Why cant Behavior show people's MMR?

If you really want to test and see if it's working, why aren't you showing people's rating? The only visual evidence that we have is the current outdated ranking system, but they're entirely irrelevant in this case.
Other games, whether it's League or Starcraft, show people's MMR rating and you can get a good idea how advanced your teammates or opponent is. But here, it's "Yeah, we're not gonna show you anything, just trust us bro!". I mean, really?
In the case of League, the game consolidates groups of players into various "tiers", whether it's Gold, Platinum, Silver, etc. That way, the only way of advancing is to actually "git gud" otherwise, you're pretty much stuck with other players of similar skill.
Same with an RTS like Starcraft, where it shows both player's MMR and even shows how you've gained and lost. (Not my screenshot btw).
They want to be able to change it without raising eyebrows.
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Either that or they don't want to show it barely functions.
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It's also a matter of programming GUI for that. For a big team it's not a deal, but we know, that BHVR are not the fastest to implement new features. And MMR is still new, introducing a GUI for it right now doesn't make much sense, we don't even know if it's gonna stay. But yeah, I want to be able to see my rating, I also want to know my escape rate and my killrate
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They want to make it so it's harder for people to manipulate their MMR Ranking.
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The more knowledge we have, the more evidence that supports they dont know what they are doing.
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Only if you purposefully ignore the people for whom MMR is working fine. Oh, and the almost nonstop growth of the game for the past 5 years.
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Yeah, agreed. I'm just asking now because this is their second attempt at bringing a competent and function MMR after months of collecting data.
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I wouldnt call it growth. Releasing a licensed character to attract more players, only to have them leave when they see how painful the new player experience is. We can see how many people are playing but we cant tell how many are dedicated players or newbies that bail when the hype wears off.
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This is the reason. They already have seen how easily ranks were manipulated with what info people were given. Simply put, many players cannot be trusted with the info on what mmr is looking at.
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I would call it growth because that's what it is. We can literally see that the number of average players has increased overall.
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But I mean, they could literally just use the current bronze - silver - gold - iridescent tier system that kind of permeates areas of the game. Maybe expand on that.
It seems like a good idea, especially seeing that it works in other places. They don't have to reveal the details of the calculation if they don't want but being able to see where one ranks would be helpful.
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If people knew how it worked, they could figure out how to lose enough to torture new players. That's why. No one wants that.
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As if new players already don't leave...
I shouldn't be even paired up with rank 20s AT ALL. and i still do
this is why i keep telling people. SBM is a waste of time. just remove ranks in general and it'll help the game,
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I'm wondering how the hell it'll even work.
Like I just got a game where I had 4 survivors who barely knew how to play and it was a braindead 4K on Doc one of my most played. The next match I switched to Trapper with very bad perks for a rift challenge and I got an actual 4 man SWF (same names, outfits, etc) with BNPs that rushed 3 gens as I was getting in my first hit. I got no kills but my hook count was the same as the previous match.
I'd like to know how it grades player in that scenario.
There's also the fact that some killers, by design cannot play against good teams. Would a Micheal getting 1K get the same points as Nurse? Against a really, really good swf micheal would be lucky to get 1 maybe 2 kills as he has no anti loop or mobility, whereas a Nurse would have to play really badly. So how are their MMR points dictated?
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MMR, when it works, works very well. They have it in COD: Cold War and I have the hardest matches known to mankind. It took almost 3 weeks but when it got it right, I barely broke even in K/D's. It all takes time. Removing ranks wouldn't do anything. If you find a match quickly, it'll be near your MMR Ranking. If it takes a bit, it won't be since they are branching out to find something close. Patience is a key word.
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Mmr working..?
7 hours of killer yesterday. Literally was a pure rainbow hell.
Only had 3-4 matches that were ALL the same ranks,
it was parring me with NEW survivors..
keep that in mind
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Rank doesn't show skill always. Some might be very good survivors or play on different systems and switch (not the console). Skill is skill and some don't play enough to get to Rank 1 every time and some (like some streamers) like to go afk until they get much easier matches. This will fix that.
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Never did say rank = Skill
Just said that they need to Remove it so people stop relying on it.
Rank doesn't mean ######### on this game but to alot of people apparently it does,
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Its a correlation. People associate skill with rank. A Rank 14 might be better than a Rank 1 but don't have the time to get there.
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The changes would also make it so that players have a better incentive to improve their MMR rating by playing well. They could try giving them seasonal awards for going from gold to Platinum.
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But some will break it to get easy killers or survivors and that's the issue.