Stop being disproportionate!

First of all,
I understand that bugs and crashes are frustating and lows the fun of playing the game. But every game this big has the problems.
But to criticize every chapter or update saying its unplayable and demand a ridiculous amount BP for free is just disproportionate.
For example Skyrim had so many bugs over years and no one got any "compensation". We all get free Bp for the many bugs in dbd. Be greatful. I mean its still playable and enjoyable. Take it like a grown up.
Bethesda at least lets their community fix the bugs.
33 -
Name another online multiplayer game that has this many problems every patch.
51 -
I agree, the dbd community has a tendency to overreact to basically everything. I'm even on PC where the game crashes frequently and the thought of getting free bp or refunds never even crossed my mind. When you buy a game you are signing up for everything the game gives you, good or bad.
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The game is actually unplayable for some people.
It's literally sent my Xbox to the ######### Dead Zone twice in the last 12 hours.(cookie for anyone who gets that reference)
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Oh bhvr not? And let me remind you of cyberpunk. Maybe the biggest issues are fixed but they completely mess up the game. Would bhvr dine this dbd would be dead for real.
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Bethesda games are not multiplayer and you can repair the shoddy code with mods
We are at the mercy of the devs in this game and the speed that they fix and balance makes tar pitch look like it moves quick.
14 -
You call this playable?
49 -
Yh lets dont complain about a buggy game. That will make it better. Or not. Let people vent if they are not rude. And some changes we have now are only bc of complaining on a large scale, so while its not the most sophisticated way, its working.
And i play plenty of big games which have less problems then dbd.
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Maybe thats true, but dbd is more complex than other multiplayer games.
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The biggest license they've had in awhile and the map is unplayable. Most people wrote off the bugs from the previous chapters as them making sure the 5th anniversary patch would be great.
It isnt. Furst map in a year is disabled.
I think, and many many more people, think that the devs are unable to meet the 4 chapters a year deadline.
Be it workload or just problems with updating old code. Whatever it is, something is wrong.
Original chapters ok. You have your loyal player base and we have come to expect it. But new players coming over BECAUSE of the license, who maybe just want to check out their favorite characters in a new setting, come to see an unplayable bugfest.
I don't think we need bloodpoings as compensation. Although you spend money and 25% of the 4 listed selling points are unplayable, well maybe there should be some compensation. What we need are the devs to slow down. Take an extra couple weeks between chapters. And most importantly, deliver a playable game.
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Like i said frustating. I understand. But will BP solve it? Do you think this Problem didnt get solved?
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Pretty sure that's blatantly false.
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Well,the problem is still there and sure,no amount of BP or anything else would solve it but it would be a nice little compensation for the troubles this update is causing us.
A lot of people were excited for this chapter but can't play because of its terrible state it was released
23 -
It's not disproportionate at all. DbD has always been like this, people just pretend it isn't when things are slightly more stable. THE GAME HAS ALWAYS BEEN BARELY PLAYABLE. Graphical options are absolutly absent, Colorblind mode took 5 years to be made, there's no brightness setting, there's no FOV setting, it took 4 years to improve camera control on Consoles, Consoles don't even have Graphic presets it's just auto locked on Ultra in an optimized game. There's sound issues everytime, like Free Iron Will, ghost screams and moans, there's Desync, there's hit validation, there's notifications causing FPS drops, there's the ever increasing load times. There's a MULTITUDE OF ISSUES that have happened ALWAYS. And we never got a fix to any of this and the reason why is because BHVR is incompetent and because they are updating a very simple and old code everytime. Everytime they add something, the code breaks.
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I wouldn't compare a live-service game to a single player title, especially not anything from Bethesda, who get an unfair free pass from the gaming industry.
The Devs promised optimisation. They didn't deliver. In many cases people physically cannot use the content they paid for.
25 -
You're downplaying this way, way too much. This update has not only caused a majority of their player base to deem the game unplayable due to a ridiculous amount of lag, but it has also been making consoles overheat on a game that is 5 years old.
That is not okay, and we as the players need to speak up about it. Maybe if this kind-of thing didn't happen every single update they put out there wouldn't be such an uproar, but BHVR has a reputation for this.
Not to mention, this is literally their anniversary chapter and they managed to screw it up this much. I don't know how they do it, truly. As for the BP, it's basically a 'sorry' from the devs which is appreciated but 300k is just a joke considering the endless grind in this game, but that's another discussion for later.
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That enormous pile of shyte known as Outriders. And trust me, DbD is heaven compared to that alpha.
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Ok fair enough. But i never had that big issues in dbd.
