The Grind is starting to wear on me.
Bit of a rant but here it is.
For the record I know what grinding it out in a game is. I have a degree in World of Warcraft alright?
I am just getting close to 200 hours into this game. I've probably played this game seriously for 3 months.. For those of you who don't know the average college course is 3 credit hours. To be at 200 hours and be where I am at in the game... It's like taking almost a full times worth college semester. It's like For those of you who understand what a full work week of 40 hours with a spouse and two kids can be. Trying to fit a whole college course and more while doing all these other things can be hard to do.
My point is I have 200 hours into this game and I don't even have the survivor or killer build I want yet on the characters of my choosing. At this rate it might take me another month or so. And when I recommend this game to someone I'll say, "It's really fun... but it'll take you months just to get where you want to be in the game. I'm not saying don't enjoy the journey on the way to your destination. But real life is enough of a grind as it is. And the game is challenging enough as it is. Overall I think there are so many useless perks in the blood web I just want the ones I need.
I don't have the time I used to when I was younger... If anyone has any tips please throw them at me. I love this game and want to be good at it.
Yes, the grind is completely ridiculous for anyone other than unemployed billionaires. They haven’t made a single attempt at giving us more BP (other than the archives which are not enough). We should get 100k/day for logging in, we shouldn’t need an event for this. How are there NO login rewards other than XP?
Also, there are plenty of ways to revamp the blood web, and they haven’t changed it in years. They could easily get rid of perk tiers, so that you only need to buy a perk once on each character.
The grind gets worse and worse each chapter, how are new players supposed to ever catch up?
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Yep, this is something they have to address. Otherwise only a few of the new players that will join with the RE chapter, will stay.
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Sorry but 200hrs is nothing for this game, even if the grind were reduced to a third.
For a long running game like this expect 1k hours min.
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I'm not looking forward to unlocking Jill and Leons perk along with Nemesis. Perk levels should have been removed 2 years ago but all thats happened in that time is the devs giving us less and less double BP.
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I thought you were going to complain about the rift, but just getting the perks you want on one character? That should be easy if you haven’t already gone and boosted all of your characters beyond level 40 and unlocked all of the teachable perks. You have to be smart about which characters to do that with otherwise you’re going to be dealing with lousy Ace perks at every turn.
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If they at least got rid of perk tiers then that alone would be a big reduction in the grind
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I’m like the total opposite. I’m looking at the end of the grind now. 40+ P3’s on my Steam account. Once I hit the end of the prestige club, what then?
The grind is what I stayed for. Complaining that the game isn’t immediately unfolded before every player is silly to me.
You only need four perks for your favorite build. After that is whatever the player decides. If you’re not a completionist, then get your favorite four and have fun.
If you want 40+ prestiges, then you get to grind for it.
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Exactly. There is "something to work towards" and then there is unachievable.
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One would think that and I do agree....but the way BHVR views it is how much cash can they grab before the new players leave? Going after the quick buck.
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I mean yeah, but the short term income is huuuuge 😎
They just need a licence a year to cover expenses right
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I have a Masters degree and the average college course is NOT nine hours a week. 3 hrs class time and 6 hrs homework? Not accurate at all.
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You can start collecting all the skins buyable for shards
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I almost have every perk on all characters but i have been playing since day one. It is fine for people who have been here since the start as they also started with less characters and perks. a new player logs in and discovers that it takes 3 to 4 games to complete one bloodweb and leaves.
The bloodweb and bp is there for addons and should not be such a barrier for perks that are a key part of the game.
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Perks should be obtainable a lot faster. Give e.g. some reward skins for those who play a lot. But don't hinder the playability (e.g. by not being able to get and level up the perks) for those who can't spend a lot of time on this game.
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I'd say the game is in the best state it's ever been in, grind-wise. There's challenges, dailies and bloodpoint offerings. Along with certain perks that provide extra bloodpoints.
However, I do agree that for a casual player it is more grindy and harder to progress. I'd suggest using the things I've already mentioned if you want more bloodpoints. Hopefully they make it somewhat easier.
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Whats WGLF?
