The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

How would you describe your playstyle?

So everyone has their own unique ways of playing the game and I'm curious to see what some of them are, for both killer and survivor. Do you gens before friends it every match? Are you the healer for the team? Is the only thing you know how to do is protect Bubbas Basement Chest?

For killer, I try to play a "No one de-pips" type deal. I chase everyone, I don't slug much, I don't tunnel, and I try to make sure everyone is death hook before anyone dies. This way everyone has a chance to earn points and then can feel like they did everything they could that match.

As survivor, I like to do all the side quests. Totems, chests, healing, etc. I'll work on gens as I come across them but I like being adventurous and not leaving any corner of the map untouched.


  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    As survivor, I have a very altruistic/stealthy playstyle.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,283

    I play the exact same way, but I also body block and try to take aggro if the killer is trying to tunnel someone or if I haven't been hooked (even though I'm bad at chases). It makes me feel sad that the devs seem to be moving away from allowing survivors to be more stealthy. My Claudette no longer blends in on some of the new maps and sticks out like a sore thumb so bad that killers can see me from across the world.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    As a survivor, I'm a stealthy boi that actually does gens and goes for saves. I'm often the guy that's not been hooked yet while everyone else is on death hook, just doing gens in the background. I'm aware I should probably take a hook state or two to make sure my team survives longer, but I don't trust other people to save me and I hate getting found on purpose.

    As a killer, I try to play nice unless survivors actively try to annoy me (I'm thinking clicky clicky). I also tend to spread the hooks instead of focusing on two or three people, which may not be the smartest move.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I was going to write out my style, but saw Orion and I are kindred spirits so I was lazy and quoted him. This is pretty much me in a nutshell. As a Killer I'm all about the mind game. That is probably why I prefer Spooky Myers, Trapper, Hag, and Demogorgon (he actually has some great mind game play).

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,403

    As survivor i prioritize gens. I know that most of the time someone else will rescue, so i unhook only when the hook is near or nobody rescues and the hooked person would reach the next hook state. Im confident i can loop the killer, so i almost never hide when im on a gen. Im not good at hiding anyway and dont want to risk a free hit for the killer. When im looping i like to be unpredictable, break los and leave the loop without the killer noticing.

  • DudelPumaAce
    DudelPumaAce Member Posts: 305
    edited May 2021

    Survivor: when i see (mostly) a bad killer ich play casual, I then only give a little bit of game knowledge and don't do it that seriously, but I still play normal and i juke but not as serious as when I see a badass nurse who does every port perfectly

    Survivor playstyle: first im main survivor and play survivor much better than killer .. I go straight to a gen (I always do it when I'm not being chased by the killer) because you still have time to do everything else (totems cleansen, search chests and and and) "first gens then friends" :) xD

    in the chase, i watch the killer while chucking what he is doing, e.g. stand up in the shack so that you are not surprised by the killer (also with other loops, the killer has in mind)

    Pallets: in chasen I don't like to throw pallets, I love to juke the killer the whole time and not throw a pallet, only when he has bloodlust and I'm half-life, then unfortunately I have to throw them :(, but also here then come my superiors pro mates and just put every pallet in "one time use" for these people xD

    now comes the sad for you :D is the truth: if I have mates who don't do it, have all totems cleans on the map and searched each chest 3 times and weren't even on a gen then when they are hooked, I don't save them, don't heal them and don't help them because they are ( in my eyes) are useless and it only takes time to save them

    But that's also due to matchmaking, these people can play like that, but I want to have a badass nurse, a spirit with the best addons, a blight that doesn't just make 180 degrees but 360 degrees :D

    BUT, everything can only work out if my mates are also very good and are not useless, die in the chase after sec at the same time they waited all pallets,if these people don't become my mates and I get good survivor mates instead, then I would always give 100% (that is why dbd needs a great new matchmaking)

    Killer playstyle: there is not much to say, maindgames, using killer skills properly, map knowledge, and yes if you always want a 4k tunnel, camping and slugging, For example, if people do gens instead of saving the person and the survivor is hooked and only has 20sec until the second phase, then I quickly go there and becamp him until then and if they then bring him down I tunnel him that's a good one trade (in the worst case 2 gens for a dead survivor)

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    As survivor:

    Very unsure about doing unhooks, way more confident in doing gens due to the fear that I'm either gonna go down, the person gets tunneled or I waste too much time and gens stagnate

    Thinks what killer's thinking, I probably know what they know

    Considerate of gen spots, always proritizes breaking 3 gens and b-lines the middle gen at the start

    Scared alone, overconfident with others

    Shaking in my boots at mind-gameable loops

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    As Killer; Everyone Deranks, even me.

    The goal is to research how to award the least amount of points to survivors AND myself by following simple steps like never use hooks and ending the trial asap with a 4k bleed out.

    If steps are followed correctly deranking is non optional.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    My playstyle? Uhh, I stalk the killer

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614


  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944


    More agressive playstyle because i find stealth to be rather boring

    I run into at least 1 object/wall while being chased or do some other dumb mistakes every game because i'm just that stupid sometimes


    Play more agressive aswell.Perks are usually chase focused,with little gen defence to none at all (Mostly just Corrupt Intervention).

    My win condition is getting cool plays and 4 stacks of BBQ (and sometimes tunneling that one survivor with a key + hatch offering 😶)

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    As a Survivor, I'm very team oriented, I sacrifice myself or potentially even others in order to maximise the number of escapes, often leaving strong areas because people are working there to go down in deadzones. I sometimes stealth around but usually I don't bother, hence my always using OoO. I also have a tendency to preserve pallets a bit too much.

