Why is this even a thing?!

or paste this after .com /watch?v=a9ber4qZWFw&feature=youtu.be

and this had been going on for atleast 5 min before i started recording.

I get it there should be a hatch. but as soon as the hatch spawns the killer loses the game. If there is only 1 person left and he has full hp just impossible to win you lost, he won. Even if you done everything right. You killed every one you found the hatch before he did, you lose.
Why cant you grab people like when they are vaulting? And why cant you grab people cuz your stuck in your attack cooldown ? i mean i dont get it. i realy dont... Sure if your stuck in the attack cooldown so they have a chance to escape but why cant i grab him straight up if hes kissing my shoes like in the clip?
Yes your arguement is dont kill the second last guy keep him on the ground go look for the last guy, yes so i did, but apprently he had the perk to get up by him self. therefore the hatch spawnd i found it before he did and i killed all his friends am i not the one who deserves to win? Nope cuz the hatch is a free ticket out no matter what even if hes kissing my shoes i cant do jack ######### more then watch him and eventualy it becomes a staring contest, legit.... Realistic.... Fun....
Im not saying remove the hatch its good to have and makes it more challening, but why is this even a thing why cant u grab them? i even tryd to body block the hatch and he magicaly jumps straight through me, is this the way it should be?


  • Unknown1313
    Unknown1313 Member Posts: 7

    @Master said:
    Honest answer?

    BHVR didnt really think about the implications of the hatch mechanic when they created it. And back in the days I cant remember that I ever was in such a situation.

    It simply is a flawed mechanic and even those entitlted survivors know this (even if they wont say so in public). BHVR already suggested a hatch closing mechanic, but then withdrew it last second. That was half a year ago and im still waiting, but on the other hand thy also scrapped the DS and SC rework..... I see a pattern here :wink:

    The only thing you can do as killer is slugging the last 2 survivors and hope that they dont DC for each other

    ye i mean that seems to be the only thing to do, but i generaly think the one who found the hatch first deserves to be the winner i this situation but as of right now if the survivor has full hp hes the winner no matter what. A closing mechanic would be great to have. And thanks for an honest and a respectful answer.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Someone that desperate for the hatch is an easy grab. Just back up and grab them as they jump in.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    You killed three of them and one escaped Me I would consider that a win in my book. I just let them have the hatch I rather move on to another game then sit there and waste time.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @I_am_Negan said:
    You killed three of them and one escaped Me I would consider that a win in my book. I just let them have the hatch I rather move on to another game then sit there and waste time.

    Correction: He killed 2 and one DC'd because of entitlement.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @I_am_Negan said:
    You killed three of them and one escaped Me I would consider that a win in my book. I just let them have the hatch I rather move on to another game then sit there and waste time.

    Correction: He killed 2 and one DC'd because of entitlement.

    Ok is that in the video I didn't watch I was going on what he typed

    @Unknown1313 said:

    Yes your arguement is dont kill the second last guy keep him on the ground go look for the last guy, yes so i did, but apprently he had the perk to get up by him self. therefore the hatch spawnd i found it before he did and i killed all his friends am i not the one who deserves to win?

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    "whoever finds the hatch first wins." 

    you do realize it's WAY easier for the killer to find the hatch than the survivor, right? 

    they actually have to stealth around to find it without getting found themselves, meanwhile the killer can just stroll around looking for it without fear. 

    don't get me wrong, the hatch mechanic needs some tweaks, but so often I have seen this work against the survivors. 

    just last night had facecamping Michael that wiped the team + 1 disconnect. 

    after I died I spectated and when the hatch standoff hit, he stalked the survivor in front of her and then tombstoned her...  there are ways around it.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Unknown1313 said:

    @Master said:
    Honest answer?

    BHVR didnt really think about the implications of the hatch mechanic when they created it. And back in the days I cant remember that I ever was in such a situation.

    It simply is a flawed mechanic and even those entitlted survivors know this (even if they wont say so in public). BHVR already suggested a hatch closing mechanic, but then withdrew it last second. That was half a year ago and im still waiting, but on the other hand thy also scrapped the DS and SC rework..... I see a pattern here :wink:

    The only thing you can do as killer is slugging the last 2 survivors and hope that they dont DC for each other

    ye i mean that seems to be the only thing to do, but i generaly think the one who found the hatch first deserves to be the winner i this situation but as of right now if the survivor has full hp hes the winner no matter what. A closing mechanic would be great to have. And thanks for an honest and a respectful answer.

    even if the survivor is injured, you cant slap him because he can enter hatch in downed state while you wipe your weapon.> @I_am_Negan said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @I_am_Negan said:
    You killed three of them and one escaped Me I would consider that a win in my book. I just let them have the hatch I rather move on to another game then sit there and waste time.

