Who thinks adding Lady Dimitrescu in this game would rock!!!!

Hey! Been playing this game last couple of months. I really enjoy it. I play the killer the most. But I have to ask……….I don’t know what deadbydaylight crew has to do to get license characters. Even though I did not know nemesis was coming to the game. But I think having Lady Dimitrescu from RE: 8 in this game type would be bloody amazing. I know there are a lot of awesome killers that could be added in this game. But I wanted to know what the community thinks. Think she would fit this game type? Or maybe her daughters?
Give Freddy a lady dimitrescu skin and keep Freddy's man grunts lol
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I'd really like to see her, but I fear she may genuinely be too big to fit in the game. (She's like 9.6 feet tall)
Bella, Cassandra, or Daniella could work fine though.
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She's honestly incredibly boring in the game imo, she doesn't do anything at all.
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skins must fix all the problems of this game.
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I wouldn't be opposed to it, but I feel like she lacks any interesting abilities and would be too big. It'd still be cool to have her though.
Personally, I think Heisenberg would be a better choice, but to each their own.
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They would have to give her the ph nerf to be less "distracting"
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I mean all she does is slowly follow you until the bossfight so she seems a very boring choise.
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The daughters would be a better idea, imo. But it's ok.
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I'm sorry, but i really don't know why everyone is fantasizing about her. .
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I mean, Lady D wasn't that great of a villain, she hardly does anything and you deal with her fairly quickly in Village. And she's almost 10 ft tall, so she literally wouldn't fit through most doorways and windows.
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I don't know, the coolest thing about her is her height and the devs probably would have to shrink her down.
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its is a possible thing since we know that they are albo to shrink a bit character like demogorgon
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If the DbD devs can actually make an interesting power for her then sure because in Village she doesn't really have anything interesting going for her that could fit into DbD. The daughters would need the same treatment.
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Overrated throwaway antagonist should have no place in a hall of fame like DbD.
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Let's be real here, lady D was lame killer ppl like her because she's "hot" and because ppl in community are in general thirsty teens. She had no exclusive power until turning in that dragon thing she was just walking around the castle smoking and talking on phone or sitting on chair talking of it was anyone from re8 I would have choose her daughters over her
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I want her to mori me sitting on my survivor's face
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I want her in Dead By Daylight
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Her height is easily the biggest thing going against her IMO.