What is your honest opinion about Lethal Pursuer?

Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

As a survivor i find this perk quite annoying when Nemesis spawn not too far from me, and less then 3 seconds we're in the chase.

It's not a big deal of a perk and maybe a waste of slot but, it gave your position for at least 7 seconds.

I don't know, i wish we could have some kind of balance with auras.

What is your opinion about this perk and do you think it will change?


  • Lightsoutx12
    Lightsoutx12 Member Posts: 17

    I have yet to go against it but from what I have seen it is very strong early game. I am not the best in a chase so for me it would probably lead to an early down (getting better though). From the consensus it seems the killer mains think it is a waste of a perk slot since there are much better options. I play killer from time to time and feel there are better options since it is useless after the first 7 seconds of a match.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    It needs to do more than what it does and have some kind of weak secondary effect. You can do cool things with it, sure, but having 3 perks 7 seconds in just isn't tenable. It's not like it guarantees you an early down, which is what you need - Corrupt does way more for the same sort of perk concept.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,484

    good perk for killers who don't understand spawn locations yet

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Good for new players. For everyone else it’s hot trash and not even close to being good.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    I think it's a really bad perk, not just in terms of power but also in terms of design.

    I feel like it'll be a trap for new Killers who rely on perks more, thinking they'll get value out of this when they don't.

    Killers can't capitalize on seeing all four Survivors on separate corners of the map. They just choose one Survivor and go for them first. It's a very boring perk.

    But hey, at least I'll get Distortion value out of it.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510

    To be fair people sometimes hideout corrupt this guarantees you get a chase early on pretty much.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I got good use out of it. It allowed me to cut down on the time I spent looking for survivors, and let me get right into a chase (which is the most fun part of the game imo).

  • Bonquiqui414
    Bonquiqui414 Member Posts: 222

    It should have a secondary effect

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    I'd say it's both good and weak. Being able to instantly start a chase is a great way to instantly get pressure on the map, but also being able to see if anyone spawns near your totem, so you can go chase them away. Though it's a 1 time, 7 second use and after that you're basically playing with just 3 perks.

    Would be nice to buff it slightly to reveal survivors auras for 2 seconds every minute or something or give it a secondary effect

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    As survivor I really like it. That feeling of being secure in the beginning just disappears knowing the killer might see you instantly.

    As killer I think the perk is too weak. 7 seconds of auras then you have three perks all game. Not gonna run that.

  • gentacle
    gentacle Member Posts: 260

    It or Corrupt Intervention should be baseline, imho.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I run Corrupt often, and when I can't find any survivors within the first 60 seconds, I start looking around the corrupted area in brief forays (because part of it is that survivors generally don't want to get near your terror radius if the four open gens are close to each other, and if you give them an opportunity, they might bite.) It's true that Corrupt Intervention won't always give you a solid early game, but it still performs its job in wasting survivors' time so they don't go on their initial gens, discouraging them from doing objectives and encouraging side objectives, and shrinking the size of the gen area you patrol at the start. Either survivors don't touch gens or you meet them early. It also continues to apply to survivors no matter what you're doing and whether you're hard committing to chases or prioritizing your patrolling.

    Lethal Pursuer lets you scatter an initial group and chase one person, and... that's it. Everyone else can go back to their gens - possibly a different gen so that your initial information is no longer valid if you need to switch targets, possibly the same one because they have no reason to care. Your value is now entirely reliant on how quick or drawn-out that first chase is - is the area you found them in pretty empty or is it laden with pallets? Did you go after a noob or a 2000-hour rank 1? This early in the match, you haven't observed anyone, so you don't know who's a strong looper, who's running Dead Hard, etc.

    I can see the perk being useful for killers who can make especial use out of immediately knowing where survivors are - Myers to escape T1 asap, Ghostface to get a ton of 99s, Huntress to cross-map snipe, Plague if she's running a Corrupt Purge gambit - but generally I just don't see it being worth a perk slot when there's so many good perks that will give you value throughout the match instead of just saving you a small but variable amount of time at the start.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2021

    Ridiculous perk. It should give in addition or in exchange for the aura reading, a 5% increased mov speed for 90 sec or so to compensate for the so early lost of a perk slot.

    And it will fullfil its purpose to be called lethal pursuer with a change like that, because there isn't anything lethal or pursuer with just a pitiful 7 sec of aura reading at match start..

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I think a lot of people are underestimating its usefulness. Even if you have a general idea of spawns, knowing exactly which spawns they get can be a game changer. Early game pressure is what's important for killers. Is it the BEST PERK? No, but even lasting 7 seconds (which is only 7 seconds less than Ruin!) it's a good perk. Maybe buff it to 10 seconds to give the killer a little more time with it. And on certain maps, it'll be invaluable. Like Red Forest and Haddonfield, where spawns are ridiculous.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    "Invaluable" 🤣

    Come on.. I gotta say that you are at least writing this with more effort than @Sluzzy 😝

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    If i need to make a choice between lethal persuer and corrupted intervention im going 100% of the time with corrupted intervention. My issue with the perk is i already know most of the survivor spawn so for me this perk do nothing that why ayer should play both role. I saw some youtuber say this perk is great but honestly i think its a waste slot in you build

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    I’m gonna be honest even though I’m on console people are underrating this perk people who main Oni and Myers will start running this perk cause there biggest weaknesses is the early game and this perk fixes that problem I hate to say it but this perk is kinda underrated. Is it good no but if it got buffed then it would be good

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2021

    I think its pretty strong despite what you'd think for a 7 second aura read once per game.