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Ya the tiers for perks doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Just give us the perk the way it's supposed to be lol xD
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So I understand 200hrs isn't a lot in a game. But what I am explaining is now that I am older with kids and a full time job I just want to be able to play the build I want. Not wait another month or two or more... I have 3,000 plus hours across my WOW characters so I understand this.
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I mean I don't see why they'd give us less BP. It's not like there is a pay to win option. I like that perks aren't purchasable through bloodweb. But again yes get rid of perk tiers
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Currently I am trying to get all toons I have to lvl 40
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Let me rephrase. 3 credits means 3 credit hours which is recommended how much time you should put into that class a week. So actually it's worth 3 college courses. That's almost a part time student schedule.
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this needs to be done at least.
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we're gonna live forever is a David perk.
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I tell my friends this game is fun, I enjoy it but don't bother starting (due to the grind). My friends like to watch me play or play on my account but they don't want to drop hundreds of hrs to play a game and enjoy it. It's like the skill level and perk access models don't equate. Your progress is hindered by access to perks.
As much as I hate the concept, I wish there was a version you could buy with all perks unlocked like the money grubbing goblins @ EA did for battlefield.
I often think about what else I could have done with that time.
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I agree with OP.
It's like skill level and perk access models don't fit each other. Your skill eventually out paces your access to perks then your skill is hindered by perks.
My friends think this game is cool. They like to watch me play or even play on my account. None of them will ever buy this game because of the grind.
This being said, I do have just about every perk unlocked. I wasn't happy about doing it. I would often ask myself, "am I playing for perks or for fun?".
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Yeah I lost a few friends who joined and had a good time (well except the one who tried killer and got smurfed till he gave up) but all soon left once they realized the amount of grind needed.
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I wish there was a you could buy bloodpoints instead of using shards because those are even more of a pain to grind for. I also think the bloodpoint cap should be raised.
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BHVR is scared to give us more BP, because everyone would probably run broken rare and ultra rare Items and Add-ons.
The solution is to split blood web for Items and Add-ons and implement some other perk unlocking mechanics.
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Not saying you are wrong but that would be a very stupid reason.
All they have to do is announce they are doubling BP gains from now on, and halve the rate of rare and ultra rare items.
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Then everyone will still bring commodious toolboxes or buffed yellow medkits every single game which is pretty strong.
Not saying that most good killers play with decent add-ons anyway, but BHVR tries to avoid that.
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Yip its kinda crazy now, now im not a mathematician so dont know how many survivors/killers there are but thats alot of bp needed to rank them up to get yourself decent builds, especially for killers.
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It is hard to endorse this game without disclosing the grind.
The only option is run a full party and play "offline" but that is not always possible.
Didn't consider that tbh. Some of the ultra-rare add-ons really change the game for killer or survivor.
I just wish there was a way I could have my friends, who like this game, play on their own without the upfront cost of several hundred hours.
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I mean aren't people farming for that anyway? Maybe add-ons should be curved more? Cause there are a lot of terrible useless addons.
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To give you an idea of how bad the grind is.. I have 8k hours and only got to p3 on every survivor and killer with all perks the day before the RE dlc released. I mostly play survivor though and haven't relied on WGLF until the last 2 years. So for most people that's going to be an unrealistic goal. Even if you play only killer it'll still be several thousands of hours
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I feel you. I arrived at the very beginning of the game and i can't imagine the grind it must be as a new player right now with over 40 characters.
Honestly i think the grind is what keep a good part of the old community playing, coming back for chapters. I don't mind it all but i think something should be done for new players like a 200% bonus BP until you reach 200 hours ?
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I have 2000 hours in Warframe and I think the grind in DBD is too much.
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Here is my suggestion for eliminating the grind. My proposal also addresses the items, add-ons, offerings balance.
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1150 hours, all but trickster dlc(for now) all perks unlocked both sides. Most have all the perks.
Play with BBQ and WGLF when you can, optimize how you play to get more points. if you max your good checks for gens start being the unhooker. make use of the offerings that grant a boost and use them to compliment your play style.
Kids these days are lucky to have the archive for all those extra points and they don't even know it.