1 -
Yeah, that's to be expected during a time when a game is you know, testing things, and not fully released.
10 -
That is untrue. Maybe from a game design perspective of there being multiple sides, but from a technical, engineering perspective. No, it's not.
Natural Selection and it's sequel Natural Selection 2 are far more complicated both technically and even design-wise. Basically, it's an RTS/FPS combo where one person is playing an RTS and commanding people while the other people on the team are playing an FPS.
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I guess you have never played the game. If you did, you would know that it is a full release, and that I only refer to it as an alpha, because that's what it looks to be. A little bit of information wouldn't hurt, sometimes, before writing.
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But to criticize every chapter or update saying its unplayable and demand a ridiculous amount BP for free is just disproportionate.
but... the chapter is quite literally unplayable for many due to the performance issues...
optimisation this chapter is really a mess.
12 -
I didnt spend like 400 bucks on skyrim.
4 -
This. Looping is an absolute nightmare right now on console, i had my frames drop when someone dropped a pallet earlier. Any sort of status change at alk causes freezing and in a game like this those seconds count a lot
5 -
But the issue is you made this post to call out others for complaining and being "disproportionate". People paid good money for this game and many people the dlc. If the game is having issues that make it unplayable for those people that is an issue, even if does not personally affect you. Dont minimize others criticisms just because you dont experience the issues.
Also, there is nothing wrong with people demanding bugs be fixed or compensation for the issues. If demands like that help discourage the devs from making the same mistakes over and over and over then they should be encourages not discouraged, cause obviously they are too understaffed, lazy, or incompetent to realize they keep making the same mistakes repeatedly. Maybe if the devs realize there is consequences to breaking the game for a large percentage of their player base then they will either release patches in better states or be quicker to address and fix any issues that do occur.
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If we stop criticizing, nothing will ever change.
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Elder scrolls.
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There are multiplayer bethesda games. They equally have a bunch of issues, and usually do with updates, making the game unplayable at times - system crashes, disconnecting from the server, unable to group up with people, losing comms, crashes in PVP often, having to reload the game because the load screen gets stuck. Even been issues where characters get stuck in certain areas which make them unplayable until a new update comes out. Bethesdas response? Play a different character… And they’re just some of issues off the top of my head I can think of.
I get the frustration with DBD at the moment - but in comparison, it isn’t as bad as other multiplayer games I’ve played. Doesn’t make it okay, but considering they are a smaller company, they fix issues pretty quick and compensate, something no you don’t see with bigger companies.
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That is literally the worst I've ever seen this game. AND I PLAY ON SWITCH (mostly), I've had one freeze and like 3 crashes. THAT'S IT, seeing that gameplay makes me go "Jesus Christ things are worse than I thought."
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Like ALL of them. :) This is the nature of the biz.
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This is literally only true because those games are meant to be cash grabs. And there's a reason why they come out and die the next day. And that still doesn't stop people from degrading them so why should people be ok with a product the were promised to be broken? You wouldn't be ok going to a store for some tools and everything on the shelf are damaged beyond repair now would you?
1 -
Identity V
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Yeah but no.
Not every game big or small has this kind of bs crap updates.
Sure some game do but many don't.
Unfortunately with dbd it's getting worse and worse because they take the only testing data from the ptb.
They don't test it properly to find the problems before releasing the dlc, trust me this is going on for a long time now.
But let's take a look for example to ubisoft with rainbow 6 siege, they hat some major problems but guess what they did?
Well they didn't put their heads in the sand pretending nothing is wrong, no they acknowledge there were problems.
And the way they fixed this?
They dedicated an entire season to a QOL, or as they called it a operation health.
Sure you can say "but ubisoft is a big company and bhvr is just an indie"
Yes that is true, but can you remember during a Q&A what they said about QOL?
They were bragging that they are now big enough to push out new content and do QOL at the same time.
Let's be honest, do you really notice anything about QOL?
I don't mean afterwards but during the launch of a new dlc?
Nope, every time with new dlc new AND old bugs/clitches come into the game.
Then there will be some time passing before they find it and then more time to fix it and again before releasing a update for fixing some.
And yes they create new ones a lot of the time too.
I've been calling it for a long time now, to fix their problems and optimize the game, they need to dedicate a chapter soly to QOL.
The game will be much better and they have less trouble with future updates/dlc.
But until they get their heads out of their butts, that will never happen
3 -
Cough couch ubisoft couch 😅
With operation health on rainbow 6 siege they actually gave free stuff to everyone who were playing the game before that season.
A full elite skin for Ash, as well as weapon skins and charms for her and some weapon skins and charms for some other operators.
