So. Objectively, why are flashbangs/vaccines unable to be kept?
Flashbangs have a time investment perk, that on top of that is "harder to achieve" then going up to a chest (arguably you can get it through regular objective gameplay, but you still have to find a locker so it's a bigger time investment.) On top of this there single use, and much like the event crackers we get during the year.
You can also potentially get multiple per match. Why not be able to take them out of the match? It's not like it wouldn't require surviving, and infact would significant effort to get any mass of them.
On top of this, and this one being more understandable - why are vaccines unable to be kept? There useless outside of matches with nemesis, and players are far more likely to actually want to actively use them during the match if they actively go and pick one up. Only reason you'd really escape with one is if you held onto one in case of an emergency throughout the match, or actively wanted to (which would mean the other 3 survivors likely have their vaccine if your holding onto yours.
Only reason I don't see vaccines being kept, is due to the potential to bring in an instant cure against nemesis, which arguably is kind of a moot point because you can't see what killer your going against... So why would you bring a vaccine which would be 23/24 times useless. It would simply be a neat collectors thing of "oh I kept a vaccine from my match, that's going to stay in my inventory forever".
I just.. I don't see the reasoning behind flashbangs atleast. Vaccines yeah, because their killer related even though it would be marginally useless to bring them outside of the match, but flashbangs? Is it because there too close to party poppers or...? Am I missing something?
Edit : sorry forgot to actually mention this part, but the vaccines being kept, I meant more as in a deactivated item stance, like moon bouquets or blighted serum. Unable to be brought into matches only found in them. It would be dumb even if on dumb luck you brought one into a nemesis match, which whilst I think would be hilarious if unbalanced. Idk just seemed odd to me, I mean I get it, but like I figured it would atleast be unusable in the inventory rather then just dissapearing
Vaccines: worthless against anyone other than Nemesis, and it would suck if survivors instantly cured themselves of contamination with no effort or time investment in response to a deserved tentacle hit.
Flashbangs: survivors would quickly build up huge amounts of these if they got a new one every match. Plus, with the minimal skill they require to use compared to their effectiveness, it makes sense that you'd need to make some investment to use them. Being denied your first hook because someone had a flashbang before they reasonably should would suck so much.
Both: Every item needs to have add-ons, and there aren't any for either of these.
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Vaccines are part of the killer power, that's why.
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Fire crackers don't have add-ons as of currently so I don't see that point, but yeah, like I said vaccines are useless against anyone except nemesis, and whilst it would feel kinda #########, at the same time they could atleast grey them out on the item screen much like the killer add-ons, for players who have them in their inventory ie - prevent people bringing them into matches, but still allow for collecting them whether accidentally or not.
On flashbangs again, survivors wouldn't quickly build them up, because they still have to farm for the item, much like plunderers builds do. I equate it to pharmacy more then anything, but one that disallows bringing it out of the match, and requires a bigger time investment.
Not only that but players can simply bring in fire crackers, of which I know people who have 100's. You can see them on the item screen, so "before there supposed to feasibly have them" hasn't seemed to be much of an issue before.
Yeah, I get that, but it would still be cool to have them in inventory even if there unusable to bring into a match ie, like the blighted serum add-ons for killer.
Yeah, which is fair enough and why I said that one is more understandable, but at the same time I'd still like to bring them into my inventory even if their unusable like the blighted add-ons or moon bouquets.
And on the free flashlight thingy. - pharmacy, plunderers instinct? They both give free items which can be kept, of which are arguably more useful then a single flashbang blind, of which requires doing a gen and then going to a locker. You could simply just go to a chest and get a flashlight.
What's even sadder is during the ye olde Christmas and lunar new year events firecrackers are lootable from chests with an increased chance, and can be brought out of the match.
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Flashbangs would probably be too easy to build up. Those afaik they are literally just reskinned firecrackers entirely so eh.