New Player - Games extremely hard since i got rank 15

Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

So 4 days ago because of my love for Resident Evil and cause my BF has been badgering me to buy it for ages now to play together i finally bought DBD.

I've seen streams of it before so i know the game pretty well. The Basics and everything, how things work. I know theres lots of toxicity

Today i got to killer rank 15 and i havent gotten one pip until my latest game. I noticed ranks were all over the place, i'd have ranks 1 or 2 with a rank 17 and rank 12 or something and i was getting 2 hooks max without camping, trying to play fairly cause i hate seeing it on streams and when i play survivor. Even when the exit gates are done and i had someone on a hook i left them, if they got out then so be it.

But my latest game really takes the biscuit.

I have 22 hours playtime and im being matched with people who had 4K, 2.7K, 3.1K and 954 Hours (in that order from what you see on the picture)

I got a 4K and i feel worse than when i got 2 hooks all game. Or when in lower ranks (IE yesterday when i only got 1/2 kills or less.) They were toxic to the extreme. They had done all but 1 gen before i even hit 1 of them. They were goading me to hit them and then looping me through extremes while spamming their flashlight over and over. Honestly it was almost like it was a macro the speed of it. It happened so much i wonder how much charge they had left. I did it in a surv game and im sure i lost 1/10 of the charge from doing it for 3 seconds to get the attention of a surv running away who needed healing. The teabagging was constant, the goading was constant, the flashlight spam was constant. I got lucky they decided to try and toy with me. Otherwise id have 1 hit all game. Im trying to learn this game, not be wound up by players much much much much better than me.

The only reason i even got a 4k was because i gave in and camped. I didnt want these toxic people getting away with it. I camped, i put trails all around the narrow passages of Hawkins Lab which i know is heavily killer sided. So i gave into playing like that because i knew they would send abuse after, which they did, luckily i got the snippet before anything was said. A bunch of #Hashtags# came up along with 3 of them saying how bad i was and a #########? In post game chat yesterday i got a blocked message when i tried to type "XD that was funny." But ######### gets through the filters?

I know people will say "be happy you got a 4k." But im not. Im actually annoyed. A game isnt meant to leave you annoyed when you win. There is absolutely no satisfaction from it. It was pure frustration and their toxicity brought out the worst in me. This shouldnt be a thing though. Why is someone like me who has 22 hours on this game being put with these people?. Why do i not want to play again? Surly people who just bought the game should be aimed at being retained and not pushed away to asking steam for a refund because your systems pull this crap.

My BF has told me a MMR system has come in today for a while but...well...this obviously isnt working right now if this is what its doing.

Overall i bought this game cause i enjoy watching streams, my bf wanted me to and the Resident Evil chapter. And now as this seems to be the future, im probably just going to pester steam for a refund because i like playing both killer and survivor. I dont have 1 side. But i dont want to play killer again after the 4 games today since rank 15.

Im for MMR btw. I think MMR systems are great but this clearly isnt right. If your pairing rank 1 and 4K hour survivors with someone who has 22 hours then something is seriously wrong with this system. Someone else on steam just told me as im writing this that MMR has been in the works for over a year. How can you not get this right? Why is this happening to new players?

I really enjoy the game when its fair. When im getting 1 or 2 kills, or even 0 but a few good hooks. Please fix this bullcrap. If this was a one off today id just let it slide, but 3 games in a row and then that one just pushed me over the edge and hoping that someone sees this and sorts something out on this game because something is not right with this MMR system. Maybe its fine for higher ranks but for newer players like me, its all but made me want to get a refund.


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    They sort of have to play that way. If they finish that last gen and left that would of been a depip for most of them.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    I dont hold it against them for playing that way. I dont like it but ive seen enough streams to know what toxic survs/killers are like. Though tbh the only reason they stopped gens was to rush and triple flashlight me in the hope of saving the one i finally downed.

    My complaint isnt the way they played. Its why im even being put with them in the first place when there is:

    1: an obviously massive skill imbalance

    2: A rank imbalance at a time when 1000s are online playing the game.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723
    edited June 2021

    Edit: That can be ignored. I'm an idiot and forgot Pyramid Head can Mori people.

    Sorry for being skeptical but something seems a little fishy with that picture.

