A Killer Main POV.
This could be a long one but stay with me.
I see plenty of posts, videos and talk about how the game is survivor/killer sided. Each map has various RNG, now you can either go into the game to have fun or you want to prove that you can win. Survivors are going to do gens, killers are going to hook, camp, tunnel and slug for the win. Is this not the main objective on each side to kill or escape?
Every map has counter play, every killer does too, survivors can be predictable the ones that aren't are the ones to watch for. There is always a weaker player in the team.
The best advice I got for killer was to use the 15 second rule while chasing a survivor, if no pallet, hit or chance of downing them had happened go back to set up, gen checking or even see if you can keep a 3 gen somewhere that's easier to control.
For survivors I suggest you split on gens at the beginning you can always go back for that totem or chest later.
SWF'S are the hardest part of a killers job but you learn how to stop them, they will always be altruistic, they maybe always on comms but you cant control that but you can control the map. This is the main point I'm trying to make, don't get tilted they want to teabag, click you, point it means they want your attention go back to the 15 second rule.
Run perks and add ons you want to, but in my opinion you need gen control corrupt to set up, pop has saved me so many times especially if the gen gets re tapped and I can re pop it. Then depends on which killer, add what your comfortable with, I have taken a liking to tinkerer over bbq recently.
I have many tips on both sides and I'm willing to help those who need it.
The Game map, as a survivor leave bathroom gen until last otherwise the killer is guaranteed a 3 gen on the map. For killers don't open every breakable doors, there are plenty of dead ends.
Overall the game is meant to be fun, take what you have learned from each game into the next on both sides.
Have Fun In The Fog, Watch out for Michael I may be coming for you.......
Now let's have a civilised debate over this.....
THANK YOU! Good post, I agree 💯.
I personally play for fun, and that has made all the difference for me. Video games are for entertainment imo, so I play DbD to be entertained. Life is already challenging, DbD should be an escape from that, not an additional source of stress.
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Same. When I quit caring what rank I was is when dbd became more fun for me to play. I get more tilted at nurses bugs than I do anything a survivor can do to me. When I die as survivor it’s the killer was better than me and I made wrong moves