Achievements - what's your rarest? Your hardest?
Just curious about everyone's Dead By Daylight achievements. Looking at global achievements, which is the rarest achievement you have, the most common one that you don't, and the hardest one you've gotten under your belt?
My current rarest is Multi-Tasker (0.1% - though that's only because it's new. 30 downs while carrying strikes me as the sort of achievement any killer will get over time eventually), and the most common one I'm missing is Holiday Get-Together (13.7%.) I tend not to guard the basement much because it's meaner than I like to play, so I've never wiped a team in the basement as a result.
Hardest I've done was Adept Trapper. I got fairly lucky relatively early on and got a team that was more interested in doing daring saves than gens, because otherwise I can't imagine getting it - Trapper without any gen slowdown is brutal and I just couldn't get enough pressure in the remaining part of the game. Doesn't help that Trapper is a snowball killer, and killing everyone too good won't get you adepts, so you really don't have a choice but to let people go (which can then come back to bite you.)
Left 4 dead. that damn achievement...
######### that achievement.
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The 100 downs from 24 meters away as Huntress on PS4. It was abysmal. Had to do it again on PC but it was like 10 xD I was pissed.
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I have all 173 achievements but the hardest is L4D for sure. Got it somehow luckily before I have even started the achievement hunting.
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Saving teammates with pallet stuns. That was so hard to do without a coordinated team.
Edit: I am a solo q survivor.
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That one's nuts. I don't understand why it's five times more demanding on console... especially when it's already a difficult enough achievement with 20. Meanwhile some killers' personal achievements are just 'press M1 to hit a survivor a few times.' Eesh. Good on you for getting it twice (or six times, all things considered.)
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According to steam the rarest achievement is Multi-Tasker.
I have all the achievements and I'm not sure which one I would say was the hardest since a lot of the achievements I have, I got when they were easier to do as well.
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I'll always hated that achievement. If I ever had to do that achievement again, I would refuse xD just too hard once people start learning to side step the hatchets.
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Apparently the rarest one I have is Trickster Adept, beaten only by Multi-taking.
But the hardest achievement is Skilled Huntress and I don't even have it yet- I never play her and I cannot stand playing her, let alone getting downs from over 20m. Hardest one I have is Twins' adept, because I got it while it was bugged.
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The rarest one I have is Multi-Tasker.
I'm only missing two achievements: Skilled Huntress (100 downs on PS4, %$^$%^!$%&^$) and Insult and Injury (I just haven't bothered).
I dunno which one I'd say was hardest. If I ever get it, Skilled Huntress will be the hardest one, hands down.
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I think my rarest is 100 injures with Tricksters knives or something. Which is quite funny.
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My rarest is Adept Trickster, but I don't really think that one's hard. Most common one is 'Where did they go?' because I've never had the stars line up and I play solo.
I think my hardest achievement was Legendary survivor because when I did it you always got reset back to Rank 20 iirc and you had to play 40+ hours of your role to get it up to rank 1 in a month, but on the flip side you just had to score like 10,000 points to pip. (There were a lot less score events also.)
It was pre-nerf Hillbilly and Nurse days where she had three blinks. I didn't have a lot of great perks and I was punching up against my weight class against evangelicals that knew this game backwards and forwards. Dead Hard didn't matter because that Hillbilly was going to one shot you and there TONS of billies. Every match. The higher you got the harder people played.
I went on a marathon and refused to sleep until I got to Rank 1, then I barfed and collapsed. I was still such a noob and I'm too stubborn to lose.
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The funny thing about skilled Huntress is that its 20 on PC. I think they got the Hex cleansing values and Huntress values mixed up for the achievements.
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Power struggle build will help.
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I already have all the achievements. I was just saying which one was the hardest for me.
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I only got this achievement because a spirit killed everyone and wanted to give me hatch but I messaged her that I wanted the achievement
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I have all achievements but hardest one was probably old Deranged Pursuit
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It used to be 100 for Skilled Huntress on all platforms, but the devs were able to change it to 20 everywhere except on PlayStation, because Sony's a real hardass about that: as long as the achievement is technically possible, it can't be changed, no matter how difficult or unreasonable.
I don't know why the Hex totem one is so low. I always thought that was weird, especially since it's the only gold trophy and all the others are bronze or silver.
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Adept Blight, I was effectively playing with Dragon's grip only, that achievement made me so good at Blight and I was so upset when they changed his collission again and made it worse in general
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The rarest one I have is Power Moves,this is the only achievement I gone out of my way to get,I'm really not an achievement hunter.
