P3ToxicLaurie Member Posts: 142
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

(BHVR:) Yea, you can go screw yourself for playing adept level 10 doctor at red ranks, clutching it out and getting 3 kills at 1 gen left. Ontop of the kill you already had. Should've just performed better. Kicked one more gen. Maybe get a 5k next time?

(Even though I got max points in all categories it decided to give me golden gatekeeper)

On a real note, it is extremely unfair to literally kill all survivors, clutch the 4k against good teams (multiple times I might add), have max bps in all categories, and still not get adept even though I did everything correctly and made no mistakes. I should totally be rewarded for that. Its like the game is just spitting in your face for all the hard work you've done. But nope, you can have nothing and like it. Even though I had to sweat super hard and play like a dick (which I dont like doing) to win. I apologize in every end game chat for playing like that, yet I don't get the adept so it wasnt worth it whatsoever. How else am I supposed to win if i'm not tunneling one person out of the game? Its red ranks. Gens go by like crazy. It's not like I can have game delay, cause, you know. Adept. On the other hand, survivors can literally just escape and get adept. There is literally no reason for killer adept to be so hard to get at red ranks. Or in general. Just change the requirement to something simple like; Get 4 kills in a single match using ____'s unique perks. I have tried 2 games so far, 4ked both, gotten max bloodpoints, and yet, the game doesn't want to give me iridescent gatekeeper because i'm 3 genning rather than defending all gens. Its complete BS.

Literally 31,500 bloodpoints and still no adept. Great game design.

Is adept even supposed to be THAT challenging? I got almost all my survivor adepts at rank 1 solo queue on my first attempt. Survivor adepts are so easy compared to (red ranks) killer adept. It's probably way easier at lower ranks, but man is this stupid.

Thanks for letting me rant. Good day. Feel free to leave your opinions below.