    The 4 skulls there mean they all bled out and going by their points it seems like some bled out quite a bit earlier then others and going by your points you had a really decent game with almost a perfect score. Not only that but considering the 2 WGLF and 2 Unbreakables that had to have been a really slug heavy game. I just feel like more happened then you're letting on though I could certainly be wrong. Outside of that slugging all 4 and leaving them to bleedout is a surefire way to get some hate as it's considered fairly toxic, even if they were being toxic first so I'm not surprised that you would get some spicy messages for it. Fighting fire with fire will only make it spread.

    The fact you also beat a team like this means that MMR will probably throw more teams like this at you or even better teams. Instead of playing in a different way just play how you normally would so the MMR can put you where it should. Like any PvP game you'll probably get paired with someone way outside your skill level and that's just how it is sometimes. Losing to those people just shows MMR that you're not at that level so it will put you lower.

    Now, should you be matched with people that have 1000's of hours when you're new? No of course not. The fact you beat this team though would very much make the MMR think you're not new which is probably why you're getting higher level teams.

    Sorry you've had some out there games but MMR will be off in a couple days so if it really bothers you then just take a break for a couple days until it's off.

    Post edited by ohheyitsbobcat on
  • StuMacher
    StuMacher Member Posts: 110

    This game goes from zero to sixty fast when leaving the brown ranks. It's also compounded by a lack of killers.

    Some days are like that though. I'll be against four red rank players, tomorrow it'll be green and the next day will have all the colors together. Who knows how match making works? Nobody.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    None bled out. 3 were killed using final judgement and 1 in a cage of atonement.

    1st, 2nd was final judgement. i downed 3rd and 4th when they were in a small room on hawkins lab with a walkway round the room and a pallet lurched between a pillar and 1 of the 2 staircases. i put the 3rd in cage of atonement and then walked up the stairs to use final judgement on the last one.

    None of them died via slugging. I had to slug at one point as they were constantly chasing me ready to flashlight me as soon as i picked up. They were literally surrounding me. But they all got up. I only noticed one using unbreakable as he did it in front of me but behind a pallet, he also then healed a claudette and they both ran but i downed the claudette again soon after.

    Im sorry but in no other pvp game have i been paired with someone way out of my skill level. I play overwatch a lot which has a fairly good MMR. Im consistently put against people of my own skill so saying "just like any pvp game" is a fallacy.

    Yes i beat this team with a 4 kill, 6 hooks, 3 final judgements and 1 cage of atonement. But the MMR should also take into account my 3 earlier games as i stated in my post in which i pretty much got destroyed. The games are getting harder, not easier when i lose badly.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    The 4 skulls can also mean they mori'd them aswel...

    It doesn't just show they died from slugging,

    Sometimes it does that with hook sacs aswel,

    Don't forget that PH has a Built in mori if they step in torment

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Survivors who play play like this, and killers feeling like there is little agency in their role, is why there is a dearth of killer players.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Those skulls also means Mori, which Pyramid head often gets with Final judgement

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    I did reply to this but clicked edit and it said it had to be approved? Ill try again

    I used final judgement on player 1, 2 and 4. player 3 i put in a cage of atonement. 1 and 2 were dead by the time i downed 3 and 4, both went down within 45 seconds of each other, i put the last 1 i downed in a cage (which was his 1st hook/cage) and the last one i went back and used final judgement on. No one died from slugging.

    Im aware i beat a team of red ranks etc but the games have gotten harder. You're ignoring what i said about my games previously. As soon as i hit rank 15, i got matched with much higher ranks and much higher playtime mixed with a few lower ranks but still with 300 - 500 hours playtime. I got destroyed in each one. Managing 2 hooks mostly and 3 hooks in one (separate survivors) So after 1 game of being destroyed i get another harder game, and another, and another until i got that group? Doesnt really add up. If the MMR is noticing how badly im doing in the games before that, why is it continually giving me tougher and harder games with survivors who have even more hours than before.

