This MMR thing is working kinda too well

As soon as I booted up the game this morning I have been only getting matches against insane survivors mostly in SWF with the best ######### (DS, Dead Hard, Unbreakable, BT, etc.). Literally untouchable, they somehow can heal everyone constantly and get gens done at the same time. I am not playing a weak killer as well (blight). At this point I think MMR may show the devs the power of SWF and the imbalance in this game cause this is too much, can barely secure 2 kills
edit: "barely secure 1 kill"
They'll have to balance around this vs the old model.
I think it's a good thing, just the rough period in-between before we get there.
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"Can barely secure 2 kills" that sounds like a fair match? Unless you want it balanced for 4k's every match like a lot of killers.
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2 kills at red rank is a great result? lol
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A lot of people wanna 4k every game. But unless they want to balance it based either survivors getting a 4k escape or killers get a 4k. 🙄
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2ks and 2e's is what the devs were intending
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My first game: Me as Trapper vs 4 extremely organised Rank 1s/2s. I got a hook!
The entity thinks I am a god-tier trapper. I hope the MMR adjusts according to performance this time around
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4k escape? Doesn't the k means "kills"? We die but our ghosts escape. 😳
I'm kinda happy with how the MMR works. My teammates and the Killers seem closer to my skill level now. The curse of being a false red rank: potato time.
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Kinda makes sense considering the Devs consider a balanced game to be 2 kills and 2 escapes. I'll have to see for myself how I find MMR though. Here's hoping that my solo que teammates are at least decent.
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Yeah I agree it is a good thing IF the devs take into account the issues at hand
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Whoops I meant to put 1 my mistake
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If anything, this is the precise point of SBM. Chances are you previously got matched with survivors below your skill level, and now that SBM is (hopefully) actually working, you will have significantly harder matches.
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I'm hoping I'll vs survivors actually at my skill level I have the killer skill of a rank 9
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🤣 Did not even think about that. I'm just used saying k after numbers now.
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To be fair, thats how my Trapper match looked like yesterday. Before the skill based mmr was activated.
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That's weird, everytime an MMR update comes out, i always get matched with purple/green rank self care urban evasion survivors regardless of the killer i play. When i play solo survivor, it's always against 2 digit ranked killers
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The MMR experiment is living hell everyone is SWF'ing to reduce the groups MMR as much as possible. 3 hours into this ######### i've played Haddonfield, Shelter woods and Mothers Dwelling for 3 hours... No other maps during 3 hours always against SWF's, just check profiles everyone is friends, everyone has a ######### ton of hours into DbD. 2 guys alone had over 7k hours... This is absolutly mental.
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What is the actual system currently in place? My wife and I play together and get a spread but sometimes it's us (purple ranks) and all red ranks. Even rank 1 killers, sometimes.
I like playing killer but it's not so often so I am usually at the back end of ranks and don't really pay attention, just trying to get achievements done and provide a decent game for the survivors.
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The new mmr hasn´t been even live for 3 hours. O_o
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Use map offerings, they are not forbidden
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Probably it thinks you are not a too tier player.
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If that is what it takes to get them to address it somehow, I'm all for it. :)
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Ouch devs, 1v1 cowshed now
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The that new sacrificial ward offering they got
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i'd use them but you don't wanna rely on "forcing" other people to play that 1 map. Plus you'll run out of map offerings eventually xD
They've only announced it 2 hours ago yes but they enabled it a bit earlier, probably tested it themselves to see if the system was working and then announced it. It didn't went live after they announced it. A way i could tell is because i was doing dailies for Plague then went on to my main killer and the difference was immediat. I barely play Plague so her specific MMR should be quite low but then when i switched to something i play frequently then that's where hell started.
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I am happy for the people that the mmr is working well. As survivor i now get extremly weak killer( they dont know how to run tiles, some of the games they didnt even manage to land a m1 the entire game during many chases...), and with my main killer i get extreme beginner (last match the survivor were ,rank 15-20, one had 15 hours, the other 23hours). If the mmr stays like this for me, i will quit the game, i have no joy getting matched with complete beginners and stomping them ( as rank 1 with survivor and killer with almost 2k hours)
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Time to break out my massive swag of Tombstone Pieces! Just the rainy day I was saving them for. 4v1 to 3v1 in the first 1.5 minutes. :) And no, I have no sympathy. I'm pulling nothing but all Red Rank SWF (and yes they ARE SWF). A Myers does what a Myers has to do.
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Thats an error. The matchmaking for killers you don´t play a lot, starts in mid range and slowly adjusts.
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It says right on the announcement "test will be for a couple days. You may be matched with with opponents well outside your range". Not exact wording but thats the idea. Not need to freak out already remember your mains should be the sweatfest if so its working as intended, killers used less should have to be used a bit more to get to sweatfest.
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Ima start running my bullshit build to deal with the possibility of survivors way above my skill level.
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The last time MMR was on I got 5 straight days of nothing but week 1 survivors that had no clue how to play in my lobbies.
Wasn't fun. Hopefully this time is different.
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That punishes players who main 1 killer or even if they play more killers they'll still have 1 that is their favourite or the one where they do better with. Survivors don't have that issue, survivors are just skins. Just playing killers who you don't regularly play so you can enjoy the game without sweating isn't a good strategy for the game.
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You don't need to sweat, just play casually if that's what you want. You will lose at the beginning but then your MMR will decrease and will get matches where even a casual play is enough to get 2 kills.
(Not sure how often is the MMR updated, if it adjusts after every game, or it adjusts periodically, e.g. every few hours)
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There's nothing punishing about it. If you do well with a killer, the system is intended to give you opponents who will give you a fair match. If you have less experience with a different killer, it's intended to the exact same thing and you get weaker opponents to compensate.
If only it actually worked...
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I remember the last time they tried didn't go well, at least not in the my rounds.
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So what do you want? Have 4 kills without sweat? How will you improve with that? You can improve only if there is sweat.
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Easy solution to this. Time for "Mr Camping-Tunnel-fest".
Post edited by DangerScouse on0 -
"edit: barely get one 1 kill"
Devs: 1 kill is balanced
"Edit: barely get -1 kills"
"Devs: Only exist as a killer"
"edit 3: my killer got killed"
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See, I don't get this. The killer MMR is based on each killer, right? I rarely play Trapper. Shouldn't his MMR be lower, and pair with equally lower survivors? Yet, the last four matches where I've been trying to complete his daily, I'm going against sweat squads. Not true sweat squads, sure, but with my inexperience with him, it feels like it.
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I don't understand you. Please first explain what you mean by that you don't want to sweat, but also don't want to play casually, and you want to get better.
I think even you don't know what you want exactly.
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I just hope the 3 and 4 man swf queue is long, cause sure as f.. I started to dodge for the first time. The stress of playing killer is multiplied by 10! No weak links, no fun matches anymore at all. Only sweaty matches today.
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I've seen nothing but Nurses and Spirits stacking multiple slowdowns after several games this morning.
Maybe you're not used to actually being challenged and you can't handle when the game gets a little difficult?
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I think you are looking incorrectly at it. And you could also say that survivors have constant gameplay: they have 50 percent chance of escape.
This 2E2K is some rule of thumb on what it uses to increase or decrease your rank, i.e. to give you harder or easier opponents. You will still have 4k and 4e matches.
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I guess what you say could happen if all the rankings reach an equilibrium and your skill has reached it's maximum where you don't improve further. Then you would have those 2k2e.
This will however probably never happen. The system will never reach equilibrium, there is also randomness and the skill of players changes over time.