Key switch at 5.0001 seconds, classy.

No it's fine, they are survivors. Only killers are locked because, you know, MMR might be here in the next decade and survivors spend more money.
35 -
Guess who is getting tunneled and will be raging in end game chat. ^^
2 -
Yep; tunneled, camped and left crying.
3 -
Only 1? I had 4 claudettes which all took that last second switch and went to match where they had 4 skeleton keys. Fun match and got couple of hooks (5) but hadn't chance to got any kills (they also had map offering).
3 -
Killers can still see the survs, their items, their profiles and their ping and can easily dodge lobby’s and it makes even griefing really easy.
if you are so afraid of key being Franklins. Or just Tunnel them. You know, a base mechanic for every killer that can make a match for the surv super fun.
this has nothing to do with ‚survivors spend more money‘ or ‚devs are survivor sided‘.
18 -
When the survivor swich he cant dodge he dont have time for that. What he should have done is close the app and trow the survivor in another queue
11 -
You are saying they couldn’t dodge but then describe how they could dodge.. lol
also they can still adjust their playstyle and make the match just miserable for every surv.
13 -
Good suggestion, very valuable.
Counter to Franklin's = drop the item manually, it won't be highlited by Franklin's and it won't disappear EVER.
If they find the hatch, they just pick the key and they head there.
There is no counter play to keys especially. If it involves swf on comms (it will be picked up after a sacricie).
5 -
Franklins that need 2 minutes of keycamping - what can survivors do in 2 minutes without pressure mhhh
3 -
Is this the part where we conveniently forget that they want individual MMR for each killer so people trying out a new killer don't get stomped? Something people constantly complain about?
Also, OP deserves it for playing Legion.
0 -
i never stated Franklins was a hard counter for keys.
my post was a direct reply to someone stating how this was so survivor sided and I wanted to give some killer sided arguments and some light counters to keys. And Franklins can help if they are super focused on the key.
there is also killer stuff in the game without real counterplay (Spirit Stridor, a Nurse that knows how to play).
also we have confirmation that keys will get reworked.
5 -
Survivors and classy goes together like spaghetti and bolognaise
1 -
I'm a survivor main and I never use keys, in fact I really dislike them. I really think they need nerfing as they're such as scummy item. If I load into a lobby and my teammate has a key then I normally lobby dodge as I expect the killer to most likely play unfair to that survivor (understandably), and when survivors last second switch like that it's genuinely pathetic.
If a survivor is bad enough to need to use a key, then they should at least load into the lobby with the item, and let the killer decide what they're gonna do about the item (use Franklin's, lobby dodge etc), rather than last second switching to prevent the killer from retaliating.
4 -
Same here, I hate Moris as killer and I hate keys as survivors.
Moris I stopped using when I started getting DCs from them. To be fair I only ever used them on death hook anyway (and even then just for dailies or rifts), I didn't realise 99% of killers just tunneled one player directly out for a free win.
Keys I just don't like as they feel like a cop out "win" for the survivors when losing. I've had games where I've 3 genned and they've keyed out, and games where I've been left to die by my team with a key.
I don't think they're as comparable as people say though.
If 3/4 players get out in the hatch then you played badly, nothing would have won you the game at that point, they can't open the hatch 2 minutes into the game. Whereas up until recently Moris could delete a player a minute or two into the game and make it unwinnable from the start.
I still think both shouldn't even be in the game. And while the nerfs won't directly affect me as I don't use them, I think it's long overdue.
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survivor switched to the key last second so that the killer couldn't have time to equip franklins.
1 -
Killers shouldn't be able to select their perks based on survivor loadout to begin with really imo. Nor should any item be that powerful that it influences the perks you bring.
8 -
I love the shaming for laying a certain character just like the time when killer tunneled survivor for playing Feng especially with bunny cosmetic.
I used the rank reset bug from a few weeks ago to further complete my adepts on killer collection.
I did it on legion without add-ons and only a brown bp offering and after the 4 M2 hits for a daily stopped using their power and basic m1 the whole trial and still 2 groups decided to throw just because of the killer without any tunneling or camping happening.
1 -
Yeah let me just throw in lightborne on a whim that won't leave me with 3 perks a bunch of times. Franklins is more excusable since theres chest items.
0 -
Idea: should they get rip of the “drop item” action? Just limit it to a swapping action with an item in a chest, or a swapping action directly with an adjacent survivor? I.e. Item (or items) swap hands directly?
The only items that end up on the ground are those knocked out because of Franklin’s, or those left behind due to survivor sacrifice, mori, or bleed out?
This could stop the sneaky hide the key issue.
2 -
"Why is this still allowed?"
Why shouldn't this be allowed?
1 -
I like to think I'm a nice killer. I will avoid tunneling as much as possible and do not face camp (even in EGC). If someone was just taken off the hook and I find them immediately, I will often slug them rather than rehook them just because I feel bad and want to let them survive a bit longer without just straight up letting them go. Unless I have another target in my sights, I won't ever slug (though in large part because I think this is boring for me as a killer rather than an altruistic thing).
