Why do people find pig so bad

She isn't really that bad i played her much my friend also thinks she really isn't bad but if people say she's bad how would you buff her
She is slow af while crouching meaning you need to be smart about it, her dash is kinda underwhelming (though it can be really effective on shorter loops) and the biggest problem is the rng associated with her rbts. Is she fun? Definitely! Can she compete with strong killers like oni or blight? Sadly no
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Because her crouch is the worst stealth ability in the game, her traps are unreliable and luck-based, and her dash is very easily countered, difficult to use and doesn't work at a lot of loops.
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Because she can put a kind of pressure on Survivors they have no control over. Survivors hate losing control, because losing control means they have to do something other than hold shift + M1 to win.
This is a casual party game, so it caters to the casual party crowd: Survivors.
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She can do a lot of things, but she can't do any of it well IMO. Her stealth is slow, her ambush is too easily telegraphed, and her Traps can sometimes just do nothing for you if luck rolls the wrong way (though yes, sometimes they can also be quite an effective stall tool).
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....what? this has nothing to do with the question. you just brought up an entirely new, unrelated topic for no reason.
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It is not. The dislike for pig comes from her 'RNG' traps and depending on who you ask how weak she is (I don't consider her weak, but that's a matter of opinion). Remember, all that matters is subjective fun - if many people don't find a Killer fun, they won't like it regardless of the reason.
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As we would say in my country, "he came here just to talk about his book"
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Pig just has too much counter play.
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I don’t mind the RNG, in fact I rather enjoy it sometimes. Especially with addons to increase the trap lethality. Pig is literally the only killer I am happy to see gens get completed on.
Her problem is that the power is boring. She basically doesn’t have one, the stealth is crap and the dash attack is weak at all but the shortest loops.
So she’s basically just play M1 and pray for good RNG. I almost never crouch around on pig I just use monitor + abuse and run around because the stealth is too slow and is decimated by spine chill.
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Her dash is just so underwhelming to me. Yes it can be useful at shorter loops, but can you really consider it like an anti loop ability when you have to take a second to crouch first, and then charge it as well? Not to mention the fact that the loops she can use her dash on are mostly loops any m1 killer could just deal with by mindgaming.
Her traps are not bad, but relies on RNG. Anything RNG related in this game is questionable because it's not reliable. Once every few posts you see threads about RNG allowing for terrible map design, either killer favored or survivor favored. I believe there was an active thread yesterday too on Autodidact as well where many people pointed out that RNG screws over the perk. There's really not much love for the RNG aspect of the game and The Pig just happens to rely on it a lot.
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He also made a dedicated topic to complain that all survivors only want M1 killers for easy wins.
Anyway I like Amanda. I think she could use a bit of polish. Faster crouching, more delayed growl, maybe a faster countdown on the traps.
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Her stealth isn't great imo.
Her dash cannot counter loops reliably.
Lastly, her traps are unreliable as well (because of RNG).
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She is completely outclassed by wraith in terms of stealth and anti loop and her traps are mediocre at best
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She don't have mobility to protect gens
Unlike every other female killer, it's power don't help on windows, in pallets survivors will just run away the moment you start crounching.
Traps CAN BE good, but only if they are in the last box every time, but... is not going to happen.
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her power is completely rng dependent
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Kinda humorous that we're both always seen on pig threads... We just want our baby to be buffed! XD
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While that's true, she also lost some of her potential - you used to be completely unable to leave through the gates with a trap on your head, inactive or active, so she could have insane endgame pressure if she hadn't used her power extensively before then, and they scrapped that with the introduction of the endgame collapse.
Other than that... yeah. New Wraith does every part of her power better except the traps, and while the traps are fun and provide helpful slowdown, they're very unreliable.
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Lol, yes. Say "Pig" times and you'll usually find at least one of us.
