Cross progression?

When will cross progression be released for switch? Also the other consoles?
Switch is supposed to come this month but I would expect it to get postponed…
the other consoles are not confirmed to even get cross Progression yet. I guess Sony and Microsoft don’t want it or they are still negotiating with BHVR. It may never come..
currently only Steam and Stadia have cross Progression and for PS/XBox you can at least upgrade to next gen.
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Who knows, they take years to implement features they promise. See: rank rewards
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I'm sure they said switch was meant to come out the end of Q1 2021 which was April and we're still waiting. Not sure if it's on their end of things or licensing but they need to pull their finger out or explain why it's taking so long.
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Right, after seeing that “roadmap” you already know what type of communication they doing this year
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That's never been the way BHVR has operated.
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Yep and this is why the game is in turmoil at this point. I can't see this lasting after year 6.
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Lol that section of the stream was awful. That Roadmap literally told us nothing what we didn't already know, it was more like categories of what they're working on like they have been for the past few years.
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They said Q2 2021 and they were aiming for beginning of Q2 but couldn’t commit to it. June is still Q2…
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Yep here's hoping they drop it at rank reset on this month