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I have all the achievements so which ever one is considered the rarest......that's the one. In terms of which one was most difficult for me personally it was definitely skilled Huntress. I am on console, and we had to get a hundred downs as opposed to only twenty on PC.
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Hardest one I've done was adept Michael. I basically had no power, and the map was HUGE.
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I'm not sure it's the rarest I have, but I've got the one where you have to repair one generator and escape the trial eight times with no perk. (My steam is in French, I don't know the English name of the achievement.)
I miss the one where you are the last Survivor alive, have to repair the last generator and escape through the door. I think I'll never got this one.
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Yeah, Adept Myers is painful because you're not really allowed to use your power or Chaser will come and bite you in the ass. Which is something I think they seriously need to look at when it comes to instadown powers. First time I 'got' it, I ended up flunking out from iris across the board and silver Chaser. So you're stuck playing an M1 killer with no addons that are useful to you and a handicap at the start of the match unless you really go out of your way to farm chases and let survivors pick each other up. Though having a tiny TR is nice, and Save The Best For Last really helps compared to some adepts that are basically perkless runs (Huntress and Wraith, looking at you.) I ended up getting it on Cowshed, of all of the things.
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Disregarding the newer ones (because those always have a lower percentage, for obvious reasons), I think my rarest is the one to escape after self-unhooking.
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I didn't mind any other adepts.
Trapper is pretty easy because you don't lost chaser emblems when you use your power
Wraith is pretty easy because you can play hit and run, chase two people normally and you get iridescent chaser and brutality.
Hillbilly was a bit harder, but if you use the saw sparingly, it's fine.
I main Nurse, so no issues with her.
With Hag I just placed traps, but still chased people.
With Doctor I just played normally.
With Huntress I just played normally.
With Myers I was an M1 killer with no power on Plagues map. Did I mention that I was rank 1?
Yeah though. Not going to go on with this, but Myers and Plague were the hardest ones to get.
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According to Xbox Live, the rarest achievement I have is Adept Blight.
Only 0.10% of people have it unlocked.
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Rarest is Adept Trickster, hardest was the 4K Mori Trophy. Took me 4 months cause I always had at least one salty DC
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I’m very proud of my Plague & Twins Adepts as they show the lowest percentage of players that also have achieved this.
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Rarest achievement I have is Adept Twins. I got it after a very difficult trial on Ormond. That was the last time I've played Twins.
Hardest I have is Left for Dead. Manage to get it against a Huntress on Midwich. If this achievement was situational in the past, today it is borderline impossible. I only got it because the Huntress decided to close the Hatch before going for the gates.
And the most common achievement that I don't have is Adept Dwight. I still have a Winter Gift on his Bloodweb, it is a relic from when I first started playing and I don't want to lose it. I will only level Dwight up if we get another Winter Solstice event.
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The rarest achievement I have is Left For Dead.
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RAREST: Tag Team
HARDEST: Evil Incarnate, at least most adepts don't leave you at a detriment & get deleted by lockers
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Rarest: Multi-tasker (Easy achievement because of braindead survs, and to be fair it's easy, so we'll skip this one.)
Adept Twins is my rarest achievement and I'm quite proud of it tbh.
Hardest I've done: Where did they go!? was only obtained because I got lucky in solo queue.
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I didn't even know about this achievement until I got the notification in the tally screen. nice surprise
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Power Moves is my rarest (last time I checked) but the hardest one was Where Did They Go. Took almost 1700 hours to get that one
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My rarest achievement is Adept Trickster with 0,2% completion.
The most common achievement that I don't have Is Survival Treasure with 47,5% completion (I don't play survivor, so I got none survivor exclusive achievement).
For the hardest one I would say Adept Pig. I have already conquered every adept in the game and Pig was by far the hardest one just by how little points she receives.
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Adept Trickster for me for rarest I have. Nothing has seemed crazy difficult that I've gotten.
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Almost got Where did they go? this week, but last guy decided to run to the gate… and died. As solo survivor this might be the hardest.
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I've tried to get it for months. I've even tried to play with my rank 14 friends, 99% the last gen, they kill themself on hook. But no, I still can't get it
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Evil Incarnate.
'nuff said.
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Oh, I remember my many attempts at Evil Incarnate. The DCs... So many DCs...
This was pre EGC, mind you, so I also HAD to find hatch before the last survivor did, otherwise the entire attempt would be void. Had a fair few that would just DC as soon as they saw me on the hatch. Not to mention how long it takes to fill up tier 3 with both iridescent add-ons.
Then, The Game. There was this one Ace in the bathroom. He thought I couldn’t see him, but I was draining him, and fast. Not enough to get to tier 3, but I did get those two pallets out of him.
Then I quite literally ran into a Bill. Damn, still not enough before he broke LoS. Close, though.
