How Do We Fix Keys?

Gnarly Member Posts: 429
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

I personally think making it a in game chest item only is enough. Don't allow people to bring it basically. Idk if that will solve the blatant rob they can be at times. As long as they keep Keys in the game, they can give that feeling of robbery, but idk if removing them is the right thing to do.

What do you all think is the best way to fix the keys?



  • TheBigGoo
    TheBigGoo Member Posts: 38

    I would make it a chest only item that only sometimes spawns in the game. so keep the random item algorithom as is. What I would do then is to make a new item in the future that could interact with a new element of the game if they decide to do so.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    Change hatch spawn mechanic to spawn in at 1 gen left and 2 survivors, all gens done, or last survivor.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    keys need a simple fix remove them from the game but make it so you only find them in game no more bringing in keys and make a animation and skill check for unlocking the hatch

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    What else do you want? Do you want another skillcheck mechanic that will take a year to make or implement this and nerf keys easier

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    Keys don't need to be in the game then...

    When used it's rewarding the survivors for messing up. It's a I WIN move and there is no counter.

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    Skill checks on keys...

    Just funny to imagine the add a animation of trying to unlock the thing and it doesn't really change the problem of what the keys do ya know.

    Be cute to give hatch an open animation though.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I agree. Make it appear only after we done the five generator. (So I won't be the idiot working on the fifth while the three others enjoy they "free escape".)

    It also gave me an idea: the Killer should be able to lock it if they find the hatch before the Survivors. Like, the key won't open it. I'd be excited for a race at the end to see who's gonna find it first. (Of course, keeping the ability to close it if it's opened, if the Killer and the Survivors find it in the same time, letting the Killer a way to prevent more than one or two people to leave. Then we still have the doors...)

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I have good news for you: if we are lucky, we could get his perks during the anniversary. I remember the developpers said during the livestream that we will have a big shrine rotation!

    (Please, let's pray for the "P2W" perks to be available for free during this time.)

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    They could make it so that people can't hoard them anymore. The key would only spawn in game so whether you use it or not, once the match is done the key goes regardless.

    This will probably up the use of plunderer but at least they're using up a perk slot for that increase in possibility of getting a key.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    If you touch keys, you break them imo. I play both sides so im on the fence about what to do with them.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    That's the part of this that has always made me scratch my head. I realize my experience is merely anecdotal but it's extremely rare I actually see a key used to open a hatch.

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    Problem is, when you're the lone survivor, it's very rough to open the gates as the killer simply has to patrol two gate releases and it takes too long to open then to effect an escape.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    Add an animation to open the hatch, instead of opening it instantly.

    The hatch only appears when all the generators are repaired.

    The hatch can only be opened once IF the Killer closes the hatch (instead of the hatch closing itself), preventing the existence of 2 or more keys from ruining the game.

    Maybe a mechanic that prevents you from leaving items on the ground or that they are destroyed if they have been on the ground for a long time, because the problem with Franklin's Demise against keys is that if you leave them on the ground until the hatch appears, that perk is becomes completely useless.

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429
  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    Then as killer you have to worry about a key in every match. No one will want to play killer and the killer's that remain will play scummier than ever.

    I'd say any solution would involve removing the chance of a key spawning in chests.

    IDC if a survivor brings one in the lobby because then at least I know what to expect and can manage the situation. Having keys spawn in chests just adds more pressure on the killer without any extra reward for playing well.

    There's been plenty of times (I think chests were bugged for a while) where I've been patrolling a 3 gen as killer with at least one survivor dead and some of those left alive on their last hook and then come to realize too late that they've abandoned the gens to go find a key in a chest. There's almost a 100% chance they'll find one too, they don't even need to have any luck offerings or perks to increase the odds. I played 100% optimally without camping, slugging, or tunneling anyone which is extremely hard to do at higher ranks but I enjoy playing that way. My reward was RNG giving 2-3 survivors a free escape. What was I supposed to do? Search for every chest location and risk giving them enough time to finish the last gen? Look for the hatch and try and guard that on top of keeping pressure on the generators?

    If every match resulted in that scenario NO ONE will want to play killer. The only people left playing killer will hardcore tunnel people, face camp, slug, and probably even leave survivors on the ground because they have to in order to juggle everything else going on.

    Have fun with your 20-30 minute survivor queue times for a brutal sweatfest. That's what spawning keys in chests as a mechanic would do. It's bad enough that it's already there as RNG.

