my game crashes so I get a ban come on get a grip.
This update is hot ass on console honestly last time you optimised was when the hilbilly was good.
if the game is that bad to the point it crashes and gives us dc penalties then I'm not playing lol
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How many times has this happened?
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This happenes to a lot of console players, why I'm not surprised they ######### up again?
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It's been pretty bad for me too (switch user), I either get frozen out of the game or it just crashes completely. Since downloading the RE DLC at noon I've only been able to play 5 games and had to sit out the rest of the time because of the DC penalty.
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By "BAN" do you mean a temporary suspension of the matchmaking? Or actual BANNED account?
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Ah sorry only temporary but it's added up to an 1hour ban
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Yeah it happened to me too on PS4. Game crashed and I get a DC penalty. All sorts of other performance issues too sadly.
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If this is in relation to the new map, we have since removed that from rotation due to crashes on some platforms.
Sadly, the system cannot tell between a genuine crash and a forced crash so the disconnect penalty applies across the board.
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i crashed on the stranger things map and got DC penalty. on switch btw
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Maybe remove the DC penalty until this mess is resolved? It's nonsense people get a DC penalty when the game is at fault, not themselves.
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no then people will just dc a lot
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Steam player and I often get DC/crashes and penalties. Map doesn’t seem to matter.
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People will DC regardless
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this problem takes priority first. ive crashed twice already and got 2 penalties for it
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You should remove the penalties while the game is up and running