Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Things killers do that people may consider toxic but actually aren’t

Okay let me clear the air right now since I’ve been called toxic so many times this past week for doing my objective (and making the game less annoying and hard for myself). These are things I consider to be fine to do as a killer, though some survivors seem to find it toxic:

  1. Hitting a survivor right after hooking them (I do this to stop their scream).
  2. Returning to hook after an unhook has occurred (I have no info on any other survivors, or I want the person who made the unhook).
  3. Downing/rehooking a survivor that was just rescued/picked up (I only tend to do this if no one is trying to take aggro or if I need more pressure on gens that are going too fast. I tend to just slug the unhooked person so that I can at least get some pressure while still giving the person another chance. If it’s that much of an issue just use DS or Unbreakable).
  4. Proxy watching a hook that was strategically placed (It’s a defensive maneuver, generally meant to bring survivors into your area of protection so that you may also watch over a gen or two)
  5. Defending the last hooked survivor after gens are completed and the gates are 99’d or open. (What else can I do at this point of the game besides give up and gain no more points).
  6. Using NOED or Devour Hope (just cleanse totems, they are meant to be strong perks that have high risk value)
  7. Utilizing the basement to full effect (for certain killers the basement can generate a lot of pressure for them, which may be needed in order to win the game at times)
  8. Using a Mori (after their recent change I don’t even know why the devs want to change Moris because they no longer do anything besides send the survivor out in style)
  9. Tunneling someone with a key (in an attempt to potentially remove the key from the match after killing the key holder if they have the right addon for it or to prevent an unfair early end to the game bc of a broken mechanic still in the game).
  10. Playing Spirit (she was a killer added to the game that people had to pay for or earn with shards. While yes she has a strong power that isn’t hard to learn, there are still ways to play around a Spirit if you as the survivor are perceptive. Don’t be mad at me for playing a character I find fun that is also viable at higher ranks).


  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197
    edited June 2021

    I would just like to add that if i'm hooked in the basement beside somebody else - PLEASE slap us both on the hook! We'll get protection hits for it!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    When the killer plays in such a way that the survivor doesn't feel they got a chance to participate, it feels personal. It's usually not, but it feels that way, so the survivor calls it toxic. Toxicity, true toxicity, is breaking the rules and/or being offensive in chat. A post about everything that's not toxic could go on forever.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    The only thing a killer can do that i see as legit toxic is slugging all 4 survivors and letting them bleed out on purpose.

    Survivors just the messages i get.

    Other than that its all whatever

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Ive never understood this. I think its HILARIOUS smacking the survivor on hook. I laugh when i do it and when it happens to me. I dont know why, it never doesnt make me laugh. Why do you find it toxic?

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I said I assume some people are trying to be #########, which some definitely are. Additionally, I could ask the same question, for a few of these (cause some are just not toxic unless a very certain situation) how would you know they're not trying to be #########?

    Usually when it occurs to me its paired with a not so nice head shake or head nod, which to me is the killer equivalent of teabagging. Maybe its changed since I've played survivor frequently, but to me it's always sseemed toxic.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    "Loads of killers do majority of these just to be an ass" =/= "I assume some people are trying to be #########".

    and just to be clear, I didn't make any claim about what they are trying to do. All I said is that you are assuming they are doing X to be an #########.

    It's on you to prove they are doing it to be an #########. It's not on me to prove they aren't.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    I dont see tbagging as toxic either. None of it phases me anymore. They are similar though, ill give you that

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    These are all situations where the survivors are at fault. Get good.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    edited June 2021

    Ah yes because loads must mean everyone.

    Also if it's on anyone it's on OP to prove killers dont do this for toxicity other than saying what they think if anyone. They're the one that made the original 'controversial' claim, they're the one that should prove that their claim is right.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I'm glad that you dont then ^^ Personally my mental health is too fragile to be able to take the laugh out of it (mainly bc its frequent in all games that allow crouching) but maybe eventually itll stop causing me to tilt.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Can't even have a normal discussion without it going to a, them vs. us mentality. Jesus, people. It's a damn game.

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339

    So what about when a killer who downed a person who is crawling to the exit and is 2 feet away picking up the survivor and repeating said action until the time runs out? Is that not considered toxic? Define toxic as killers see it. I can tell you how frustrating it is when a killer does this. Either put me on the hook or let me leave. I ask because i have seen killers do this to me multiple times. I am never toxic to killers. So what could I have possibly did to deserve such trolling.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Its not even a real tbag, its the same animation survivors use to say heal me, thank you and hello to eachother. Its pixels bouncing up and down together. Just smile, nod, and slap them :)

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    loads =/= some.

    some implies a small quantity. saying "Some people do X", implies you can find people doing it, but they are a minority.

    loads implies a large quantity. "loads of people do X" implies that they are either the majority, or close to it.

    and OP has already made their case. They aren't saying "no killer does this to be toxic". they are saying "Killers aren't necessarily trying to be toxic when they do X".

    and then they gave examples of non toxic reasons why a killer would do those things. They already proven their point.