    No thanks.

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    If you bring it into a match it's guarntee...the key out of chests is a chance. It's more fair if it was random chance instead of one of them bringing a key

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    It's not a guarantee if they bring it into the match because if I know someone has a key I can just tunnel that one person out right away. You can find the hatch and take actions to prevent a hatch escape as well.

    If it's RNG then there's no way of knowing in time where you need to apply pressure. As the killer you now have to split your attention between patrolling gens, keeping survivors injured or hooked, and patrolling for chests and the hatch. All a survivor has to do is get enough gens done to spawn hatch and then look for a key in a chest. It adds more pressure onto the killer in the middle of the trial when they've already got more than enough things that they have to keep track of. Tell me how that is balanced and fair?

    If you knew that the only way a survivor could have a key is if they brought it with them into the trial then you would keep an eye out for it in the lobby and know ahead of time what to prepare for. Leaving it up to RNG means there is nothing in the killer's control to anticipate or deal with that outcome.

    The only killers who can effectively juggle all of that would be possibly trapper, hag, and maybe twins because they have a way of either trapping chests or splitting up their pressure built into their base kit. With twins it would be only one chest they could do this to as well. On top of guarding chests the killer would also have to patrol gens and juggle survivors.

    If I was playing any other killer the only way I could juggle all of that is if I slugged survivors and let them stay in dying phase until they died.

    Add in the fact that survivors can bring chest offerings and the problem becomes exponentially worse. Trapper and hag don't have enough traps to keep all of the chests guarded so they can patrol gens and juggle survivors if survivors bring offerings that increase the number of chests let alone have any traps left over for chases and gens.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    keys were fine in my opinion until BHVR decided to add hatch spawn location offerings, at least before you had to invest time into finding the hatch for a key play, not anymore.

    The problems with the offering+key combo is that it puts a lot o pressure on the killer to try and kill people as soon as possible before 3 gens are done, basically keys make it so killers is on a lose/lose situation, if you kill anyone the hatch comes into play, but if you try to slug they can just do gens as normal, no matter what the killer does the key will be useful in some manner, imagine a killer offering that punishes survivors for doing the objective, like, every time you repair a gen you lose a hook state, keys pretty much do that.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,574

    We don't.

  • DraconDirnc
    DraconDirnc Member Posts: 121

    I saw a video recently that said make keys actually take time to open the lock.

  • Jasuo
    Jasuo Member Posts: 54

    I agree with the first part of this. In the same vein as moris, they should only be usable when the objective is basically completed. Mori is usable on death hook, keys should only be usable when you can open the gates.

    Honestly I think the whole mechanic of moris and keys are outdated and need a complete overhaul, something they said they're working on with moris right now. However I hope they include keys too, because as it stands keys are not good for the game.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438
    edited June 2021

    Few things:

    • Hatch now has a 10 second animation when using a key.
    • Key now only allows 1 survivor to go through before the hatch automatically closes
    • Using a key only opens the hatch, it does not make you go through it automatically.
    • If the hatch is open, instead of closing the hatch, the killer now breaks the hatch, rendering it completely unusable for the rest of the match. (even automatically)
    • Once the hatch has been closed, it will not open again (by key, or the last survivor remaining) for 60 seconds.
    • Buff franklin's to count down the timer for any item that is on the ground, not just knocked out of survivor hands. This prevents survivors from hiding the key in a corner of the map once they know franklin's is in play.

    Bonus! Mori fix:

    • Make yellow mori base kit
    • Green mori allows 1 kill
    • Ebony mori allows 2 kills, additionally, at the start of the trial, the generator furthest from the killer is automatically completed.
    • After hooking a survivor, you gain 1 token. Once you receive 3 tokens, you can spend them to mori a downed survivor.
    • When a generator is completed, you lose one token.
  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited June 2021

    Well, the condition for Mori's are that they can only be used when it's irrelevant and the survivor is death hook. Stands to reason, then, that a key should not be able to be used unless all of the gens are completed, or if the current remaining survivors are all death hook. Something along those lines, but you can do a lot of things, really. Just surprised they've done... nothing. Just more talk talk talk about something that takes a year to implement.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Allow the killer to pick them up and throw them over the wall.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Remove the item from the blood web and make it where you have to do a series of tasks in order to see what ch chest the key spawned in then it.can open the hatch

    and this make end game more interesting you have to do said takes in the time limit or die if they defend both doors

  • Daisymoon87
    Daisymoon87 Member Posts: 68

    I just want to know who you guys are playing against or with where they use keys so often that this is even a post?