    Correction: He killed 2 and one DC'd because of entitlement.

    Ok is that in the video I didn't watch I was going on what he typed

    @Unknown1313 said:

    Yes your arguement is dont kill the second last guy keep him on the ground go look for the last guy, yes so i did, but apprently he had the perk to get up by him self. therefore the hatch spawnd i found it before he did and i killed all his friends am i not the one who deserves to win?

    Didnt even watch the video classic

    I love guys like you

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    @Master said:

    @Unknown1313 said:

    @Master said:
    Honest answer?

    BHVR didnt really think about the implications of the hatch mechanic when they created it. And back in the days I cant remember that I ever was in such a situation.

    It simply is a flawed mechanic and even those entitlted survivors know this (even if they wont say so in public). BHVR already suggested a hatch closing mechanic, but then withdrew it last second. That was half a year ago and im still waiting, but on the other hand thy also scrapped the DS and SC rework..... I see a pattern here :wink:

    The only thing you can do as killer is slugging the last 2 survivors and hope that they dont DC for each other

    ye i mean that seems to be the only thing to do, but i generaly think the one who found the hatch first deserves to be the winner i this situation but as of right now if the survivor has full hp hes the winner no matter what. A closing mechanic would be great to have. And thanks for an honest and a respectful answer.

    even if the survivor is injured, you cant slap him because he can enter hatch in downed state while you wipe your weapon.> @I_am_Negan said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @I_am_Negan said:
    You killed three of them and one escaped Me I would consider that a win in my book. I just let them have the hatch I rather move on to another game then sit there and waste time.

    Correction: He killed 2 and one DC'd because of entitlement.

    Ok is that in the video I didn't watch I was going on what he typed

    @Unknown1313 said:

    Yes your arguement is dont kill the second last guy keep him on the ground go look for the last guy, yes so i did, but apprently he had the perk to get up by him self. therefore the hatch spawnd i found it before he did and i killed all his friends am i not the one who deserves to win?

    Didnt even watch the video classic

    I love guys like you

    Why do I have to watch a video on a hatch stand off for when I know the outcome of it. Smack them and move on. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    When I get to that instance I just get up, go to the kitchen, grab some snack, I make me a coffe, read the news and take my time to enjoy it. Then I get back to the game. I may have lost the stand off, but I made the survivor waste a lot of time ;-)
  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    Killing the 3rd last survivor and are allowing hatch to open is your fault. You are allowing the hatch escape.

    If you don't want a stand off, then don't allow hatch to spawn.

    If you want to 4k then slug and deny hatch. ez.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    I think i speak for both survivors and killers saying that hatch end-game is boring

    they should simply open the exit gates, exposed effect on survivor and make both the survivor and killer auras readable, as easy as that

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    all they need to do is make it so that if a killer is standing directly overtop of an open hatch (maybe 2m radius) They get a buff that removes the weapon wipe/flick/etc cooldown. that way standoffs wont be a thing, but the hatch will stay open in case the survivor can juke the killer enough to come full circle back to it with a lead.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    Going to be an unpopular opinion but they need to keep the hatch and it needs to be survivor sided.

    Lets be honest. If you get 3 kills as killer and the last guy gets the hatch, most of us aren't fussed. We know we won the game there. In fact we dominated it. Plus if you really wanted it badly you would have slugged.

    Now, here's the situation with survivors - and I don't want anyone to commment disagreeing with me unless you've played a lot of survivors.

    Survivors disconnect. A lot.

    We've all seen it. You down that claudette in the first 30 seconds, she missed her Decisive skillcheck, and she disconnects with 5 gens remaining.

    Now the game just immediately got incredibly ######### for the remaining survivors. They all know that their chances of getting those exit gates open are very slim so what do they do? They either decide to disconnect since the game is already ruined, or they decide to suck it up and stay in the game, earn some points, and at least there's always the hatch right?

    What do you think will happen if the hatch goes? Or if the killer can close it?

    The survivors would know theres no hope for them at that point. They aren't going to do 5 gens between 3 of them, there's no chance of winning, easier to just disconnect and move on to a new game.

    Killers have to ask themselves would you rather have everyone disconnect or would you rather have people stay in the game and play with you?

