let me just say

Ghostface mains are *chefs kiss*
every time i play against one its an amazing game whether i die or not, he's just so <3
honestly i haven't gotten moried by him which i hope i do because i love him so much
i played against him yesterday and we had two gens done by the time he found ALL of us, he stayed with one or two people before reaching out to the others. he kept hooking people in the basement and i tried to save one , but i was not fricking with that, though i went back to the gen i was doing right next to the basement (bad idea) but i crouched behind the gen and we were bother peeking out at each other crouching and he downed me. put me in the basement, and let someone unhook me. He kept downing people and let me pick them up and this went one for a while, i got downed a couple of times but Steve was super toxic and clicked his flashlight at him and kept stunning him with pallets, so he died. Jake was the obsession, he died. and i think it was a Nea but she pallet dropped him when it was just me and her and she died obvi. he stood on the hatch for 10 minutes it felt like and we kept crouching and spinning. there were so many times i thought he would kill me but i let him down me before i escaped through the hatch. i was a Nancy.
also if you see this ily <3
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me too they're all amazing
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Ghostface is meh for me. I don't love him, but I don't hate him either.
I think I know someone who does, however.
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Wait who??
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Ghostie's mori is a thing of beauty.
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Oh my- well I am ready to support ghostie </3
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It truly is
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Yeah, my friend @QwQw is not wrong here. I absolutely despise Ghostface, and have done so ever since I played his PTB back in 2019. Every single trial against him is painful, and it doesn't even matter if I escape or not.
But hey, if you like him more power to you! As they say, to each their own.
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I understand that, we all have killer we don't like, I absolutely despise going against slinger or wraith but personally I would never main Ghostie as a killer I just like going against him. Also Freddy is one of my favorite killers/movie franchises ever!
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As I said before, Ghostface is kinda meh in my eyes, but I can understand your hate for him. He's pretty common and his power is janky and doesn't take much skill to use.
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He is hell, at best. In the PTB it was way too easy to reveal him, all you had to do was spin your camera. Now it is basically impossible and he always manage to expose you before you reveal him, even if you are doing it the way you are supposed to.
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Can I have your Ghostface mains? All I get is people abusing his reveal mechanic
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Yeah PTB Ghostface was, in my opinion, the weakest killer in dbd's entire history.
Nowadays he's like a mid-tier, but kind boring and janky. You can stare directly at him and he won't get revealed, and Ghostface can be across the map behind a rock and still somehow get revealed by someone.
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I agree completely. And remember fondly the good ole' days when the only stealth killers around were Myers and Pig... Well, and Freddy from a certain angle.
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I mean, Wraith also existed, but yeah, those were the days.
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Damn, I completely forgot about Wraith. And how could I forget? Wraith was the first camper I've faced.
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I envy you. Everyday I wish I could forget that bing-bong-######### existed.
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for real wraith can smd </3 him and harry potter have something in common being unwanted and invisible
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please have them i can share
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For real.
I'd rather eat soggy Cheerio's than play against Wraith.
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Honestly the sound of both make me want to vomit
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I hope Wraith's grandma gets bullied at bingo night.
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We get bullied by SWF though. He's fun but a bit abuseable really.
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You explained why you disliked him to me once, but I didn't quite understand. Why do you loath him again?
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It is hard to explain, actually. But there is just something about him that gets on my nerves ever since his PTB.
Not to mention his reveal mechanic, obviously.
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I've never met a Ghostface who doesn't bring boring builds and hard tunnel off the hook.
Can we swap Ghostfaces?
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Interesting, every ghostface I have faced has been a toxic degenerate.
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I see, well. That's fair I personally hate Spirit
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While I love ghostface too, how do you know they are "ghostface mains" ?
Then again when I play X killer for a challenge once in a blue moon, survivors probably calling me X killer main too
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I'm just calling out ghostie mains because usually they are the most wholesome while some players who are just starting out playing him are usually more used to their main style and play like their main would play- aka maybe someone usually mains huntress and they want to try out ghostie they are usually going for melee attacks then using his power mainly, but sometimes non-ghostie mains are good and usually its just an assumption
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i would certainly respect and love you<3
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we cant swap but we can share <3
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Ghostface mains who run blood warden and then teabag you at the exit gate are even better. Its happened to me once, boy did I regret stopping for the extra heal points, but I had to laugh. Truly a "Boots on the other foot now" build. (For the record, I don't teabag at the gates, I just wanted the heal points..)