Which Chris Redfield

For the resident evil fans, are you happy with the Chris cosmetic they added? Which one would you have wanted added instead? I personally like re 6 Chris the best.
It does not matter for me. I have him, i am happy.
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With Chris shapeshifting between every game, I'd say RE1 Chris was the right call, as it's his most iconic / consistent appearance. Though personally, I'm partial to ultra roided-out, boulder punching Chad Chris (aka RE5 Chris).
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The Chris in game is a mix Chris's from the series. He has the outfit from one, but he has facial hair and looks more buff than the RE1 Chris.
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I find it weird that the trailer shows a younger Chris but the model ingame is basically RE5 Chris. It’s like they couldn’t decide.
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Re5 definitely.
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They picked the most recognizable Chris aesthetic, so I think it's a perfect choice.
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Chris looked best in re6 and 5 in 1 he was okayish but bad graphic back than can't compete with newer one and for matter of resident evil 7 Chris we ain't talking about that one I'll pretend that was not Chris but ransom soldier with double personality
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Bro, I was hoping for re8 Chris. Dude looked like he's experienced some #########.