Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

If any Liscence got another Chapter/Paragraph which one would you want it to be?

DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
edited June 2021 in Polls

Id personally Choose Stranger Things & would want

The Mindflare:Billy(Would want his his Power to have A.I Demodogs)

Chief Hooper

Map:The Mall

Edit:forgot to add Crypt TV,so if you would have choose Crypt TV explain

If any Liscence got another Chapter/Paragraph which one would you want it to be? 71 votes

MementoMori_MassacreDr_LoomisRevolver_OcelotManyAchievablesFengisKawaii 5 votes
Nightmare on Elm St
GeneralV 1 vote
patchoulisun 1 vote
Keezo 1 vote
Stranger Things
AdelooDarkMagikglitchboiFobboNoOneKnowsNovaDoritoHeadSeraphorryseterion 8 votes
Left 4 Dead
kodiakyMiriamGMazoobiElcopolloNullclinesGreyBigfootxtr4meCheeseAntonHerachi_SakuraDistortedDreamTheArbiterDBDudesyainHaunterofShadowsHex_Ignored 15 votes
Silent Hill
kylerabdcgamer10CornHubJay_WhyaskMarc_go_soloTsukiYureiJimboMason[Deleted User]DwightyTighties190 8 votes
Resident Evil
musstang62Taigaanonymous31337Cornpopers_EvanGlamourousLeviathanScary_Punk_GhostRothlonJarolGannTMQwQwTayteGazgemauchHeavenlySleepyGruul 14 votes
Ash Vs Evil Dead
WishIcouldmainselflessneaBigBayBubba 3 votes
Seiko300TerminatorGuyTapeKnotTheGhostofZgorMooksAwkward_Fiendtazerling7953SMitchell8ChurchofPigSOMENINJANAMEEnoughHooplaKarao_Keblitzkrieglebaudy_B2PAnglePrangle 15 votes
Post edited by DarkMagik on


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    edited June 2021
    Stranger Things

    I dont know what they'd do, but I'd love Starcourt Mall, with Hopper and Billy (Maybe Billy as the killer?)

    Edit: Only realised youd want the same thing so glad you have good taste ^^

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    Resident Evil

    I would like William Birkin x Albert Wesker or villains from Resident Evil 4 as an expansion of the Resident Evil chapter.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    Left 4 Dead

    Being THE Multiplayer Zombie shooter, I don't think it has enough representation. Resident Evil is just coming out and has 2 survivor so while it's big and deserves another chapter, I will say I don't want it over L4D.

    There are many ideas I have, and even a pretty unique killer idea. Too bad it's extremely complicated and I don't know how to describe it, but the idea is to completely change how DBD is played when The Horde (yeah, it's a group of special infected, kinda like Versus mode) is around.

    At the very least, some Legendary skins of the L4D survivors would be Nice. It'd be really cool to SWF as the L4D1 survivors (unfortunately we can't, as Louis isn't represented at all).

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759
    Silent Hill

    I want James Sunderland as a survivor, and if possible the Missionary as a killer (or even walter sullivan)

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308
    Left 4 Dead

    If they do bring in more Left 4 Dead content/characters you bet your behind I'm going to main Coach and The Tank, If they do make it in, of course.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    We need Sidney and a map from the Scream franchise. Also I think GF could need some additional power for map mobility, so not a new killer but a power refresh.

    Left4Dead needs a killer though and maybe a map. Resident Evil has such a variety that it could bring another 2 chapters. I guess Silent Hill as well. Stranger Things should have gotten Starcourt Mall from the beginning…

    Halloween and NoES seem complete though, could maybe get some legendary skins but nothing really more..

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,564
    Left 4 Dead

    I feel like the Left 4 Dead was easily overlooked so I'd like them to bring more L4D content.

    It would be so cool if the cosmetics for Dwight, Claudette, Jake, and Meg that came with Bill would be legendary skins and literally transform those 4 into the L4D characters they were trying to replicate. I'd love that so much as Rochelle was one of my favorites from the L4D franchise.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    Left 4 Dead

    Likely Witch from L4D

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672
    Left 4 Dead

    L4D doesn't have much content, So I would like to see more of it brought into the game.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981
    Resident Evil

    Out of these franchises, I can only see Resident Evil having another iconic killer to be added. There's still Dimitrescu or Jack Baker to be added. Okay, there is no killer from Left 4 Dead yet, but they aren't as iconic as Resident Evil's.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
    Stranger Things

    My Second Choice would be RE

    Ethan,Jack Baker,& Bakers House

    Third Choice

    Ash Vs Evil Dead

    Killer Evil Ash

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Ghost face reworked NS, a map and maybe even Sidney as a survivor.

