Same 2 killers over and over why is there no variety !!!!

every game today has been blight and pig... there are like 20 killers in the game why is eveyrone butt riding these 2 ?
All I ask is some damn variety give me a mikey, Freddy, wraith something damn il take a camping bubbah :/
Did your favourite streamer release a new build video ? ....
Blight is a good killer and got some fixes recently. He's more fun to play now that he isn't a foot tall.
As for pig, wells uh... Yeah, no clue.
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He may be fun to play but he is awful to play against, Iโd rather a silent spirit
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A silent Spirit? You mean, Old Prayer Beads?
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I'm currently alternating between doctor and clown. Maybe we will meet up in a game and break your endless cycle.
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Pig is simply a popular character. Blight on the other hand has seen a surge in popularity since they fixed him on console. For me all I see is bubba, Spirit, and Hag.
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Yes lol exactly ....... i no it was changed my whole point is I dispised that play style everyone used it to the point it was borderline anoying now every game is blight ruin undying tinker ..... Iโm currently playing dead by blight.. ๐
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Assuming this isn't bait, maybe all the killer mains that want a strong killer that's doesn't have bugs that will absolutely loose them a chase, and found out that "oh yeah, everyone plays Spirit, and people hate her, let's go to Blight, people don't hate him."
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If you would rather face Old Prayer Beads than Blight you are probably the bravest survivor in the Fog, because that thing was painful.
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Pleaseeee !!! ๐ I need some different gameplay hopefully I see you in the realm !!
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pigs cool i want to start playing her I jsut finished watching all the saw films love them !! Iโve jsut noticed a rise in ppl playing her rarely used to see her snoot
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Mainly because of how bad she was hit by the addition of Endgame Collapse, but I like many other people have started to adapt by taking advantage of the fact that she effectively halts the game just by using traps. She can take a person out of the game for a certain time without killing them.
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not bait at all genuine question lol, be4 today blight was once every other game today no joke every game back to back has been a blight ranging from all ranks with the same training wheels build I canโt take it ๐ with a bit of pig in-between, shout out to the yui that ran out the door with the trap on her head that made my day ๐I needed that laugh after the pain I have endured today,
I Almost forgot about half the killers in the game due to just seeing him and his pimp cane
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I'm surprised lots of people play Pig to be honest. I'd expect them to play Wraith, an overall superior killer.
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I mean, Blight still has the bug where he slides off of random objects. But at least he isn't like Nurse where the character is basically all bug all the time.
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I have to admit, I rarely ever see Blight. Ever. I've seen him less than ten times in three months. Pig, eh, maybe once every day or two.
Sure wouldn't mind facing someone other than Wraith, Bubba, Trapper and Ghostface for a change though. And I'm not entirely sure - there ARE like 33 other maps aside from Rotten Fields and the Abattoir, right? I don't quite remember what those other maps look like anymore.
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There would be more variety if more killers were viable. Unfortunately most aren't
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There is no variety for killer because let's say if you play trickster, you obviously lose and the survivors tbag you and violate your personal space. The killer feels hopeless and switched the a more meta killer and so on and so forth
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I honestly like playing the pig, but I main pyramid head. I'll switch over if I get bored with him and my second.
But honestly, I won't even play the pig most of the time because I always get a flood of complaints in my inbox. Never fails.
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Why no variety? Because most killers can't handle the game. The game is not Balanced with the 1 in mind, it's Balanced for the 4, and 4 bad ones at that.