    You shouldn't strawman people

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    The situation you described isnt any different than survivors hanging out in the exit gates or on top of hatch till the killer shows up. Something 99% of survivors do. Sure, its annoying, but toxic? Feels to strong of a word. The messages i get from survivors are the only thing i see as toxic from that side.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    Look buddy nothing killers do is toxic survivors are just salty and think they have a rule book for killers. (I'm personally a survivor main and I think nodding is funny, camping is also funny cause there handicapping themselves and I respect tunneling cause it's a strategy. Overall killers cant be toxic even if they try.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    Fact of the matter is, only killers who are very good at the game have the option to consciously not do a lot of these things and still stand a chance of winning, especially against experienced survivors. As a survivor, I've gone against killers who have immediately gotten 2k and two downs, and they'll intentionally let us get up and give us enough gens that one of us can escape. If you're so good at the game that you need to handicap yourself just to make things a challenge, that's cool, but a lot of us aren't there yet.

    Me, I've never made it higher than rank 12. I've only been seriously playing the game for a couple months (before that, I'd play the occasional game casually and usually lose if I was playing killer), and I'm just now getting to the point where I can 3-4k a little more than half my games on low ranks.

    Outright camping hooks is bad strategy, but if I have to patrol hooks or try to guess when a survivor is likely to be unhooked and try to catch them in the act or re-down them immediately in order to save a game, that's what I'm going to do. My skills are gradually improving, but it seems like for every time I do that, I've missed two or three basic attacks or free downs that I would have gotten if my reflexes had just been a little better (I'm also playing on Stadia, which means there's a slight delay between my input and whatever I see on the screen - not enough to be really noticeable, but it probably makes a difference in online competitive games like DBD; I also am suffering from brain injury, which has affected my reflexes and cognitive skills).

    Eventually, I may get to a point where I'm such a godlike player that I can give away free rescues and escapes to let the players have more fun while still standing a chance myself, but if I have to run NOED to turn 0k into 4k in the meantime (not a regular occurrence, but it has happened), that's my business.

    I do this for two reasons.

    One, the tiny dopamine rush I get from slapping a survivor just after they're hooked and stopping their scream is fun. There's no emotional attachment or malice behind it in that case.

    Two, yes, as an expression of anger. That one experienced survivor who has consistently unhooked everyone I've gotten, cost me 4 gens of looping to catch and therefore the game, and then has the gall to t-bag me on top of it? Yeah, getting facecamped and slashed at. Can watch her teammates die in front of her trying to get the rescue. Getting tunneled if unhooked even if there's an easier kill.

    Some of that's on me for playing badly that match, sure, but if someone else is not going to be a good sport, I'm not going to be a good sport. (Alternatively, even if somebody was a good sport, but they ######### spanked me all match, I still might not be a good sport, but at least they know why I'm doing it and probably laughing at me from the other side of the screen.)

    That said, I don't understand why some people get so goddamn emotionally attached to this game. It's a lot of fun, but it's just pixels on a screen. It's not an actual life event. It's not worth getting mad about.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Aight I'll apologise for the loads and some bit. I'm Irish and if you dont know, Irish people tend to be dramatic per se with their language.

    For example, we may say "I'm starving" when we're slightly hungry or "Its lashing rain" when its slightly raining.

    As for the not toxic vs toxic part, I think it makes a bit more sense when I mention the bit above, as when I say loads, I forget not every person here is Irish and over dramatize things as we do, so loads to me is equivalent to some while to you not as much.

    Otherwise, apologies again and g'day.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    I don't do that sort of thing myself, but I always just assumed, when I first started playing the game, that we were supposed to play in character, so it didn't bother me much when it happened to me. Have you seen some of the movies these killers were based on? They would absolutely do something like that.

    Honestly, I was shocked - SHOCKED - the first time a killer gave me the hatch. It just didn't compute. Why the hell would Ghostface do that? Ghostface wants to kill everyone. Ghostface is an #########.

    Now I understand that most people who play it aren't too immersed in the horror movie aspects of it, but I still don't take it personally at this point, because I understand that some killers may still see themselves as trying to create the authentic horror movie experience.

    Now, it does piss me off a little when you've got three masked Neas T-bagging you and clicking their flashlights at you while you're on the hook instead of rescuing you, but the last time that happened, they walked into a bunch of beartraps in front of me once the terror radius popped up and got hooked themselves. Instant karma, hahahaha.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    I would agree with you to a large extent. The only thing I see as toxic from the killers is hitting people on hook. Especially after the last game when the killer just kept on hitting me on hook since I was the last one left. I don't care since it is a game, but something tells me that that person playing the killer isn't right in the head. It is a reflection of who they are as a person that they do that, and yeah I think they are a toxic individual who I wouldn't want to be around. I would worry for their friends and family.

