Everyone brings up the no counter play to stridor spirit but what's the counterplay to iron will

I just got put against a full team as nurse and I'm not the best nurse but they all had iron will and I just started thinking if I was spirit theres no counter play to that
So please tell me what's the counteplay to iron will
I'll wait
The counterplay to Iron Will is Stridor/Insta-down killers and perks.
People complain about Stridor Spirit (rightfully so) because the Spirit knows exactly where you are and what you're doing and there's almost nothing you can do about that. You just have to guess
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But isn't that the exact inverse situation vs iron will when you aren't prepared for it, where the killer doesn't know where you are and there is nothing they can do about it now they just have to guess
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Exactly both should be change
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While Iron Will is annoying there are ways to work around it. Killers have other methods of tracking. Scratch Marks, footsteps,crows, seeing a survivor ect. When Spirit is phasing she gives survivors 0 information as of to where she can be. No other killer in the game can do that.
What I would like to see with Spirit is for survivors to be able to hear her footsteps.
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Survivors have scratch marks, blood and (when the game works) footstep noises. Not to mention you can use your eyes to physically see where they are, provided they didn't break line of sight
All you have vs a stridor spirit is...Sometimes footstep sounds and grass moving?
Iron will has no real 'counter' because it robs killers of information but on the same page that doesn't mean Stridor Spirit is suddenly okay either
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We live on a DBD generations were survivor's are suppose to have all the information they need to win, but killer's have to guess.
We also live in a generation that Spirit is complained about, but survivor's don't complain about being mindgamed at a jungle gym which is pretty much the same thing
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Now that's interesting but they can't be insainly loud like demo
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You cant see the survivor or scratch Mark's through the wall you might get lucky and hear a crow or foot steps but not likely over the chase music
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Iron Will survivors don't also turn invisible.
and they dont stop leaving scratch marks
and they still bleed,
and they can trigger crows
and they still scream
and you can still read a survivors aura with iron will
and an Iron Will survivor still has to get back on a gen which killers have aura reading for.
Iron Will survivors can be healthy and be downed in one hit via Exposed or killer powers.
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Personally since I main Legion and Ghostface, I don't really have much of an issue with Iron Will, also for my friend (she plays doctor), but below are some perks that could help you counter Iron Will from my personal experiences:
I'm All Ears
Spies From The Shadows
BBQ & Chili
Nurse's Calling
Iron Maiden
Infectious Fright
Dragon's Grip
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What? I'm a killer main but I get it, how is someone complaining about a specific killer the same as complaining about a type of loop that is universal to all killers; especially if the killer isn't using powers?
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You can only track blood when it's in the open and not in grass
Cant see scratch mark behind an object
How dose screaming help mid chase
And most of the time you see a surivors aura is when are not near you unless your running I'm all ears
I'm down for surivors haveing a way to attempt to avoid the killer but having it active 24/ 7 seem a little much
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Answer in title.
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Well, the no counterplay to Stridor isn't what they're complaining about.
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No, because you can counter those mindgames.
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Exactly so people want spirit to be blind and basically deaf how is that fair? At the same time it's not fair for the survivor that didnt bring iron
So the should both be changed
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Perks are no Counter against Killers, because you dont know which Killer you go against.
The Spirit-player however knows that they will play Spirit and that Stridor is a really strong Perk on her.
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Thats not what people are asking . They are asking for some information when she is phasing so some level of their own input actually matters. Against a good Spirit(which isn't hard to be) survivors have no input on how their chases go compared to other killers unlike every single other killer in the game.
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Well if you were Nurse, then you HAD access to Stridor...
Also Bloodhound is a great counter as well, and one perk many survivors never expect, or suspect. An Iron Will user will get very confused as to how you were constantly easily finding them when they can hear you don’t have Stridor, not until the post match results screen anyway.
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Counterplay to IW, following scratch marks, having eyes and seeing the person, any open loop/area on the map, Stridor if you want to count perks as counter
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You stated the counter in your title. It's Stridor.
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People aren't complaining about Stridor, I think they are complaing about Stridor ON Spirit.
