Give us the option to either play by Rank MMR and Skill MMR

D3spair Member Posts: 715

Please BHVR, when you roll out this Skill Based Matchmaking, don't force it on us. Give us the option like any MOBA would.

For the recent MMR Test, I was getting max 2Ks in my Killer Games. Did I Sweat? Yes. Did I have fun? No. Every god damn Survivor was good that nobody wanted to loop. On my Doc and Clown Games the first sign I was coming they would hold W to the farthest safest pallet from the Gen, It's like a fully coordinated team every game and I don't want that in the future!

Sure, I find myself at least a decent Killer that can handle a Few Sweaty games a day. However if its gonna be a Sweaty games forever because I'm not playing as Nurse or Spirit then I rather stick with the current Rank Matchmaking.

All of my good surv main friends don't want to go against Nurse and Spirit every game too in the future just because they are in the Higher Skill racket.


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    The problem is that the player base of dbd is too small for separate queue. Otherwise they should've made a non ranked queue ages ago.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I can't wait for MMR to work properly and everyone starts to complain about how hard the matches are xD The killer didn't camp me but it wasn't fair because he was good Dx xD

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    You're forgetting there's not enough killers in general and killers that satisfy the high MMR SWF's or SoloQ, the system will innevitably have to pick lower MMR killers for those lobbies to keep queue times reasonably short, wich means match fairness is thrown out of the window. There's no adaptation phase. Equally matched people will make the game harder for everyone, especially killer because it's a 4v1. Nobody wants easy wins, it's the game that doesn't know how to balance killer role for the 4v1 game.

    MMR is good BUT will expose how weak killer role is but BHVR won't Rebalance the game, they havent in 5 years and it's not now that they will start doing that.

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    "playerbase of dbd is too small"

    To small for this...too small for that...

    ...giant bullsheet....

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    When there are not enough killers around to make the system work, then the devs need to find a way to convince more people to play killer.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    So... A casual or competitive option? Rank is casual because matchmaking is less accurate, MMR when it works will be accurate and force players to play competitively.

    That has pros and cons but i would like it personally.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153
    edited June 2021

    Ahh yes, yes ..... just as a reminder that the killer population is already insufficient at the evening times and is probably outnumbered 1:8 or more rather than the necessary 1:4, shown by threads in here about long survivor queue times (and yes I know that they still vary depending on the s ever region, so spare me any personal anecdotal crap like "but for me queue times are fine and I live wherever").

    And now let's hope that the same relativ amount of killer like survivor will attent the respective queue.

    Not that it ends like Crossplay, were less killer in relation to survivor from their respective consoles playerpool opted in for it, creating better queue time for the consoles outside of Crossplay but worsened for survivor with Crossplay.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    But a working matchmaking would finally build an even ground on which the devs could really balance the game and individual killers. Right now matchmaking is simply another rng factor making true balancing impossible.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    The only way to incentive people to play killer is to well make killer playable at high level. Without MMR killer is weak at high level and with MMR it's even weaker. All the good killers we know were struggling, all the good killers only some of us know, were struggling. Why? Because Killer role at high level is underpowered. 70% of killer roster can't compete with good Survivors. Why? Because they're not competing JUST against good Survivors, they're competing against RNG from Maps. Killer's biggest obstacle in DbD is the Maps. We have Bloodlust and Breakable Walls as band aid fixes to problems BHVR refuses to acknowledge. BHVR has never fixed a Map, they added more things to the mix to circumvent the original problem. Same thing with perks, if there's a problem BHVR fixes it with Perks, Totems gone too fast? Here's Undying.

    BHVR has no interest in fixing DbD or they don't have the skill to based on the 5 years. I wouldn't mind MMR if it means BHVR finally realizes or admits they screwed up from the get go and just take 1 or 2 years to adress the core issues. But will they? Do they want to? I sincerely doubt.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095


    That's why they'll be forced to do something after the new mmr goes live.