  • lebaudy_B2P
    lebaudy_B2P Member Posts: 1

    juste ajouté Sydney Prescott et Gale Weather!! ce serai génial et une carte pourquoi pas les studio de cinéma ! ou l'université?

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667
    edited June 2021

    A Chapter for Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch would be amazing imo

    Conal Cochran as the Killer, maybe with AI Androids like Nemesis' zombies, and Daniel Challis as the obvious Survivor.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited June 2021

    It's extremely close.

    I would like an extension on the Saw franchise license: Hoffman as the Pig, for example.

    But I suppose Halloween would be good. We could have Dr Loomis as a new survivor. Annie and Lynda has Laurie skins. Also include 2018 Michael and Laurie skins. And maybe add Haddonfield Memorial Hospital or Smiths Grove as a map.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
    Stranger Things

    Edit:Forgot to Add Crpyt TV

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Of this list the only ones that actually deserve an extension / addition(al chapter / paragraph) are Ghostface, Ash Vs. Evil Dead, and Left 4 Dead.

    These paragraphs / chapters are the only ones that received less content than usual without maps or a survivor or killer, and it especially doesn't seem fair if a chapter like Stranger Things or Resident Evil which got MORE content than usual (2 survivors + killer + map) got another addition on top of that.

    I would absolutely love to see a real scream licensed chapter to round out the ghostface chapter, perhaps they could sell them in a bundle to be the same price as a normal chapter instead of having to buy both separately for a slightly increased cost.

    And side note, as much as I love Sydney Prescott because she's the main character, I'd actually prefer to see Randy Meeks as a playable character instead.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,173
    Silent Hill

    I would have a Silent Hill: The Room chapter, and have Walter Sullivan as the killer (The Orphan) and do a Stranger Things/ RE 2 survivor option of Henry Townsend and Eileen Galvin.

    In previous posts, I always imagined Walter having a power of the "ghosts" that would be AI and pursue the survivors, as well as introducing the Sword of Obedience with which survivors could defend against them. Now RE brought in an AI idea, I think it would be great!

    A close 2nd in the franchises would be Sydney Prescott from Scream, even though the Ghost Face in this game has little other than aesthetics in common with the Scream franchise.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    Resident Evil

    The devs missed out big time when they decided to make the RE chapter only older characters, in my opinion.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Left 4 Dead


    The Witch and her cry have been around for more than 10 years and made cameos in multiple TV shows, videogames and even full-feature horror film (The Cabin in the Woods). Baker's been around for less than five years, while Lady D isn't even one year old in her life of a videogame character. No cameos anywhere on their part and, outside of 7, Jack appears only in Re: Verse. Say what you will about "coolness" or lore or visuals, but Witch objectively is MUCH more iconic then these two combined together along with every single other antagonist from RE7 and RE8. Same goes for the Tank, the Hunter... hell, even the Boomer. Nemesis and Wesker might be more iconic than them, yes. Maybe Birkin and the Licker are somewhere at the same level. But that's about it.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Left 4 Dead

    Left 4 Dead license was added back when 'licensed chapters' wasn't really a thing. Sure, we already had the legendary Halloween franchise in, but the next license would come out only around half a year after Bill's appearance in the game. Back then it was more of a nod to Valve for using their Steam platform (similar to many other games, which include likenesses from Half-Life, L4D, Portal and Team Fortress out of pure respect towards Valve and their accomplishments), rather than actual serious "license deal". Now, though, after the release of the Tome lore and update to Bill's face - he does feel like more of an important part of the licensed gang, not "just a nod". And although we have some skins for Dwight, Meg, Claudie and Jake, we have Boomer charm and appearance of Zoey, Francis, Louis and Tank in Archive video, I'd love to see something more valuable to come out of it. New killer and a new map (Port from "The Sacrifice" map, which is Bill's place of death) would be an amazing addition. Also, it could bring a new mechanic of survivors having to bring gas cans to generators to start 'em, just like in Left 4 Dead.

    Close second would be Saw. I just really love the film series and would love to see at least something new other than updated Gideon.