Killers, Please Stop Doing This

Stop slugging. Especially for the 4K. A survivor in chat was kind enough to let me know that I was holding the game hostage because of it. Us killers are better than that. I know we are.
Edit: /s
I'm sorry friend, but you have been misinformed. The only way you can hold the game hostage as a killer is by bodyblocking someone in a corner, preventing the game from coming to a natural conclusion.
Slugging for the 4k can be considered sweaty and boring, but certainly not holding the game hostage.
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I personally don't mind slugging, as long as it doesn't waste 30 minutes of my time. Like oh my holy goodness, just sacrifice me already, please... I literally beg you. š„²š
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You are not holding the game hostage because the survivors will bleed out, eventually. Holding the game hostage means it cannot progress, and nearly every instance of this is due to survivors' actions.
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ughhhhh fine but only because you asked nicely. That last survivor who did nothing and allowed his entire team to get killed truly deserves the free win.
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Felt so bad for a Nea I had to bleed out one time. The other survivors 99'd the gate and whenever I tried to hook Nea, they just sabo'd. I can't imagine what it's like to play survivor with teammates that actively try to screw you over.
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No. I will play as an individual match requires. If that means slugging, I'll slug. :) Slugging is not holding the game hostage. As others have already pointed out, the only real way you can do it is to body block someone in the corner.
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I believe this is sorta misleading, you can be put into a situation where the progress you make is so miniscule that you minus well call it taking the game hostage.
I had a two versus one scenario where the killer would keep grabbing me and not hook me, I would wiggle free just to be grabbed again or picked up. Yes, my bleed-out meter would slowly inch down, but holy moly, I'm not wasting hours just to die.
Of course my teammate was a rank 20 and didn't do anything, my luck. I know these are pretty rare, but a game can still be taken hostage, even if you're making fractions of progress.
Like dude, I was pointing at a hook, c'mon, I just want to die and move on with my life. At least the DC penalty isn't bad, I'm thankful for that. šš„²
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If there are 2 survivors left and one unhooks the other in front of me I'm going to get them both down.
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11 letters: UNBREAKABLE
You're welcome
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He probably wanted you to lead him to the last survivor so he wouldn't get an undeserved lost.
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Its harder then that you need to block two person in a corner unless the trap is open
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You can do it with just 1 survivor left. If the gates aren't opened and the hatch hasn't been closed, the EGC won't start.
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I always forget about that.
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Even that is not actually holding the game hostage, other survivors can open the door and activate the EG, no different from camping
The only real hostage holding is survivors just hiding in lockers not doing objectives.
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It most certainly is holding the game hostage if the other survivors are dead. The gates can't be opened, and the hatch can't be accessed.
Both roles can hold the game hostage, not just survivors.
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Well now you are adding parameters that were not mentioned before, but you are correct, in that scenario its possible.
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There were no parameters set. The OP's original post was referring to slugging for a 4k as holding the game hostage. I replied, letting him know that it wasn't holding the game hostage, as the only way to do that as killer is by bodyblocking someone in the corner.
You have felt the need to correct me when it was most definitely not required. If you would have looked the rest of the thread, you would have seen my interaction with another poster, discussing this very scenario.
Sometimes it's best to read the entire thread before jumping in.
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"The only way you can hold the game hostage as a killer is by bodyblocking someone in a corner, preventing the game from coming to a natural conclusion."
you did not mention there that this is about 1 survivor remaining and the rest being dead, the preventing the game from coing to a natural conclusion refers to the act of body blocking causing that on its own without those extra parameters.
Could just as well claim that you can fly in the game, I would reply that you cant and then you would say "if you use cheats you can".
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I love when survivors cry about slugging, sometimes it doesn't work out but when it does its always a salt mine!
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I don't want to derail this thread any more than it has been, with a flawed argument based on semantics. If that's what you want to do, then fill your boots.
Otherwise, we can agree to disagree, go on our merry ways, and wish each other good fortune for our next matches.