Am I the only one enjoying this update?

Nemesis is fun and actually pretty strong, his perks are usable. All the survivor perks are also usable.

New map sucks ass, but I take what I can get.

This is miles ahead other updates like the twins. Franklins change is so minimal it's hilarious that the community is crying about it.

To be honest, this is a great time to be a DBD player.


  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Yeah, console players are suffering some freezing issues. Still, though, I'm finding it enjoyable. Nemesis is the first honestly strong killer we've had for three chapters, so its a breath of fresh air.

    I must also applaud the devs for this: the first thing I said when I found out Leon was coming was "I hope they add a cosmetic for RE 4 where he's wearing his sick jacket.

    Insert Pacha meme here.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    No, I'm enjoying it too.

    I laughed at People getting downed by the zombies before and then I find myself it that very situation. Although it only happened once.

  • crustyselenium
    crustyselenium Member Posts: 28

    To be honest, my pc really isn't that good. Costed in total ~$500 before the gpu shortage.

    The game used to run absolutely horrible until I but -dx12 in the startup options, now it runs at 120 fps at all times.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Honestly? In my opinion this is one of the worst updates ever. Like, Binding of Kin level bad.

  • BingBongMan
    BingBongMan Member Posts: 631

    I can't even play. It won't let me past the initialization menu because of an issue with the RTM server.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited June 2021

    I've only played the one game but I have a feeling I'm REALLY going to hate the zeds

    Not because they're actually threatening or anything but already three times in this game I've gotten into a situation where I had to leave a gen because some stupid zed wandered over to yell at me.

    Like...if I had a way to actually deal with them this wouldn't be so bad but unless there is a pallet nearby or I'm an idiot who is unaware of the "Stab the Zed in the face" button, there doesn't seem to be anything you can do but hope it gets bored and wander away. Sitting there waiting for the slowest creature in the world (besides maybe a Blendette leaving a bush) to go away is not very exciting...

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I am, but the the lag is the only major downside. I'm more happy there wasn't a bunch of balance changes, as I never understand them most of the time. People just like to dogpile on the devs whenever there's even one bug for a hotfix.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    My first game was awful. It kept stuttering.

  • gentacle
    gentacle Member Posts: 260

    Every patch has just made keys even more usable which is why the Franklin's change is out of left field as that was one of the only ways to remove it from the field. Game's already rougher for killer side and this is just salt in the wounds after mori changes vOv

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I would've enjoyed this update if it wasn't for the performance issues.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I’m finding it fun, it’s refreshing to play a different killer, I also love the resident evil games so I’m having a blast running round as jill pooping my pants when I hear a zombie or footsteps :)

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,167

    I can't tell you. I've been having it download for 5 hours. just an hour and a half left.

  • SpookySZN
    SpookySZN Member Posts: 95

    Sucks I didn't get to play on the RCPD map but I have a good time with Leon and Jill, loving their dlc outfits (sorry Redfield's).

    My first nemesis match would have been better if the optimization wasn't so poor you couldn't get land a tentacle strike

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I had a great time in the PTB. No issues.

    The content is supposedly having some performance issues now. I'm sure it will be resolved soon. Probably just needs a hotfix, as mentioned above. These things happen.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I love it like always, theres just things here and there that cause me internal pain, like the lazy franklins vs vaccine fix