    As a Killer, I'm extremely manipulative and aggressive. I tend to take control of an area, getting rid of strong pallets but leaving up weaker ones to draw people's attention. It's better if they waste my time at a strong rock tile than hold W into a deadzone. This works especially well for me because I'm a Plague main and she is well capable of manipulating people into essentially killing themselves.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    As survivor I like being chased by most killers, but despite of this I normally try to avoid being chased. It's kind of weird. I'm therefore normally on gens all game although of course go and unhook survivors whenever necessary.

    As killer I try to get as many hooks as possible. I don't play to pip, I play to have fun, gain BP and sacrifice survivors. That means I have no issue tunneling or standing near hooks or giving survivors hatch. I just play however I want to.

  • Crazziiboi97
    Crazziiboi97 Member Posts: 11

    As Survivor I play solo and stealthy my build is Spine Chill, Bond, Iron will, and either Lithe,BL or SB depending on my mood. My goal is to always know where the killer is and complete gems and saves without being seen. My favorite matches are the ones when the killer doesn’t even know I’m there. I’m pretty team oriented so I’ll do bones, and help others when I’m able, but my main goal is escaping so if I think a save will kill me I won’t go for it, unless I feel I have enough BP that I won’t rank down.

    as Killer my strategy is I can barely see (I’m very bad at killer like rank 15 while I’m a rank 1 survivor) so make the survivors tell me where they are. I play doctor overwhelming presence, overload, the one that shortens miss swings, and can’t remember the 4th. I try to make sure everyone is having fun so I avoid tunneling, camping and all that stuff. Also if the survivors are nice I always let the last one go if I’m on the way to a 4K.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    "You can't mindgame me if I'm mindgaming myself, which in turn mindgames you"

    That's my playstyle. ")

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    hmmm probably bitchy it depents on my mood and what killer i face

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    As survivor: Team-oriented. I bring perks like Prove Thyself, Kindred, and We'll Make It, and gun for safe unhooks where I can heal you up after and breaking future 3-gens while the killer's occupied. If the killer interrupts an unhook-heal, I offer myself up as a free hit and take them away from the unhooked survivor.

    As killer: Everyone gets a chance to play and everyone gets sweet bloodpoints. I avoid tunneling and switch up my targets whenever I have the choice to pick between two. If I see a survivor got left on their first hook to progress to second stage, the next time I down them, I'll leave them as an apology freebie. Though oftentimes I won't death hook anyone and just leave people slugged for teammates to pick up at that point. If I really dominate the match, and the survivors weren't BMing me, I just start memeing. Other than that, I usually don't commit to chases for too long, I abandon TL walls and shack if the survivor proves to me they know what they're doing, and I respect the hell out of pallets and break them unless there is zero use survivors could get out of that pallet later. (With the caveat that once survivors expect me to respect pallets, I'll switch it up and start lunging.)

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Noobish and can't loop for crap as survivor, good on gens though lol. Prefer dance with me, quick and quiet and lithe as perks. Kindred right now too but want to try Jill's mines.

    As killer less than adequate, will try to play fairly until 2 gens remain. If all survivors are still alive then I will tunnel if I don't see any but the just unhooked survivor.

    Green rank killer at best I would say, High Green, low purple survivor at best if I'm with survivors who can loop and leave me on gens or unhooks :p

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    Playstyle as killer: be fair. If I tunnel & don’t have DS I drop them.

    playstyle as survivor:cocky. Got to have some spine to make good plays.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    I don't want to live

    I'll get others out, instead

    Oops, Guess We're all dead

    Do I get bonus points for doing it in a haiku?

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    I just like to play as the big monster and chase people

    The closest I have to a main are Trapper, Wraith, Myers, and Doctor but I switch between killers all the time both to freshen the game, preserve add-ons, build up BP, and because I like to mess around with perks

    For slow-down perks I almost always take Corrupt intervention because its consistent, changes the map in a active way, and its just so nice to have. I never take Hex Perks with the exception of Devour hope every now and than because I just don't care for RNG and find Hexes passive and boring

    I'm pretty chill nowadays with my playstyles, I can still get aggravated from time to time but it just ain't worth it to let it get under one's skin. Because when the match ends the only thing that can affect you is how you feel your performance, its way more fun to screw with the toxic (love) people than play on their turf. The game itself is much less toxic now than when I started playing and its a great thing. I play pretty fair I'm interested in my own fun and the fun of others, as long as they play fair I'll play fair. In that regard I suppose I'm more reactionary than setting off with any real plan

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    As a survivor, you could describe me as a gen jockey. But I'm also a team player.

    As a killer, I try not to be sweaty. Being laidback allows me to enjoy my killer games more.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,133

    I play in character, so each survivor or killer I approach differently.

    For example: I see the Wraith as an angry character, but who is also ethical and knows when deeds are done well. If I notice a survivor risking themself for others, and we're the last 2, I'll let them escape. I'll also act as a predator; taking wide arcs to circle, encompass and panic my prey.

    However, as Hillbilly I play him as an absolute madman, chainsawing everything and anything, and taking very risky routes to get surprise downs. He does not do subtlety. If people survive, it's never down to the Hillbilly showing pity - always that they outplayed him.

    On the survivor side, if I'm Dwight I'll always seek cooperation and teamwork. He doesn't like being alone or confrontational and hates dealing with chases. On the other hand, Meg is more hard-hitting and prefers chases and skillful plays. She's not affraid of being chased, and is much more gutsy.

    Every character has a unique way I play and communicate post-match. It's just more fun for me.