Fatal frame

Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

As someone with a passing interest in the franchise, (as in, I played it a bit and liked it but never finished any of the games) I wonder... is this a franchise people would enjoy if it came to dbd?


  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Yes, would love to see this!

  • BigBall
    BigBall Member Posts: 129

    yeah dude this would be incredible, a map would probably be the village from the second game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Not really.

    What makes that franchise stand out is the camera mechanic, but that's also really it.

    The rest is spoopy ghosts, and we got that.

    Not that i'm against adding it.

    We already got a whole slew of names in here, might as well bring this one in.

    Just saying that i'd feel like it would be the most mediocre license addition thus far.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Isnt that the game originally called Project Zero? If yes, i woule love to see it in DbD.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I don't know...

    It's the one where you take pictures of ghosts to fight them.

    but... can't you do that with basically any game? single out it's unique mechanic and add "but that's also really it"?

    I honestly have no idea why they never made a VR fatal frame... feels like one of the few game franchises that justify it... (looking at you half-life alyx)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613


    I just have that feeling more with FF than most other horror games.

    With Alan Wake for example, i can remove its flashlight mechanic, and still feel like it has more unique things to offer.

    I just don't get that from FF. 🤷‍♂️

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    It's called Project Zero in France (and maybe other EU countries as well).

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I feel like if you remove the flashlight mechanic from Alan Wake, all you have left is default 3rd person shooter. 🤷‍♀️

    at least gameplay wise...

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Yes I would love Fatal Frame

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    I'd be down, I'd love to remove Spirit with a couple of Camera snaps.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    I disagree on that.

    I see a "default thirdperson shooter" as: You face other person or people, shooting eachother with guns, headshots do lots of damage, maybe take cover every now and then.

    In Alan Wake, the enemies have no ranged options besides the occasional melee weapon throw, so most combat is melee based.

    This in turn gives Alan the ability to dodge, which isn't a free-to-use move like ducking or moving sideways in any shooter game.

    Flares keep enemies away from you, and you can choose how to use the flare as well.

    There's the possessed objects and swarms of crows that hunt you down and can't be defeated by simply shooting them. (Unless you got a flare gun. (OP btw.))

    Now if your definition of a thirdperson shooter differs from mine, fair enough, then idk what to tell you.

    This is mine.

    Idk, for such a story-heavy focused game, i think it does more than enough to keep the gameplay fresh.

    Certainly wouldn't be everyone's taste, but i have a good time replaying it every now and then.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    default 3rd person shooter is: 3rd person camera. You shoot at things and or enemies.

    enemies may be humans and/or creatures. attack from range and/or close quarters.

    dodging and/or taking cover may or may not be part of it. (but usually is)

    projectiles such as molotovs, grenades, dinamite, rocks, arrows etc: may or may not be part of it aswell.

    You may or may not have melee options. but, by design, your guns are your main attack.

    this to me is the skeleton of every basic 3rd person shooter.

    and without the flashlight mechanic, Alan wake has nothing that doesn't fit here.

    Which is why the gameplay gets pretty stale eventually, imo. it's just more of the same. "oh hey, it's night again and Alan's stupid ass didn't bring the spotlight from yesterday with him".

    fatal frame is also a story-heavy focused game. and like Alan wake, the gameplay is kinda secondary to it.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    You will find many fandoms here that think anything and everything should be in this game.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited June 2021

    I played 2 and 3 back in the day and honestly it is one of my favorite horror game series.

    It scared me a lot and they really did the ghost stuff well. Lots of creativity and different things.

    I really loved 3 because of the house aspect, where you should feel safe after waking up but as you progress through the game strange things start to happen inside as well. It was a great touch, because you kinda felt like your safe space is becoming corrupted as well. I had lots of mini heart attacks.

    That being said, when I think about dbd, I would rather they just make new ff games or remake the old ones. There is more comedy in dbd than horror.