And, but i could be wrong, they even gave some rainbow 6 points, ie game currency which you normally had to buy with real life money. 😉
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I would say if it includes offline single player game, Cyberpunk 2077 on release is comparable.
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I brought Skyrim up as an example in an earlier thread as well. The more complex the game (this game may not seem complex but there's an incredible amount of variables), the more there is to keep track of, thus the more likely there will be bugs. GTA Online had this problem too. Other major, MAJOR developers have also had serious bugs.
Should that be the case? Ideally, no. Does that mean that everyone is automatically entitled to free stuff whenever something goes wrong? No.
That said, some people in this thread have brought up some VERY good points and I don't discount them. Many people have put a considerable amount of money into this game. Given how many updates the game has had, many players have also had to deal with this an unreasonable number of times. Also, some have had what are alleged (I'm not there to prove it so I'm just not going to take a side) to be damage to their consoles thanks to this update, which is as serious as it gets.
I think that at the end of the day some people are using the update's issues as an excuse for hyperbole and greed whereas others are being honest about the number of problems that the update has caused. The main focus should be on getting things back on track. That's what's most important right now. Talk of compensation, if there is to be any (and there certainly should be for anyone who can prove that the game damaged their property) can come afterward.
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I should’ve said, something you usually* don’t see with bigger companies. At least from my experience. That’s cool that ubisoft have actually compensated players though.
with all the issues ESO has had, and there have been a plethora, not once have they given plyers anything, and a lot of them pay monthly subscriptions for the benefits it brings. And when you oay a subscription for the game to bot work, or servers to go down a lot, it’s kind of a slap in the face. One of the many reasons I stopped playing was because of the game’s health. Apparently it has improved now, but it was a little too late for me to get back into it.
i do think BHVR sort things out pretty quick… although I know people think they put their head in the sand. They could be better at communicating, but they do get things fixed as soon as they can, from what I see.
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The ######### it is.
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My game freezing every 10 seconds doesn't sound playable or fun to me.
9 -
OH goodie, another white knight to defend a company that doesn't need it. Take your grandstanding elsewhere please, the grown ups are talking.
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You're not at all wrong, but don't forget that DBD is a game of thousands and thousands of variables. Between more than 50 characters with a couple hundred perks and powers plus 36 different maps and multiple player and match states there's a lot of calculating going on under the hood. I'm not making excuses for them - if the game can work fine in the PTB (which it did) I don't know why there are so many problems now - but the game definitely does have a lot of things that it needs to be "thinking" about at any given time, even if it doesn't appear that a lot is actually happening onscreen.
Well put.
1 -
You clearly don't play on console.
The console experience, if you can't tell by now, is absolutely miserable.
No joke, the least optimized game I have ever played in my life.
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And the sad thing? People on PC are getting console tier performance right now. Ten digit frames when generators pop, hooking survivors, using killer powers etc. And these are rigs with well beyond reasonable requirements. This is just unexcuseable to consistently do this every update.
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Never compare Bethesda to anyone, the damn fallout community made an update for the game that fixed bugs for a mod
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Hey could you stop licking their boots couldn't hear you down there, real talk though DBD has more bugs then any other popular multiplayer game that it's an insult to compare anything else to it, it's almost impressive tbh.
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Okay i was to quick with my Reaction. You are right when for the most people the game is unplayable (especially on console) , thats not good and i understand your Frustration. But im not a white knight or a boot licker. I had a opinion that i changed slightly. Im tired of the greedieness of BP and other stuff in this forum thats all. Just wanted put out my opinion in this.
0 -
Sorry no, that's not even a real apology. Nobody that has actually played this game for more than 100 hours is going to be happy with 300k BP. That's a drop in the bucket to every single player. On average to a killer player if they score 25k BP and have BBQ with no BP Offerings they will get 50k, that's 6 matches to equal out that amount and let's be generous and say every match is 10 minutes long, that's ONLY an hour of time they gave out. It's literally nothing, especially when you realize that 300k BP is equivalent to roughly 20% of the way to LV 50, factor in that once you've learned enough teachables, even getting LV 50 is pointless as you'll be missing a large majority of perks.
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Okay what would be the right amount of bp to apologize for this broken Patch?
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There is no "right amount". It's the fact they basically said all of the issues that the patch has brought out which include up to staggering performance issues on rigs that never existed pre-patch, to the point it's impossible to actually play, to actually removing half of the DLC people paid for because it just doesn't work is equal to an hour of our time. It's a giant middle finger to the entire player base. The LEAST they could do is offer a double BP weekend once they have sorted the issues out. But as it stands? 300k is the equivalent to being told piss off.