Shards left

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    You guys want everything put in front of you.You have to play the game to level up your characters.

    They should just remove perk tiers.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    No offense but I don't understand why so many people see this game as a grind. I'm not saying that it ISN'T a grind - it is - but I mean, you get no special "win" state or super bonus for prestiging characters or making them adept or getting your favorite perks, etc., you just keep playing games and keep getting bloodpoints.

    My point is, if the main point of playing the game is to hurry through the grind then what's the point of playing at all? I don't mind the grind because to me it's a secondary component of the game, something just happens naturally on its own as a side effect from playing. I don't see a new character or perk and think "aw man, now I have to grind that", I think "hmm, maybe I'll switch to that character for a while now".

    Like I said, I'm not trying to insult anybody, I just don't understand why, if the game is all about grinding by playing, so many people are focused on the grind instead of just enjoying the play. It reminds me of the South Park Warcraft episode where the characters go through hours upon hours of grinding so that they can beat a particularly skilled player, then when they do they're like "great, now we can play".

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,433

    I play less at the moment, so right now not all my killers have tricksters perk. But normally i get the new killer p3 all perks, the perks on all other killer, the new survivor lv 40 and the perks on my main survivor before midchapter.

    With every chapter i need to spend 300k bp more (one more killer). Thats almost nothing compared to the bloodpoints i need to do for the listed things above. So i dont think new chapter would be a problem, if i would not play less.

    The extra survivor means for me only 1,3 mio BP more, so i should be able to handle that. Imo the grind is bad for new players, but its ok for players who only need to level the new chapter.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I'm only grinding Jill's bloodweb, or technically Claire's if that becomes a legendary skin c;

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    I have 15 survivors to get all the perks on, as well as wanting to P350 all perks both Jill and Leon. I also have about 8 killers to get all perks on and wanna get Nemesis up to P350 all perks too.

    So yes, I'm really looking forward to this!!

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I don't consider it a grind - maybe because I enjoy playing the game?

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I kinda like all the perks for once so it'll be a pain. Really hoping they just remove perk levels soon. No perks are even worth using at level 1/2 anyway.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    It's really annoying yes,but at least we will be able to save up a ton of Anniversary Cakes

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    Nope. I actually enjoy working for something and feeling satisfied that I completed a tough objective. But then again I grew up with games that didn't hand you ######### on a silver platter because you felt some sense of entitlement to receive something for doing little to nothing to achieve it. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Nah, a relaxing day or 2 and i'll have the Perks on Wraith.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No as I'll have fun doing so. I've already P3 Nemesis on the PTB and that's without almost any BP offerings or BBQ. Survivors I don't P3, just get their teachables so I'm not worried at all.

    Still, devs could do something about the grind again. It's been a while since the last grind changes and again we've gotten so many more characters that it's startint to become a problem again.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,555

    Yes. When they said there were going to be two survivors, I was actually totally disappointed.

    Reduce the grind please.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,555

    I'm 38. I've also played difficult games "back in my day". Too little reward for too much work in this game though. Perk levels should have been removed two years ago.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,474

    The only problem is the cap of 1 million BPs. I could have saved 10 millions for this chapter but have constantly to spend BPs somewhere when I don't need it. I already have all perks unlocked on all survivors and killers.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    At this point I think the devs are somewhat aware of the addictiveness of the grind. That's why despite it being grindier than ever (and less appealling to newcomers once they realise how perk heavy this game is) they almost never do double BP anymore.

    Maybe they're worried that by reducing the grind they'll lose some concurrent players.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Unlocking everything isnโ€™t required to play though...

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    The point should be to experiment with perk builds, test out various combinations, and get better at the PvP aspect.

    I've been in Paladins for four years. I get to test builds and styles out on any new champion out of the gate. Absolutely zero grind. The two of three "Talents" they lock behind a level gate can be opened within an hour of play on that champion (if they're worth it Talents to begin with). But I get to experiment with builds from the start. And what's kept me playing for four years if just that: build experimentation and getting better with each Champion.

    I've been in Overwatch since launch day. That's five years now. Zero grind. Nothing to unlock. McCree is McCree, Lucio is Lucio, Zarya is Zarya. It never changes. But getting better with the roster, doing new team tactics or ultimate-combos with someone else, that's why I play.

    DbD has an asinine grind. I come and go from this game a lot more than I ever have with something like Paladins or Overwatch. Here they use the grind as a design crutch to try to keep people playing. If I wanted that, I would go back to MMOs.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Yes, Most of just want to have the perks we want without grinding for so long. For example My Plague is already at 4 pages of Purple tier 3 perks But Thanatophobia still won't show up for some reason.

    If they want to DBD to be grindy then fine cool BUT at least give us the hope/timeframe when I can get the perk I want. For all I know I can have 6 Pages of tier 3 perks till Thanatophobia shows up on my Plague.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Another killer that I'll have to get to prestige 3.


  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Another point is most Add Ons of newer Killer are dang near useless expect using them in meme builds. Like with Ghostface there is zero reasons to get/want/use the other Add Ons other than Cooldown Add Ons on him. I'm basically spending BPs on Add Ons I will never use, basically wasting the half of BPs I'm spending.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    What people have to realize is not only is there 9 more perks total, if you're trying to get each character those perks, you have to grind out 9 more bloodwebs per character also. With there already being a ton of perks, you're looking at each year, becoming more and more impossible to get all the perks in the game for every character. Soon, you will NEVER be able to do it because the amount of perks will outweigh the amount of time you can put into the game.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Tell me about it. I still don't have Corrupt Intervention on my Level 50 Myers. I gave up.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Just leave the game. I haven't played the game in 3 weeks now and life has been pretty good ngl

  • ryzen0849
    ryzen0849 Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2021

    Suddenly glad I haven't unlocked teachables for 9 or 10 killers. Can't imagine going through such a grind with every single one. Never also grinding survivors.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Silver platter?

    Do you even play this game?

    I'm going to put this into a little perspective for you.

    If you have every Survivor Prestige 3 with every single perk before the next chapter releases it will take you roughly 35.5 million bloodpoints to finish the new characters and the other Survivors.

    That is the Survivor side ONLY.

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 300


  • kodiaky
    kodiaky Member Posts: 51

    The really need to reduce the grind, it is out of hand.

  • ZonkyWizard
    ZonkyWizard Member Posts: 568

    I managed to get Trickster to P3 in 3 days. Tbh, this isn't even an issue for me. I'm fine with the grind.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    I really don't need your perspective and I've never seen it as a grind. I enjoy working toward something to feel a sense of satisfaction when I complete an objective. Again, it's the generation in which I was raised. But we're all entitled to opinions, and I will respect yours if you respect mine.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I'll be racking up the 5th Anniversary BP cakes specifically to use when the chapter is released. I hope others do the same (please do!).

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,835

    not really, since i have a lot of bloodpoints saved up and the anniversary is half a month away

    ill probably be done with at least 1 of them before the anniversary, tbh