More Bloodpoints for Killers when facing SWF

Evilhorst Member Posts: 103
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

My request is plain and simple and is not there to give a solution to the balancing problem.

However i think it would be pretty fair to give killers and maybe also solo survivors an extra bloodpoint multiplier based on the amount of players who queued with friends. Harder work should be rewarded more and facing a SWF sure is on average harder.

Could be something like 10% per Survior maybe more maybe less. This games has many problems and this would make it at least less frustrating and it would also give the killer the information if he faced a SWF after a match.


  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    I think you should start by asking for the killer being made aware that he/she faced a SWF in the post-game lobby, maybe even before the trial in the pre-game lobby before you ask for bonus bloodpoints.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    I like the idea of killers getting a little extra bp for going against a 4 stack.

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    I feel like you're missing a zero or two there buddy.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    If there’s a survivor outside of a team, do they get extra XP to? Half the time with SWF, They piss off the killer in the killer kills me because they’re tired of the SFW dancing around them.

  • justalilbit123
    justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190

    Or how about just an "opt out" option for playing vs 3-4 mans.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,755

    Never gunna happen. Those teams would never ever get a match then. No amount of bribery imo would induce most killers to knowingly take on a SWF.

    Post game bonus of some kind for the killer and a solo thrown in, makes sense to me.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Lmao what is this? So should we get more bp just because we go against spirit and not pig? I don't think so you get as much bp as u earned that's it

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    This is an online game, people want to play with their friends. Not only to socialize, but because solo queue is unbearable. Survivors can have fun too. SWF does NOT equal good. Just except that you won’t win every game.

  • mad_hatter
    mad_hatter Member Posts: 121

    I don't think you understand the OP. They aren't suggesting SWF shouldn't be allowed - we all know that without SWF this game would be dead. But killers should know that they are facing a team that will be able to coordinate far better than a group of solos.

    The reason we're not allowed to know that, is because many killers would dodge the lobby. We should be told we are facing an SWF and then incentivised to NOT dodge. Why should anybody play a game knowing that there's a strong possibility they're going to lose? There should always be a fair chance for either side to will. Comms stack that chance massively in the favour of the SWF.

    Personally, I feel that SWF needs a nerf. My suggestion; anybody in an SWF only gets 3 perk slots, since comms automatically becomes their 4th perk.

    That and the incentive to actually play.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    No. SWF wouldn't ever get a game, which isn't fair to people just trying to play with their friends. You can't beat the average SWF? That's on you.

  • mad_hatter
    mad_hatter Member Posts: 121

    Not if they incentivised killers to play with SWFs, as the OP has suggested. I'd still play with SWF. Knowing which players are communicating would change a killer's play style. It might alter which perks they carry. It's just basic knowledge to help counteract the massive advantage that SWFs automatically get.

    Or are you suggesting that SWFs don't get an unfair advantage?

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    No amount of incentive would make a killer willingly play with a SWF, because of how much people hype up how powerful they are. People blame SWF for losing every time they lose, which gives them a bad reputation, and would lead to every SWF being dodged.

    SWF get an advantage, but not necessarily an unfair one. Not every SWF is competitive. In fact, most are very chill, more so than solo players.

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    I'm simply making the point that before Behavior ever considers giving bonus bloodpoints for facing a SWF, they would probably start by letting the killer know they faced, maybe even are facing, a SWF in pre/post game lobby. You misconstrued my point.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    Even so, it is an advantage to have communication in this game. SWF are mostly friends having fun. I don't mind facing them. All I want is for the survivors to admit that they have an advantage over the killer because of comms.

    As a killer I bring knock out. It's rendered useless against a swf on comms. Hey, I am down at the killer shack come get me. The killer gets nothing to compensate that advantage. That is my major issue.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Post game would be fine. I'd like that actually. People would realize that SWF isn't as powerful as they think. But pre game would be completely game breaking for SWF.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    Actually, seeing the multiplier at the end of the game will tell you that you went against a SWF but not who it was so you can look out for them (unless yer one of those psychos who writes down the names of people you play against). I wouldn't mind that.

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    I completely agree, but it's a little off topic for this discussion.

  • mad_hatter
    mad_hatter Member Posts: 121

    But I'm telling you, as a killer main, that if I knew I was playing an SWF - and I was incentivised to do so - I'd still play that game. Yes, if I was told it was an SWF and there was no incentive, then I'd quite possibly dodge, especially if it was a 3/4 man. Any changes need to all come at once, not one or the other.

  • Tiller
    Tiller Member Posts: 31

    Just let the killer know who are the SWF in the pre game lobby so killers are not blindsided. Its not hard to implement at all and is a easy solution to solve the SWF imbalance

  • mad_hatter
    mad_hatter Member Posts: 121

    I don't know about that. If there was a BP incentive, I think lots of people would still play. I would think that, for most people, points are more valuable than actual kills.

    This is an SWF. You'll be lucky to get 1 kill. But fear not, you'll still earn more points than you would against a solo team. I think most people would go for that.

    Then again, perhaps I'm being naive.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    You are, but at the same time you're thinking in a more rational and healthy way than the majority of the community.

  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

    I disagree with the Killer knowing SWF before. I mean i for sure would still play it, especially if i was to get extra BP.

    But i am afraid as other people said, that it would kill the game. So knowing afterwards is enough for me.

    I disagree heavily with the statement that SWF is not really stronger. This is simply not true. They are on AVERAGE absolutely stronger, especially at higher ranks / MMR. Also no matter how bad that group is, that group is better with comms, even if it leads to them beeing a little bit more predictable. I did also suggest doing the same for solo Survivors btw. I think that would be fair.

    But i heavily disagree with the comparison of survivors getting more BP depending on the killer. Survivor is pretty chill in general and the strongest killers actually do not perform better on average due to them beeing especially hard to play. The Nurse has the worst Killrate in the game i think. The average difficulty still is on the easier side, no matter who the killer is you have to face. Yes there will be the occasional Godlike Nurse/Blight/Spirit (Hag does not seem to exist anyway), but its no way near the difficulty spikes Killers have to go through with SWF.

    I really wish BHVR would be more transparent with statistics, so we could actually discuss with facts and would not have to rely on gut feeling and personal experience, the biggest logical fallacy traps. Aside from the occasional Killrate stat nothing comes from BHVR.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It would be nice if killers got a post-trial multiplier for the number of SWF's on the survivor team (+50% for 2, +75% for 3, +100% for a full party) and survivors got an inherent +100% bonus that decreases the more of the team is SWFing with specifically them. So solo's always get +100%, a 2-person gets +75%, a 3-person gets a +25%, and a full party gets a base +25% because survivors need more BP in general. And 2 2-person teams get +75% each.

  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2021

    That is a great idea! I would love it that way. I am not sure about the numbers this still needs to be up for discussion but the system is good!