Have not been able to switch killers in a year
And here is the result LOL. I play this killer almost every day.
Meanwhile keyswapping at 6 seconds happens to me almost every week I want to say.
Scrap this garbage system and make it harder for survivors to pip up.
If the original game wasn’t so good these devs would murder their own product through being incompetent.
That's certainly one way of screenshotting your games...
And yeah it's really no surprise that MMR is not working yet again. I seriously hope BHVR finally take the ######### hint, and realise that it's just not gonna happen. I feel like it's stubbornness at this point, they've put so much time and money into this system that they're gonna keep throwing it at the wall and hoping it sticks this time.
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You coulda at least cropped it.
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Im posting from a phone, I’m not dealing with that. The point stands. I have thousands of rank 1 pyramid games and the MMR is giving me brown ranks to slay. I have had to go out of my way to make the game last more than a few minutes, by walking away from hooks and letting people be saved for free.
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I mean you can crop on your phone from the gallery and then select the photo and then... ah nevermind, it's worthless...
I mean I guess we can agree that MMR isn't going too well.
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I’m on the other end of this; I just started 2 days ago and I play killer, I’m rank 18 and my Wraith is level 12. I just had 3 games against back to back red rank survivors and the game is ending in 1 or 2 hooks, I have absolutely no pressure. This is really not a good time for new players, before I was actually getting 2 or 3k some games but now I can’t do a thing. I’m going to wait out the test before I play again.
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I think you can register (I don't know how to say in English) the picture in your phone folders and select the picture on the forum with the mountain icon (the one on the right side of the reversed P).
I'm always on my phone and I do it all the time when I wanna post a picture.
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I'm main huntress and got the same problem, matches agains't survivors potatos I give the hatch to the last survivor in every game.
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I am 99% sure it starts you at base mmr and doesn't take into account past experience,
IE: Everyone starts at lets say 100 MMR, and if you win you go up, and lose you go down.
I am pretty sure it is working, I really wish the devs would just be more open with what is being calculated for matchmaking though.
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Best thing against that is give the survivors the same treatment.
You select the survivor you want to play as and then you search and from then on you can't switch character anymore, just like killer.
Sure there is no individual mmr for survivors, but 99% of the times they switch last seconds just to bully etc.
So locking survivors from switching will reduce this a bit imo
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I'm confused. How that title is relevant to this post? Did you have a mind to change killer in lobby? Also that screenshot makes me giggle.
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Back in the old days of yonder, we could switch killers whenever we wanted. MMR was announced and we lost that feature, as killer specific MMR would be used. Through all of the tests, we have yet to have the feature return or have MMR become permanent.
Also this test seems so much worse than the last one and idk what they did. But maybe its Pyramid Head they broke cause I 3/4k streak with him and still face rank 13s :/