    Because I can assure you that if you take away the hatch from survivors or any kind of second chance the disconnect rate is going to increase.

    Besides isn't that part of the lore? Thay the entity gives them hope? Makes sense to have a way out for them.

    To the OP - I don't know why you consider the hatch a loss. 3k and a hatch escape is definitely a win. 4k is total domination. 2k is a draw and the game is balanced around that.

    That's definitely just your perception of the game.
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I don't think its a matter of win vs lose, but more of the fact that if the killer does everything right during a match it can still end in a BS manner with no fault of their own. The current hatch only punishes a killer's mistake during the standoff. Survivors should have a way out, but the escape should be a tense moment were every action counts. A 1sec window to grab the guy is not really a defense, so much so that some will even wait for the killer as a last sec taunt. If your in chase and get it, it feels rewarding. Most other situations it just feels like a hand out.
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    A lot of you people are saying just let them get the hatch, they stayed alive through the whole match so they win, stop complaining, etc. Your opinion is on the Survivor side only, as a Survivor on the hatch standoff it's boring as hell because you can't escape and the killer is not going to leave until he gets you or you get out so not much you can do except juke him. As a killer you're trying to kill everyone and when you get to that hatch standoff it's boring because if you move you don't get the kill and you look like a try hard for wanting that 4k when there is NOTHING WRONG with getting a 4k.

    The point is it is boring for both sides, Survivors ARE NOT entitled the Hatch, Killers ARE NOT entitled to a 4k so saying anything relating to that is stupid and makes you sound privileged. This game is about skill and the Hatch has no skill, therefore, it is a broken easy escape.

    My suggestion for a fix---Survivors are looking for the Hatch if they did not already know where it is so since they are sneaking around anyway what if the Hatch always needs a key? When the Hatch spawns a chest also spawns in that has the key to open it. The catch is this only happens if there is one Survivor left and at least 2 Gens have been done, just like normal. Any other time you would need to randomly find a Skeleton key or bring a key in with you so it isn't overpowered.

    The game changes to a hide and seek instead of a race, if you find the chest and get the key without being seen then the Killer has failed in his quest and the Survivor has to find the Hatch and escape, if they find the Hatch BAM automatic get out of jail free card, no hatch grab. That escape was earned and then some.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    mcNuggets said:

    @Avariku said:
    "whoever finds the hatch first wins." 

    you do realize it's WAY easier for the killer to find the hatch than the survivor, right? 

    they actually have to stealth around to find it without getting found themselves, meanwhile the killer can just stroll around looking for it without fear. 

    don't get me wrong, the hatch mechanic needs some tweaks, but so often I have seen this work against the survivors. 

    just last night had facecamping Michael that wiped the team + 1 disconnect. 

    after I died I spectated and when the hatch standoff hit, he stalked the survivor in front of her and then tombstoned her...  there are ways around it.

    "There are way around it"

    Playing michael with tombstone isn't really a way "around it".

    How is that not a way around it?  he killed her. hatch standoff ended and killer got his kill, that's literally proving you wrong, period...

    and there are other ways around it than just that, slugging the 3rd survivor, aura reading perks, need I go on?

    and yea, I couldn't care less about people whining about 1 survivor escaping... you've already won the round, that final kill is just for your ego. 500bp? please.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Yhe hatch is required

    People who have bad team but perform well getting a chance to escape for example

    Right now tho its just an help for new survivors that comes in the game while is being abused by the experienced ones by dcing or suiciding

    It needs to be looked at but you can see how hard is to balance as they want to do. Preserve the bad player base giving free stuff easily and ignoring high skilled players on both sides. One of the reason they scratched the ability to close the hatch. As they said "felt unfair", which it would be if you are rank 20

    The entire end game should've been revisited entirely but the hatch have to stay
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    I honestly feel that a killer should be able to grab a survivor who isn’t walking/running, or they should find a way to possibly implement that. The Doctor should easily be able to just...grab Claudette right there. Or maybe be able to grab them after a set time of not moving from a certain area like how the crows show up

  • Unknown1313
    Unknown1313 Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2018

    @xmenfanatic said:

    I honestly feel that a killer should be able to grab a survivor who isn’t walking/running, or they should find a way to possibly implement that. The Doctor should easily be able to just...grab Claudette right there. Or maybe be able to grab them after a set time of not moving from a certain area like how the crows show up

    This i agree to or the hatch closes after a set amount of time.