Sick of Always Worst Maps
Okay, does anyone else seem to always be getting the worst/hardest maps as killer? I am sick of it. Because of the change, I get Coldwind a lot which is entirely survivor sided, then as Nurse I get indoor maps a lot, along with giant maps which still suck if you can't warp really far. As Legion, I commonly get the giant Sanctum of Wrath or the Plague's map. Huntress, kept getting Coldwind more than my other killers, twice in a row yesterday. Being Blight first time in a while, put me in Hawkins. Practically, I keep getting the worst/hardest maps for my killers, which is even worse because I am the red ranks. Professional survivors against hard-to-be killers at their hardest maps? REALLY???
Can this PLEASE be fixed somehow? Honestly, because the game technically is survivor sided, each round should have an increased chance to go to the maps better for the killer, or at least ones that aren't so hard. :( I am just sick of getting the hardest maps. I don't mean to sound biased because I main killer... but REALLY???
uh that's just you
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It's my favorite game, yet it just hates me back. :(
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Yeah I know the feeling about getting bad maps multiple times in a row, its why I do wish sometimes that map offerings and BP offerings occupied different slots. But that is the nature of RNG and sometimes you have to suffer through the bad luck or forego BP and slap on a map offering
Also making the game go more towards killer wouldn't fix anything it would just be an inverse the game should never be tilted in favor of the other side because one of them is having a bad time. The game should always be neutral and attempt the best balance for both sides, what you suggest would simply punish survivors that had nothing to do with the previous games
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Bruh i just got Haddonfield twice, once against a team of extremely immersed players. It didn't go well for me this time
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coldwind is literally huntresses best map set
but i definitely feel you, every time i play pyramid head its haddonfield or grim pantry
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I just wish there WAS some way to balance it. The best killer versus the best survivors, survivors surely win. And yeah, it would be nice if they were separated.
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Not rare for me either. Used to give Haddonfield for Nurse a lot a month back. But yeah, that sucks.
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How is Coldwind her best map set? You can't see anything with all the weeds, and it isn't hard to dodge her hatchets with it being so open. :( I DID do good on one round yesterday, but that map set is still so hard.
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Sometimes luck is not with you. Its a classic pick Nurse and get coldwind farm for example xD
And last time i played as survivor i got like 5 consecutive matchs the smallest maps versus, doctors, deathslingers, spirits and a wraith. Nothing we could do about it, its was 3-5 gens matchs.
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I wouldn't say surely at all, now back in the old days of the De-Pip squad, old maps, old item balance, old animations, I'd agree with ya but nowadays things are far more balanced. I do agree BHVR's MM and rank system has always had issues (
Still better than destiny 2 crucible though lol)But things have been improving and a lot of the old bad maps are getting replaced with better versions, I wish that some killers had a reduced chance of getting maps that would be horrible for them such as Huntress on the Game but that would probably result in a number of other issues
This has been the way for many years
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Some people have no luck in this game. :(
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The game has definitely gotten more balanced along with SOME maps getting better (honestly, some only created more god-loops), but the game will likely never get entirely balanced. They need to change the keys though. People have really been successfully using them recently for me. Past 2 days, probably 3 groups of people escaped.
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Because if you're good at huntress the survivor can't dodge a fully charged hatchet especially when they can't see you through the corn
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I have been getting bad maps for killer for so long I just laugh at them because I know the devs will NEVER fix them.
Its also funny and sad that pointing out to survivors how survivor side the map spawn was offends a LOT of survivors for some reason.
I can literally look at a map spawn and within 30 seconds tell whom is going to win unless they do massive misplays.
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True, but at the same time it is hard for the Huntress to see the survivor with so much corn/wheat in the way. Without paying very close attention, it is super hard to get a hit. You have to see them a tiny bit through the corn/wheat, which is how I end up doing good that day.
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Not really, the hitbox is huge
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Sadly, seems like the game is always going to be this way with survivors like that too. :(
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i feel you,when i play killer i tend to be very unlucky with maps much of farms, haddonfield very often, red forest often, ye i feel u. but that is because most maps are survivor sided aswell.
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That's exactly what I mean. I guess it is impossible for them to fully balance the game, so us killer mains have to deal with supreme survivors sometimes. :(
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love it when the game puts me in swamp like 3 times in a row