Guess I should've looked better

Look, I know Ghostface has always had problems with his reveal mechanic but.. is he bugged right now? Seriously, look:
I'm genuinely curious because I've had this happen earlier today as well. I'm standing in front of him, with no objects in front of me, staring RIGHT AT HIM. Does anyone know?
you are looking down too far, he needs to be in the center of your screen to reveal
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If that's true, then that's terrible design imo. Revealing him shouldn't be so easy that it could be accidental but he shouldn't have to fully take up your screen either.
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Not OP 😜 but yeah still freaking annoying.
Have had games where i was literally right behind him and I didn't menaged to reveal him, while other times he is very far away and suddenly I start revealing him.
His reveal mechanic is way to inconsistent to work properly.
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Yep. I was just thinking.. what even is the point of looking around against him anymore? Other than getting grabbed off of a gen, if you spot him sneaking up on you there's nothing you can do about it because he'll instadown you before the game realizes you're staring 👏right👏at👏him
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Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to get into the habit of doing this. It just seemed so odd to me because I usually don't have a problem with revealing him, but today was just something else so I figured he was perhaps bugged.
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Just think of it like a first person shooter. You still need the rectangle in the middle of your screen to hit him directly with your eye lazers.
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If he doesnt need to be in ypur center to reveal him, this would mean he could easily be revealed even if you dont see him.
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Like I said, they need to make it where it's not taking up your entire screen but also not accidental.
Maybe they could make it to where he can only be revealed from a certain distance, but with a wider range (meaning he can't be revealed if he's in the corner of your screen across the map, but if you're looking in the direction of him for a few seconds within range the game recognizes that you see him).
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Would be bad for maps where he normally could sneek close to you.
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Remember that the survivor model counts as a LoS blocker and will stop the reveal. And guess what's in the center of a survivor screen? Yep. I guess someone at BHVR didn't really think that one through.
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I will just use images
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Because he has to be in a precise spot for some dumb reason. It can just be if you see his full body in your view it doesn't count. SHould be addressed but thats just me.
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that just makes this whole thing even worse lol
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This is why I love playing against ghostface 🙃