People who do this last second switch are the exceptions. I still will not directly tunnel them but if I have two options, Mr Key by default now takes priority. I will go out of my way to keep everyone alive as long as possible (not because I'm being nice though, I'm trying to keep the hatch out of play so if you're on your death hook, you're getting the boring slug rather than just killed). If we get to EGC, I will make it my priority to get them on the hook and bust out the graham crackers and chocolate.
There are not a lot of things that turn me into the scummy jerk tactics killer; this is one of them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes survivor...
0 -
No offense but you seem pretty ignorant and survivor biased lol. "I play killer too" is what im expecting, doubt you have more than 200 hours on killer tho.
1 -
No it should be implemented when they launch MMR not a year before or more.
0 -
Everybody should be locked after entering in the online lobby.
And the time players have to press Ready/Leave...will be 15 seconds.
4 -
„No offense but here let me offend you“
I am a survivor main, but I do play killer and have every achievement and all archive challenges done for killers up to the most recent tome level (which I still attempt for both sides)
i have done that „playstyle that makes the game miserable for all survs“ I mentioned just yesterday because of a key. Camped and hard tunneled the key user to death and then had an easy time killing the others. But at least I don’t pretend that this is normal or fair gameplay.
2 -
Calm down its just a joke.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
I do agree that they should have removed it when they reverted on MMR. It is pretty annoying when by the time I find a lobby, now I don't want to play that killer anymore and have no choice but to quit.
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On a separate note. We don't know what they are doing with mmr other than the fact that they turn it on for 24 hours every 3 months.
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I don't know if the new MMR is even gonna happen especially because of SWF.
2 -
also we have confirmation that keys will get reworked
To be fair,judging from the anniversary stream it seems like their idea of a key rework is to make it a base mechanic into the game together with moris and this is probably gonna take another 6+ months if we're being super optimistic
5 -
Look at Neas hand, she selected key at 5 seconds missing so the killer wouldnt bring Franklins Demise or Mori, this is a old trick that make killers pissed off, usually bad survivors do that and die because they were camped or tunneled by the killer.
0 -
WDYM by This should be allowed?
They have the best item on the game and you can do nothing( not to say that they are probably DS BT DH ADRENALINE judging by their actions).
1 -
He dodges and depip, it counts as quit, just like haddonfield.
0 -
There is no actual counter to keys. People in SWF usually put 4 broken keys in the last second and a hatch offering just to make the killers quit, they cant escape by hatch but they dont need to as they are just gonna make the killer DC like bully squads.
0 -
If you are slugging the guy that was just unhooked you are not being nice, you are just trying not to get DSed, I am killer main and I know that its not just get the guy downed and rehook him, there is the DS at the middle that makes everything more spicy.
0 -
the items should be locked as well as add ons, perkd and offering can be changed, thats what I would do.
0 -
then don't DC. Easy counter.
Thank me later.
0 -
0 -
I guess that might be what the survivor thinks I'm doing but that's not what I'm doing. I'm slugging them because I'm trying to be a nice killer who is letting them get another chance at life rather than just rehooking them and ending their game right away.
Maybe they think I'm being a jerk who is cheesing their way around DS but I know why I'm doing what I'm doing.
0 -
You said "usually".
If that's true then you know you shouldn't be DCing, and if it isn't then that means you are just playing the victim card, like many other people here.
DCing because of game features is childish anyway, so i advise you to play a different game. Try single player games and set them on the easiest difficulty.
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I feel bad for the killer tat i playing one of the worst killers in the game and has to play against key
0 -
Sorry then, I meant that usually when there are 4 keys they are not all with Purple or Iri keys, they are probably 3 broken ones and 1 real, the 3 brokens have bloody amber probably. When I play killer I usually face survivors that change character at 6 seconds to one with key or flashlight, flashlights are no problem, but keys piss me off.
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I love the people who deliberately drag out the time it takes to get to a match, especially just to gain some perceived advantage.
0 -
You expecting killers to swap their perks, add-ons, and offerings within a few seconds? Yeah, um, nope — you're talking about inhuman reaction timing to pull this off.
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I don't get why survivors can't be locked into the character/loadout they have chosen in the pre lobby, at least until MMR is introduced or not introduced.
1 -
Meh doesn't bother me as a killer. Never done that as a survivor.
I don't get bothered by stuff like that - I see it as a challenge to do well. Some killers don't like SWFs, Keys, etc - but I personally like to be challenged and have matches be hard to "win."
1 -
Nope. Just talking about General similarities and differences between survivor and killer lobbies. Last second Switches are the only survivor sided mechanic here, killer have way more stuff they can do or adjust.
in the post you quoted I literally said they can adjust their playstyle, not their perks/addons.
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Its a joke, btw. There is a way to deal with keys.
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No playstyle against a set of four keys will net you a win, especially if they know what they are doing. You'll only win if they horrendously mess everything up, that's your only hope then.
0 -
we we’re not talking about 4 keys though.. at least I didn’t know that.
and if we are talking about 4 man escape with the keys this pretty much would also happen against those same survivors if they decide to get out through the gates and I think here is the matchmaking and the overall survivors sidedness of the game for high skilled players more to blame than the keys..