    So sorry but that logic is flawed. The MMR should not be thinking im some amazing player because i resorted to camping one team and getting a 4k while getting zero kills and a total of 9 individual hooks over the space of 5 games previously

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    Honestly i used to think this was just killers whinging when i saw it on streams or when my bf played. But after experiencing it i got to say its true. I used to be one of those on a stream calling out killers who camp because in my head i though the killers have to be seriously strong. We're going up agains Myers, Freddy, Pyramid Head. I just thought the killers were bad but being on the receiving end of this has changed my mind and i have so much more sympathy for killers now. Which is going to annoy me if i play survivor again and get camped when the last gen gets done. Ill be sitting there wanting to be annoyed but them remembering how disgusting it is to play a killer at times against a SWF who have more than half a brain cell.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,204

    Yeah, you should be mad, but not at survivors or SWF.. at least not yet. You should definitely be mad at the matchmaking. That was a joke. 22 hrs vs thousands of hours is not even close to being fair or fun because at your level, you won't even be able to learn whatever advanced tactics they know since you're still new.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723

    Yeah sorry for the first part. It completely slipped my mind Pyramid Head has a built in Mori. That's all on me and 100 percent my fault for being a dumb dumb.

    As far as the MMR stuff goes it could have just thrown you in higher MMR because you had won before you started getting those tough groups. From what I understand of MMR or at least what other people on here have stated in their experience as well as my own, when the game is trying to determine your starting MMR for newer people or killers you don't play much it will sometimes start to throw you all over the place rank/time wise and it can take 10 plus games before things start to work its way out, sometimes more if you have some weird games. At least that's how it was the previous time they tested it.

    So, the game will end up giving you really really good and really really bad teams to see how you do against them. If say all those really good teams you faced had progressively less MMR (even though they were tougher matches each time) then it would make sense since it's not taking rank/playtime into account. Then you beat one of those teams and MMR goes, "ah this is around where they're at" and will now give teams closer to that level.

    Now again, I don't think for an instant that MMR should match newer players with people like that and I'm sorry you've had games with toxic players. I'm just trying to show how the MMR might be working or why its done the things it did. Of course I could be way off as well since BHVR haven't revealed how the MMR system works so it very well could just be borked.

    Which again, if it keeps up or is starting to ruin your enjoyment of the game then it might be best to take a break until it's off so you can have normal matches when you come back.

    You could also try another killer and see how the games go since MMR is suppose to be separate for each killer.

    I have realized I'm an idiot and shall subject myself to a Burger King Myers game next time I play to make up said idiocy.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    AFAIK the MMR only came in today? I got to rank 15 last night, played one game in which i killed 2 and got 1 pip and then the being paired with 4k hour players started. Then i depiped down to 16 until i got a double pip from the last game to take me back to rank 15.

    I can understand the game throwing random hard matches out as MMR to test you. But not 4/5 in a row and now for someone almost brand new to be paired with someone who has played 4000 hours. Ty for understanding my view, it still baffles me how an MMR system can do this.

    Taking a break is what ill be doing. At least from killer anyway. But lets be honest, why should anyone have to take a break from a game you have paid for, plus the multiple DLC you have paid for because the devs cant get a small thing like this right with a system they have been working on for 18 months. If this was something brand new i could understand but its when everyone tells me its been worked on since late 2019 that really annoys me. I expect bugs from it, i expect it to not be 100% But i dont expect to be placed in consistent games in which im paired with people way above my skill level it makes me want to uninstall the game and never bother with it again.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905
    edited June 2021

    I’ve had games like this before there not fun and can be hard but even if you camped you still beat them and I mean that look at there set up that’s a be a jerk to the killer build and the fact there cursing you out calling you bad when your way below there ranks is just a indicator there pissed there attempt to be jerks failed and they died when in there minds they think there good and you gave them a ego check.

    to be blunt don’t feel bad or annoyed you camped instead fell glad that despite the odds you turned the tables on them you made them mad because they screwed up swarming you and paid for it you taught them a lesson on no matter how good you are there’s always somone better then you and you played it smart they wanna all rush a save camp the hook and make them work for it force them to trade hooks all while slowly marking down the fact your able to kill them at a moments notice for playing like jerks

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723

    The MMR has been doing background tests for a quite a while now so it's very likely using your past games for reference as well, before it was released that is.