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sounds good here's my proposal
Whenever you are in the Injured State iron will activates
Grunts of pain are reduced by 100% 50/55/60 seconds, while you are healthy iron will regains 1 second of active duration for every 3 seconds you remain healthy, iron will becomes disabled when its duration runs out (not permanent can still regain duration but no longer removed injured noises while it doesn't have any duration remaining)
And to nerf spirit simply give her a tell to her power so just remove the husk once she starts phasing or something along those lines with minor buffs to spirit to balance it out and everything should be right as rain, my proposed 2 small buffs would be increase phase speed from 7.0 m/s to 7.5 m/s and fix duration addons so they can be used together with recharge addons while still maintaining current effect
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Scratch marks can be removed with perks, be inconsistant, or be much slower to track then sound due to line of sight, foot steps barely work and almost never can be heard over chase music, if I can see where they are always iron will wouldn't be an issue but because I can't always see them it makes it a strong perk since I have to predict them, I don't think either are ok and want both to change even after playing with both of them for 2.5 years
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Counterplay to iron will is stridor however there's no counterplay to stridor for survs you mixed up buddy especially spirit player because she's already enough lacking of counterplay and survd only defense could possibly be iron will and with stridor rip all survs
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Other than the fact there are 3 perks you can throw on every single build to at least soft-hard counter every killer in the game I agree with that statement, since even if you don't know the killer you are going against knowing the killers you can go against you can prepare, and if you want an even better spirit counter you can also slap on off the record to the build to have no grunts of pain vs stridor spirit while still throwing off everyone else since they usually run bbq
Trapper, Deadhard
Wraith, Spine chill
Billy, Spine chill
Nurse, Dead hard
Myers, Spine chill
Hag, Deadhard
Doctor, Spine chill (at least for his addons)
Huntress, Deadhard
Bubba, Spine chill
Freddy, Spine chill
Pig, Spine chill
Clown, Spine chill
Spirit, Iron will
Legion, Deadhard, and Spinechill
Plauge, Deadhard
Ghostface, Spine chill
Demo, Deadhard
Oni, Deadhard
Deathslinger, Deadhard
Executioner, Deadhard
Blight, Deadhard
Twins, Deadhard
Trickster, Iron will and Deadhard
Final Build, Iron will, Deadhard, Spinechill, Open perk slot
All the ones I felt were self explanatory I left with just the perk names but if you need elaboration it will be provided upon request
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I'm not a fan of strider spirit personally but at the end of the day she's blind when using her power so she relies heavily on sound and survivors don't understand how much of a handicap playing spirit is without it if they have iron will.
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if you nerf IW then stridor should be nerfed too , to be consistent and give timer to stridor too
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footsteps, general game knowledge, seeing the survivor, scratch marks, blood, grass rustles
also predator, bloodhound, im all ears, other perks i cant think of
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Iron will is a survivor perk, Stridor is a killer perk which on average should be stronger than survivor perks
also if it was actually good every single killer would run stridor, and I have never seen stridor on a killer that's not spirit so unless stridor becomes stupidly powerful to compensate I think its fine but spirit needs to change
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Spirit has counterplay its just non conventional counterplay. Iron will is fine as well.
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keeping line of sight as best as possible as well as scratch marks and footsteps. does it make it more difficult to track? absolutely but that doesn't mean it doesn't have counters, plus you can also just play plague as when they are infected their retching sounds are not muffled in the slightest.
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I'm sorry, what???
What's the counterplay to Iron Will? Literally Stridor. Iron Will does not counter Stridor, Stridor counters Iron Will... You can't be serious, right?
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well some nurse use stridor to catch injured survivor sounds, actually its quite useful.
There's no saying that killer perk should be stronger than survivor, it should be balanced, since stridor already counter iron will and you still want to nerf iron will. I don't know what to say about this
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wow don't start again, if you believe he has counterplay then why don't u just describe here
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You eyes? :) Crows. Whispers. Spies from the Shadows. There are tons. Iron Will is good against those who hunt by sound alone.
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Her footsteps while phasing don't make a noise and she doesn't move grass or corn.
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Not sure if it's a bug or intended because many times before I would hear her footsteps/I'd see grass/corn moving
Maybe it was patched out idk
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She use to. Only during her haunting does she not. If she's just walking around, it does.
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iron will would be balanced if it did what is supposed to, no pain groans, issue here is it also turns the survivors into breathless bricks, they dont make breathing sounds when they walk or run, wich is something the iron will perk description doenst say.
Post edited by Onykron on1 -
You might want to try looking around with your eyes. That usually works pretty well for me. Moving my mouse around does wonders for helping me find people. Not to mention that there are more visual cues than just their bodies (scratch marks, pools of blood) and audible cues too. (footsteps, foliage rustling, etc.)
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That is also an issue maybe stridor wouldn't be as ran on spirit if it didnt do that
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This is why perks and add-ons that mess with the sounds are game breaking.
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What? You want me to explain the counter play?
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just describe it, dont say double backing pre dropping pallet and dont be seen. it's already debunked in other post
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Debunked how so? I literally pre drop pallets against her at rank 1 and ive counter her multiple times. Please direct to the post that "debunked" the counterplay. Also may i ask how long you've been playing the game?
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just google scott challenge its already on forum. you could pre dropped the pallet. but you cant run from her.
1200+ hours
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Wallhack, ez 8)