    There are things that also reflect that on the survivors side. I do think relentlessly tbagging at the hatch and the exit gate is a ######### thing to do to someone. Everything else I don't care. When its the end of the game, that is when you are just being a dick.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Let me expand your list

    11: Tbagging, flashlight clicking, emoting, taunting are just gameplay tools to distract killer, make them to change focus, bait on chase, force them to make mistakes and lose macro pressure

    12: Tbagging at the exit gates. Again nothing really toxic with it. Game is definitely lacking tools that helps players communicate with each other. That's why tbagging is universal and simple tool to do it. Survivors tbag each other thanking for unhooking, healing or just greeting. So tbagging at the exit gates is just the way to thank killer player for the match: ""gg fellow killer. thank you very much for interesting and exciting game. You did well. Good luck in the next match. Please respond with nodding". Killers shouldn't be offended by this. Please come to to the exit gates to say gg. Hiding in the basement is just rude

    13: Flashlight saves, sabo, head-on, meta perks. It's just game-related tools. Nothing toxic about it.

    I think we all should agree that nothing toxic can happen in dbd match. Everything is allowed. Toxicity is made up term created by sensitive people

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339

    I don't like when survivors are toxic to killers either. It goes both ways. All toxicity does is creates more toxicity. My point is i would rather be put on a hook so I can start another match not sit there and just wait for the time to run out. Its a win win. Get me on the hook and I die you get the kill and I can start a new match.

  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    So a Ghostface downing the last surv, picking them up and carrying them to the hatch, closing it in front of them and T-bagging them until the match is over isn't toxic to you?

  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566

    All second chance perks are rewards for doing poorly, whether it's on survivors or the killer it doesn't change that fact. And survivors have a lot more of them to run, which cannot be completely nullified before they even have an effect on the game.

    Do you ever come with any kind of logic or facts with your constant complaining?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    there's nothing to apologize about. It's just different usage of language. As long as we can clear any confusion, it's all good.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    are you seriously trying to tell me that survivors waiting the entire end game collapse inside the exit gates, just to teabag the killer and leave... are not doing it to be toxic? for real?

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Sounds like that killers having a great time. Toxic no, a killer having fun yes.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Thats certainly a di#$ move, id probably laugh though

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    The 4K rate isn’t sky high. And half the things you listed are the survivors fault anyways (whether it be because of a teammate or yourself or the team as a whole).

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    Yeah it's not toxic cause thats just the mechanic of ghostface

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Notice how many times you said something like "This example situation isn't toxic (buuuuut...)

    The reason I bring this up, is because you point out specific ways of doing it that aren't toxic, but some of the things you listed, do have people doing it in a way that's relatively "toxic." Like sure, downing and rehooking a survivor while no other survivors are trying to take pressure or some situation like that, that's not toxic. But I'm sure you are aware of how many killers do down and rehook survivors again and again just because they can, and not because the survivor deserved it or anything. Maybe the survivor just didn't happen to have DS, and they just happened to be the one to get chosen by a tunneling camping killer.

    I don't disagree with you mostly though. Plenty of fair points, especially that first one. I too hit the survivors right as I hook them just so they don't scream in my ear. Especially Megs.

  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    It's not really about whether or not it upsets you, it's more about whether it's toxic behavior or not.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Yeah, I see a pretty glaring theme with your posts. You are a bad Survivor, and a Troll here. If you spent even 10% of the energy you do complaining here on playing the game and practicing, you wouldn't have the issues you whine about. This is a PvP game. The roles have mutually exclusive goals. The only things one has to do to be a good sport (regardless of role) are:

    1. Don't cheat, either by hack or lag spike.
    2. Don't disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    And for the record, your endless trolling over here is not being gracious in your defeat. You need to take ownership of your failures if you want to get better at this game.

  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    Do you ever just shut up, seriously. Stop taking this game like its two sides against each other and balance so everyone can just have fun?

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2021

    All of those things should just be expected. They are normal parts of the game. Except for hitting on the hook. It makes me wonder why the killer is irritated with someone who didn't tbag and wasn't hard to catch. Feels underserved.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Yeah but does that mean? "Toxic behaviour" if it doesnt even upset you why complain?

  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    Because it's done, very likely, with the intention to upset you. It being successful or not doesn't really have to matter.

    Lets take it this way: If in the endgame chat, someone started slinging some really rough slurs at you then is it okay for them to do that just because you personally aren't offended by it?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Stop thinking the killer is irritated. And suddenly you might just realize another reason for why they are doing it.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Ok but bouncing your pixelated ass up and down in the air is a far cry from slurs. Like, its a horrible comparison. They arent even close.

    And yeah, if you arent offended by something who cares?

  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    They're both done with the intention to upset you, that's the clear comparison. The slurs are just a bunch of pixelated letters that only give as much meaning as you want them to, if you want to oversimplify it that much.

    I see. I was just curious to your stance on it. Personally, I'd rather the behavior not be around at all. Even if it doesn't affect me, there's someone out there it will get to and make their day worse.