A Wraith Like You

Just a few minutes ago I played against a console Wraith who I cannot remember the name to. I'm hoping they are one these forums because honestly, BEST! MATCH! EVER! Let me explain:

Basically someone burned a dead dog offering so as soon as the match loads in, I find the nearest bird and start making gestures to come as close as i can to petting it. Shortly after, Dwight comes by and does the exact same thing and not too soon after, the killer, the star of the show, the Wraith. They uncloak and just stare at us and starts nodding. He even leads me to the piano and i start slammin out a sick beat. It obviously became a farm match for the most part. All because I wanted to pet a carnivorous bird.

GGZ and GL all <3


  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    ######### the Wraith.

    I'm glad you managed to have anything resembling fun with him.

  • LordWack
    LordWack Member Posts: 21

    I Block every player that uses the wraith.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I think we're on different servers but I'd give you a good wraithing otherwise ;)

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    For real though he was my first killer and I usually play him every so often but I haven't since the buff so I'm intrigued

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Man that's just petty as hell. He's not even close to being the best killer.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Normally I'd advise you not to pet buzzards, but hey, if it works out...

    Really, though, I love Wraith. He's one of my favorite killers to meme with because of his bing bonger; he's naturally built for it because he comes with a really obvious cue when he's trying to be funny and non-aggressive. People are wary of him now after the buff, but I still have plenty of fun playing normally and then busting out the meems once everyone's on death hook or the game's towards its end. Some of my favorite Wraith things to do are:

    -Follow a survivor around cloaked, uncloaking just far enough for the bell to ring once, and keep doing this. Just be their partially invisible personal soundtrack. This is way funnier if you've been playing the match normally until that point, so they're expecting you to be hostile. Continue for as long as it takes them to figure out that you're not attacking them, or until the heat death of the universe.

    -Similarly, follow a survivor around and just keep getting in the way of wherever they're trying to run, invisibly.

    -Stand still in front of a hex (that you know survivors have noticed, or you'll be waiting years) or exit gate switch cloaked, and wait for a survivor to bonk into you. Usually they're confused for a couple of seconds, trying to move around to get the prompt, and then they hear the growl and either freak out or start pointing.

    -Trap a survivor in a corner, politely bing the bong to inform them of their predicament, and re-cloak and leave.

    -If the stars align and send you to Gas Heaven, man the retail shop. Just because Philip's in the realm now doesn't mean he's unemployed. Hit survivors that try to go behind the counter; employees only.

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    I've done a couple of these lol one of my favorite moments as Wraith was when this survivor ran towards the dead end slide thing of the hay machine on the farm map. I uncloaked, stared at them, re-cloaked and walked away. Between those moments and the ones where even though you arent out to get them, it's hard to resist getting a couple surprise swings in

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943