Second gen done, need to hurry. I approach the gen to find the two that completed it healing. Bam, tier 3. Meg was the first to go. Poor thing hadn’t even seen me yet. Dwight quickly followed.
Another generator done. That means hatch has appeared.
I frantically clear the lower floor. Never knew the layout so perfectly.
There, at the drop of the pig machine. Hatch located, now what?
I patrol all gens. No progress on any. Thankfully, they were all somewhat close together.
I go another round. Still nothing.
Another. Nothing.
I decide to check on hatch. Nothing.
I do a reverse patrol. I once again literally run into the Bill. His sudden appearance startled me and I lunged. He was down, but not dead. Hook him? No, he’d just suicide, voiding the attempt. Maybe the other guy will pick him up.
I check on hatch, still nothing.
Patrol gens again, also still nothing. Bill hasn’t been picked up yet, Unbreakable seemed unlikely.
I consider my options. I need to mori Bill too, meaning I have to let him get off my shoulder if he’s not gonna get picked up. If I do that after the third guy’s dead, Bill may find the hatch. Can’t have that, so I pick him up and let him get off.
I check on hatch again, then the gens. I find Bill again. In the spur of the moment, I mori him on the spot.
Crud, where was hatch again? Oh thank God, there it is.
The pallet at that loop was still up. If I have to break it, the last guy might make it to the hatch in time.
Speaking of which, who is-
And Ace peaks around the corner. Points at me. What’s he going to do? If I approach him, he will throw down the pallet and make it to hatch.
And so we stand in the tensest hatch stand-off I’ve ever had. Would this be the one? He runs around the pallet for a bit. I suddenly approach him doing so, and he drops it. I quickly retreat to the hatch.
And then he got just a little bit too close. I run at his dopy face, and Myers lifts him by his neck. I stare at Ace’s sunglasses, begging him not to DC. And as if Myers knew poetic irony, he throws Ace’s corpse towards the hatch.
”Achievement Unlocked: Evil Incarnate”
I have never had a single match that I can remember as clearly as this one.
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Adept Claudette, considering that I've successfully done it twice now and don't get the achievement for it.
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i have them all except the left 4 dead achievement and skilled huntress
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Rarest achievement is "One thousand cuts"... which I literally got last night. 0.70% of players have it apparently.
Hardest was probably the Deep Cleansing. But honestly I don't aim to complete achievements, I just got the vast majority by just playing as I normally would.
Most common achievement I haven't got is Adept Nea. Only ever did the adept achievements for the original killers and survivors and accidentally did so with deathslinger.
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The hardest one was denied because of those survivors killing themselves and last survivor gets the hatch. At least they, actually use skillchecks now.
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Adept Doctor 1.0% and Dream Demon 2.3%
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Rarest is the no perk, 1 gen, 8 escapes. Power moves I think it's called.
Hardest I've done is the 4 man hatch escape with solos. An oni watched me get the left for dead one the week it released on PS4, so I imagine that would've been tough.
Also, there's a scene in a pee wee Herman movie where pee wee is rescuing animals from a burning building and he kept avoiding the snakes. That is me with my final original achievement where PS4 nurse has to get 100 blink hits.
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Left For Dead and Adept David & Laurie (How I managed to get these two back to back solo before the OoO change is mindboggling)
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PS5: Adept Blight, Demo, and Deathslinger at 0.2%
PS4: Adept Plague at 0.2%
My hardest were Evil Incarnate (PS4), Adept Plague (PS4), Adept Blight (PS5), Adept Demogorgon (both PS4 and PS5), and Adept Trapper (PS5).
The reason Adept Demo was so hard on both platforms was because I either got demolished or killed them too quickly. The game also bugged out during my first attempt on PS5 when the Emblems were bugged. Adept Trapper was hard because I tried doing it at red ranks and he has absolutely no slowdown against those types of Survivors and has to set up his traps or become a 115% M1 Killer. I took a break for two resets and finally got it. I actually did Blight before his controls got updated so it was a nightmare.
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Believe it or not I have almost every achievement of this game (Except the new ones that came with trickster like "hit x survivors while carrying another survivor" an all Twins related achievements because ######### that killer). I did the "From the void she kills" achievement after the Nurse rework so I had to use the ######### Ultra-Rare add-on. The Left 4 Dead I got by pure luck. I got really surprised when I got the "Taking one for the team" and after some minutes I started thinking how much time I have spent on this ######### game and if it was worth it...
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Ok here we go. I have ps4 platinum. This is every achivement up until myers came out. I also have all achivements in order until oni. I got adept trickster at rank 1 before the buff