    Get rid of them for all I care. Most of the time I can't even find the hatch when I'm the last survivor, so I usually just go for the door. 🤷

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    To know you and everyone else are just getting mad because people are playing efficiently and you're not as good as you think you are just like everyone else that complain about this mechanic bro.. straight fact this discussion comes up time and time again

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Keys only need those aura reading add ons removed.

    And hatch needs 10+ seconds long opening animation that can be interrupted like totem cleansing

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    edited June 2021
    • Step 1 : If a survivor bring a key in the trial, no key should spawn in chests.
    • Step 2 : If no survivor bring a key, then key(s) can spawn in chests. (either 2 Broken, 1 Dull or 1 Skeleton)
    • Step 3 : While having Ace in the Hole equipped, a survivor can craft a Dull Key from two Broken Keys.
    • Step 4 : Dull Key only allows 1 survivor to escape and requires 5 seconds animation to open the hatch. Skeleton key allows up to 4 survivors to escape and requires a 15 seconds animation BUT similar to a Demogorgon Portal cleansing, other survivors can help the key holder and speed up the action by 2 second per survivor. (up to 3). Interrupting the action will cause a noise and notify the killer.
    • Step 5 : Any progress on opening the Hatch if interrupted, is slowly regressing (Ruin type) + Hatch is affected by the perks Bloodwarden and No Way Out.
  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    No, playing efficiently and relying on a key to escape after you 3-gen yourself are very different things

    If you play efficiently as survivor, you should be able to finish 5 gens before using a key

    Having the hatch spawn only after 5 gens are completed (or 1 survivor is left) would help with the "Let him die on hook, so the hatch will spawn" mentality that some survivors have as well, or with the fact that unless you are in a SWF, a survivor who brings the key is very likely to ######### you over by getting out by themself as soon as they see the hatch

    Trust me, I groan when I see another survivor bring a key, because unless they die before the hatch spawn they are gone, and suddenly the 3v1 is a 2v1, with a gen still to be finished and a very upset killer who goes tryhard at that point

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    For use Keys all generators have to finish.

    And this:

    Pink key - 2 survivors can escape.

    Purple key - 1 survivor can escape

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    Playing efficiently isn't changing the goal of the game. There is no counter for keys.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited June 2021

    There is only so much you can do when there is a trophy for all 4 survivors to escape through the hatch. Personally I would add an opening animation.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    Key Changes:

    I would Rework keys so that; you need a brand new rare Addon, to give you the ability to more then one Survivor with you! Base key is more of a solo item, that give the individual the ability to escape quickly; either by black lock (Hatch) or Exit Gate! The key will also require a unique animation with a 10, speed up to 5 second opening animation to open up the Hatch and exit gate faster! These new changes will Changes Keys so that it offer multiple ways to escape, while not be instantly; unless you have the right speed up charge addons! The Killer can interrupt the opening animation by grabs, and forced the Survivor to reset their progress; so they need to be quiet and commit! There is a sound cue while opening thr hatch; if the killer is close and paying attention! Also, if the key runs out of charges; it becomes a new item known as the Broken Key; so that it let's the Survivor knows that it is broken and can be used ever; with a catch! The Broke Key will take 15 seconds of opening; with RNG element or 1/3% of either working and opening the Hatch, or it would reset the progress bar because of Jam, or simply not open the door or Hatch; because it makes a loud "snap" animation and breaks from your hand (while giving the killer a notification of your location)

    (The Broken Key is pretty much there to remind Survivors, that it is trash and their attempts to escape is pointless)

    New Item: Necklace Prayer Bead or Charm, wrapped around the Survivors hand

    They can replace the aura reading addon effects with the new ones; and scrap the broken key! And make a brand new item that focus on information gathering; like a Necklace Charm; that you hold in your hand! This New charm item (not Key charm around your belt) will used addons that focus solely on information gathering like finding Survivors, items, totems, traps, killer, etc.

    Map item Changes:

    Maps can scrap the ability to detect traps or Killer's positions; and focus more on detecting "fixated" items like pallets, Generators, totems, hooks, exit gates, hatch, and basement!