    I wish you the best though and agree, they should have a bit of a better system for newer players or at least have different leeway when MMR matching. The only reason that comes to mind as to why they wouldn't is maybe to discourage smurf accounts since they should quickly get placed with higher level people in a perfect world.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Dbd is not a game I would recommend to anyone. Especially in its current state and how bhvr is handling things.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    It's called stressed caused by playing killer. It's a real phenomenon for this game. Like you said even when you get a 4k it stresses some people out. Some people can't handle multitasking and being put under pressure. Since it's a 4v1. It's a real thing it happens to me to. Even if I'm winning after 2 or 3 matches I just don't feel like playing that role.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I'm not going to sugar-coat it and mean this in the nicest way possible.... Get used to it. Matchmaking has been horrible for killers for months and months so expect to get thrown in these rank 1 matches very often, and of course that means toxic teams. It sucks but that's unfortunately how it is and personally i don't think Mmr will change anything (even though deep down inside, I'm begging to be wrong)

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    "2 hooks max without camping, trying to play fairly"

    .......again....camping/slugging or tunneling are fair strategies, just like tbagging/clicking and or pointing(and these ones aren't even real strategies).

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587


    No coming out of invisibility lest they hide in a locker wraith

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    Im not mad at them. im Annoyed at the game for putting me with them in the first place, in a line of other games with much higher ranked survs. What i have shown is only the final game and the straw that broke the camels back. Id love to show u videos/screenshots of the other ones before it but i though this is just a silly blip in matchmaking, it has to get better sooner.....

    Serves me right for being naive.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    I agree with that about the smurf accounts and i could even understand the match making if itd been totally wrecking others. I mean ive watched dbd on streams for over a year but never really wanted to play it because it wasnt my type of game, even though i love horror it just seemed a bit too pressured. But after playing it i enjoy it.

    I average around 2-3 kills per game. Ive gotten around 5 4 kills out of maybe 25 killer games before today and around 5 games with no kills at all which seems balanced.

    The fact that my games leading up to rank 15 have been balanced is what annoys me most. Ive not been on a roll cruising. Some games are really tough just to get a 1 or 2 kill. Which is what i aim for. 2 kills are fine for me.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    Isnt the multi tasking. Ive learnt without any good perks i have basically no map pressure as Pyramid head and im still enjoying it. What is stressful is being put against players way better than me constantly who feel the need to bully an obviously new player.

    They knew i was new aswell, as did survs in the games before. I missed around 25 attacks when they were close before i even landed one in one of the games.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    Then its up to the devs to man up and do something about it. But yeah you're not the first to say that to me (about getting used to it)

    Just seems to be a game that promotes a bullying and disgustingly toxic gaming culture that panders to one side over the other.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    In my eyes they're not and so i dont want to play that way. I want to play the way i want killers to play when im survivor. I hate being camped. I hate being tunneled, i dont teabag even if the killers been toxic.

    Therefore i dont want to be playing like. I did it because i got triggered by them and i openly admit that. I even stated above i dont get annoyed when killers camp or tunnel. So you're taking one word ive said and reading too far into it. Maybe read the rest of the thread aswell.

  • Konnor24
    Konnor24 Member Posts: 184

    MMR has the potential to change things over time. But like has been mentioned, its been in development for over a year now. Thats worrying. It shouldnt be pitting new players against people like this who by what the authour stated were extremely experienced.

    Someone in another thread mentioned that its based on your total killer playtime which is confusing as based on this thread and screenshot evidence, the person has obviously not been playing long at all judging by player level, Even if every game played to get to that player level was pyramid head, it still shouldnt be putting them with red ranks unless they are wiping the floor with survivors.

    IMO BHVR need to come out and address whats going wrong. MMR is game changing and if it mucks up like this a lot then its worth adressing.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20


    Im done with this game overall. I decided to give this another chance. Told to keep at it because the MMR will get better. Its just gotten worse. Im now Rank 17.

    1 kill in 6 games because im being constantly put with much higher ranks and hours.

    2 of them games i managed ONE hit. Against another team of 4 red ranks and multiple hour survs. Whatever this MMR thing is is atrocious. Now played 12 games in total and the only way i can kill is by camping. Thats not how i want to play. Its boring. Its dull. Im done. At the moment for us new players this games a walking simulator whiles't being bullied.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    And i mean that as 1 kill in 6 more games. In total played 12 Killer games since i reached rank 15/MMR came in and managed a 4K because i camped and they spent time bullying me instead of doing the last gen. and a further 1 kill since i 1st posted this thread.

    Asked steam for a refund now. I hope someone who can do something about this can actually read this and do something about this so you dont waste the time of anyone else. Its bullshit.