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Pig is basically an M1 Killer that comes with a free slowdown perk, which makes her great for Adept challenges. But pretty mediocre at everything else
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Personally, I just want a few things for her:
- Passive / active timer to give all survivors a fair chance to remove the RBT, regardless of the situation. [Makes room for more lethal RBT add-ons, more on that later]
Here's me going in depth with the mechanic:
When a survivor is trapped, they will have a Passive Timer that lasts for one minute. This timer will pause when the survivor is being chased, dying, or hooked — otherwise, the timer will tick down and eventually expire. Once the Passive Timer expires, the RBT will wait to proceed to the Active Timer until it's activated by a generator or automatically proceed to the Active Timer if a generator was completed during the Passive Timer. The Active Timer is two minutes in duration and has the same pause rules as the Passive Timer, but once this timer expires, survivors will be killed on the spot.
- Add-on pass to make RBT more lethal against survivors who are greedy with the RBT.
- RBTs automatically become active after the exit gates are powered, but the EGC will slow down to 50% the normal speed [I.E. Dying / Hooked Survivor Speed].
- Ambushing a survivor who's occupied will automatically be grabbed.
- Increase ambush speed and duration, then make the roar sound que play after committing to the ambush.
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Biggest problem with Pig is that's she's inconsistent.
If your first trap keeps the survivor busy long enough that you can get more traps rolling she's okay.
If your first trap is removed on the first box you're in big trouble.
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Down two survivors put traps on em ( crate +bag of gears) hook em both...get in chase look over at the UI 30 seconds later both traps off. Thats kinda a big why for me atleast.
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I just don't think she's exciting to play against.
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I don't know. Honestly I think she's one of the most underrated killers in the game. Sure her bear traps are rng based on how much time they delay, but it's still more slowdown than most other killers get in their kits. Her crouch can be decent if you know when to use it at the right times. Obviously you shouldn't be crouching around the whole damn map all the time. Her dash isn't the best anti-loop as it doesn't counter anything more than small loops, but it's still more anti-loop than other killers. It's also useful for conserving stbfl stacks.
I'm not saying I think she's top tier, but she's definitely not D tier like most think she is. I think she's somewhere in like high C low B tier.
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Her stealth sucks and she's incredibly RNG reliant.
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At least her stealth doesnt have a 2 year cooldown.
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She doesn't have much in the way of downing capability if survivors play tiles correctly. Pre-throw the pallet and she has zero anti-loop capability. Her slowdown is completely RNG based. And her mobility isn't great. She doesn't have much against optimal players.
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on top of that, a hit and run wraith applying sloppy over and over to a team + getting fast stealth downs and applying pop to gens is far better slowdown than anything her traps can do IMO.
he's just overall better at pressuring the entire team/slowing down the game, stealth, lunge capability, and mobility. there is almost nothing she does better than him.
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Her crouch is way too slow compared to Ghost Face.
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I wouldn't put her on the bottom of my tier list but I do agree that she is not a good killer. First, she has no chase potential. Yes, you can use her dash attack on some loops but it just works on some specific tiles, so in almost every case, she is a M1 killer.
The thing is, it wouldn't matter much to have a terrible 1v1 if you have a great 4v1, which in theory, Pig has on her RBTs but in practice is just RNG. If you are unlucky, all survivors can remove their traps on their first attempt, making her very inconsistent.
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- Okay map control trough traps although requires luck or purple addons to become great.
- Her pallet play is essentially m1 killer as dash is so easy to play around as survivour.
- Using her stealth is at best tricky as you need to start stealthing before they can hear your heartbeat on the generator making you waste too much time just for an easier hit. If your heartbeat suddenly disappears survivours do notice that you went stealth.
- Overall shes mediocre although with good luck or purple addons she can be quite the stomper.
- Pretty much her only strong point can also be negated by survivours finding the key in the first box.
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I don't think she's bad but in comparison to the other killers she isn't particularly viable at the high level.
One main thing I would change though is the RNG on her traps, you shouldn't be able to get it off first try.