What happened to The Thompson House?

I have a question because I'm genuinely curious.
seriously, since the coldwind rework I only managed to get this map once. Then they went and disabled it with Rancid abbatoir.
I know rancid abbatoir is fine now but I havent seen thompson house at all.
Is the map still disabled or am I just that unlucky to not get it?
I haven't got it either and used all my coldwind offerings trying to get it. A lot of them.
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I got Thompson House for the first time since the rework yesterday afternoon, but haven't seen it again since. My understanding is that it's been re-enabled, but the pick rate is decidedly low. Not sure if that's intentional or not.
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Whenever I use an offering I get rotten fields, PLS JUST DELETE THAT MAP!!
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I want to go to Thompson House. Like I really hate that map, but it still is disappointing that I haven't gone to it once since it's re-enabling with the amount of times I go to Coldwind in a given day. (Yet I've still managed to go to Rotten Fields twice today and Abattoir once, hm)
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I didn’t realize it but yall are right. Haven’t gotten Thompson House in a long time.
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I didn't even know it was re-enabled. Why was it disabled in the first place, and when was it re-enabled?
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I think it was disabled cause of something broken in the map idk, dont really know what was wrong with thompson house but rancid abbatoir i think had a basement that you couldnt get out of at all if the killer blocked the exit.
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I just constantly get rotten fields or torment creek. I mean I like torment creek but rotten fields can piss off.
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3 original realms with no main building map (Shelfter wood, wreck yard, rot field) should be deleted.
Those are basically the same map with different environment
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if im not mistaken this map was disabled becose entrence to basement was so small that killer could badoy block you there and keep you as game hastage
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Literally, who thought oh yeah a killer shack with just corn around it was a good idea... I dislike those maps so much.
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I got that Thomson house yesterday but I played so many games before so I thought it was removed from the map pool too.
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Yesterday? I never get into that map once after PTB. I thought its being fixing because of bug and have to wait for the next patch.
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Got it for the first time an hour ago.
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Yeah, I really did, it just seems to be a super rare map setup from what I've been reading on this thread.
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Problems with the basement staircase.
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Because it’s a long standing horror cliche.
Do you understand the cultural references that lead to the birth of DBD?
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Since they disabled it, I never was on Thompsons House. I was on Abattoir several times after it got re-enabled, but thats about it.
We also dont have any information if Thompsons House is enabled again, people say they were on this Map, but from my perspective, it could be disabled as well.
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If this was disabled because an unhook was inaccessible because of the killer, then Dead Dawg Saloon should be disabled as well. If a hook spawns on the hangmans noose generator platform, the killer can bodyblock that stairwell up.
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You shouldn't've given me this information.
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I have to correct myself, I had Thompsons House like half an hour ago.
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Those maps in particular are just outdated. If anything, the basements in all of the maps appeal more of a horror cliche than those 3. I don't know anyone who "enjoys" playing on them. The reworks for them were also disappointing, I would've expected more from shelter woods and the main tree, but nope just a huge dead-zone.
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Correct. Making those areas risky and scary. Repair gens there at you’re own risk.
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I have Thompson House recently but It was at the first time after fixing basement doorway.
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I can understand the complaints about Rotten Fields, but Shelter Woods and Wrecker's Yard were good maps prior to the Realm Beyond, in my opinion.
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Hmm. It sounds like they should definitely disable this map.
Then forget to re-enable it.
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Yes, please! I would love to forget that Dead Dawg Saloon exists.
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Lol I actually wouldn't want them to disable any of the maps permanently because I know that every map is loved by someone, but yeah, I'm with you. I hate that map.
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Gone, reduced to atoms.
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Same, my friend. Literally my least favourite map.
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Yeah whenever I get that one or the swamps I just groan.
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The Pale Rose if ine, imo. One of my favourite maps. Grim Pantry is evil, for both sides. Still, I find it much better to play on it than any reworked map. I hate the Realm Beyond with a passion.
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You could fully bodyblock the basement inside the house and the hook upstairs, making it very easy for people to just hook 2-3 survivors there, and wait 120 seconds.
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I basically play DbD on a daily basis (but never the PTBs) ... I still did not have played any game on reworked Thompson House xD
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I finally got the thompson house for the first time in foreveeeeeeer
it must just have a really low pickrate i guess
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i hate the realm beyond project as well dw your not alone pal :)
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I got it today for the first time after the ptb.
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I got the Thompson House two times in a row yesterday.
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side query. Why do people call it pig tree when it's clearly cows?
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I loved the old farm, which was dark and creepy. Still, they disabled the old farm forever.
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Still don't get why they could have left at least a couple of the Coldwind maps dark. There are only FIVE of them.
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Yeah i feel like its pickrate might be bugged. I played 10 coldwind maps last night and all i got was rotten fields and cowshed. Idk if @MandyTalk can help with this. Maybe were all just pretty unlucky.
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I agree, but I'd move the shelter tree to another map.
Possibly delete Azarov's and move it's structure to wreckers and the map shape is much nicer to play in.
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i love the new daytime look of coldwin but i also dont at the same time, i miss the old look.
I think it woulda been nice if they made it like a dynamic time of day or something, so when you get a coldwind map it makes it either day or night.
think that would make the parties that liked the old coldwind time of day happy along with the people that like the new coldwind.
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how do you get body blocked from the hangmans noose genny? you can literally drop off the side or vault the railing?
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I think he meant if you get hooked on the hangman's noose platform, the killer can just stand on the stairs stopping any survivor from getting up there. securing the death of the hooked survivor
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literally after seeing this post yesterday i ended up getting Thompson House first time ever since it got enabled again. just reminded me how much i hate going to Coldwin Farm maps now because it is so bright.
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Ahhhhh I see. I'm a dumbass