    Getting in too a chase as soon as possible is the most important part of killer. Any chaser killer will use this perk, whereas setup killers will probably stick to Corrupt/Pop.

    I've been trying just Corrupt/Pursuer and its been doing quite well.

    You can use both and 90% of the time they'll spawn together or maybe spread out by your blocked gens. You can get a down before they even have 1 gen to 20% and that can do wonders for your game long pressure.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    You start the snowball faster with this perk

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    I don't see a problem with it. it fits nemesis pretty well. also it's a counter to the shrouds people play to all start all together.

    it also has a lot of good perk synergy.

    I understand the dislike for it don't get me wrong, but having tried nemesis it really only gives you a idea of how the team starts the game.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Corrupt and Lethal sound like a really bad combo. Yeah, Corrupt hinders the rest of the team while you chase the first guy, but ignoring the fact where you're doubling up on the timed-perk problem that leaves you with two perks by the two minute mark... Corrupt makes survivors move from their initial positions. They will run around aimlessly until they find an uncorrupted gen, switching directions frequently as they run to gens and find them blocked. So you're pretty much gambling that one of them will spawn close enough to you - IE, not in corrupted territory - that the information you got in the first seven seconds is still valid by the time you run across the map.

    Without Corrupt, you can generally guess which gen a survivor will go to if you see their spawn. With Corrupt, they'll get lost, and it's less clear which gen they'll eventually settle on. It feels like you could pretty easily get no value out of Lethal Pursuer this way, especially on a big or indoor map.

    I feel like I'd get way more out of Corrupt Intervention and Discordance if my game was to do Corrupt with additional locational power. Better returns throughout the game.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I haven't actually used it myself yet as I dipped on the PTB quite quickly. However, based on what I've seen of the perk, it seems rather underwhelming unfortunately. Sure, on a high mobility Killer like Blight, being able to see exactly where everyone is at the start could be immensely useful. Being able to start a chase in 15-20 seconds at the beginning of a match is nothing to scoff at. There are a couple of issues however.

    Firstly, it's yet another perk that is much weaker on killers which lack mobility. Yes, they can still go to where they saw Survivors spawn and chase them. However, it'd take twice as long for them to do that compared to high mobility killers. The second, and in my opinion, biggest issue with Lethal Pursuer is that it lasts for only 7 seconds. After the 7 seconds are up, the perk is PERMANENTLY deactivated for the remainder of the trial. That to me, is truly awful. Especially when you compare it to Corrupt, another early game perk, which lasts for a full 2 minutes. I really want to like Lethal Pursuer but the fact that it doesn't have some kind of secondary effect, absolutely kills it for me. It'll be nice for newer killers to learn where Survivors typically spawn I guess.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    True, but Nemesis in no way needs chaser perks like Bamboozle or End/Fury and ontop of that any killer worth their salt will easily be able to steamroll with one hook off before first gen. So at the very least it will be good on him and most chaser killers. If you're that worried about gens you can just stack more regression/slowdown on.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I can't ever see myself running it, even if I were to play someone like Myers or GF, who in theory, might be the killers who could benefit the most from it. It seems like a perk designed for someone brand new to the game (which would make sense, if the devs are hoping for an influx of new players from the RE license), but the longer you play killer, you eventually begin to figure out where survivors spawn for the most part in relation to your starting point on any given map. The best killer mains I've watched play beeline to a location without hesitation, no matter what map they're on, and always find someone because they know survivor spawns like the back of their hand.

    In the end, it's 7 seconds of use, then you're down an entire perk. Considering that some people in the Lucky Break thread are arguing that 45 seconds of that perk makes it unusable (which I disagree with, but that's a whole different debate), I can't believe a 7-second usage perk is going to see much play from experienced killers. Even Corrupt has its detractors, and at least with that perk you're getting at least 2 minutes of some value.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Whatever you say, Chief. You don't have to use it, but I will be. I know a lot of others will too. You give less effort than Sluzzy.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Lethal pursuer might replace corrupt intervention on my Micheal and plague. Been thinking of putting it on nurse but I love BBQ sloppy nurses infectious on her.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Really good killers don't need perks to down so having an early snowball is much stronger then over half the perks that are active all match.

    That said really good killers also know spawn locations by hearth so they might not find it that usefull.

    Final verdict: it's aight

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Corrupt intervention does the same thing almost as you head over there and you get gen protection